browserify.require() for templates and other resources, made as a set of browserify plugins.
Usually You need it to precompile client-side templates and use it in Browser.
It allows to work with resources (templates) using standard require('./my-template')
as if
it's an ordinary JavaScript file.
Note: You can use fileify to require all files (templates) in directory recursively.
Available plugins
- eco - .eco
- ejs - .ejs
- handlebars - .hbs, .handlebars
- hogan - .hg, .hogan
- jade - .jade
It's also easy to add a new one. As a sample take a look at eco, it's about seven lines of code.
Install resourcify and template engine You want.
npm install resourcify jade
Plug resourcify into browserify
browserify app.js -w -p resourcify/jade -o bundle.js
...var jade =bundle...
Now You can use require('/my-template')
for .jade