It can help you create backgrounds that can grow or shrink to fill the available space.
- imageURL (string) - url of image
- dstWidth (integer) - destination width of image
- dstHeight (integer) - destination height of image
- top (integer) - distance to top of image
- right (integer) - distance to right of image
- bottom (integer) - distance to bottom of image
- left (integer) - distance to left of image
- callback (function) - you can get final image bt it
This tool is written by UMD norm. So you can use it as follows:
- RequireJS
- Script Tag
<script src="/resizable-image/index.js"></script>
ResizableImage.init('', 200, 200, 10, 40, 40, 10, (err, image) => {
if (err) return console.log(err)
console.log(image) // ......