
1.0.3 • Public • Published

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Validation middleware for restify powered by validator.

Get it

This module is available on npm under the name of restify-validation-engine.

npm install restify-validation-engine

Load it

Then you can load it as a simple middleware.

  • You can add your own validators in the customValidators key of the options.
  • You can specify if you want a list of error or just one with multipleErrors.
  • You can change the way the error looks with the formatter.
var restify = require('restify'),
    restifyValidator = require('restify-validation-engine');
var server = restify.createServer({
    name: 'myServer'
    customValidators: {
        myValidator: function (value) {
            // Here put your custom validation and return true for valid or false
    multipleErrors: false // True if you want a list as result
    formatter: function (errors) {
        // errors can be an array or an object depending on `multipleErrors`
        if (!Array.isArray(errors)) {
            return errors;
        return {
            status: 'error',
            errors: errors

Use it

Now you can use the module in the definitions of your routes e.g.

    url: '/my-url',
    validate: { // Entry point of the module
        params: { // Which scope
            myParam: { // The field to validate
                required: true // A validator

You can also add a formatter to the validate object for a route specific format. This will override the default formatter

    url: '/my-url',
    validate: { // Entry point of the module
        params: { // Which scope
        formatter: function (errors) {
            return {
                name: 'my custom format',
                errors: errors

In the validate key of the route you can define your fields in the params or body key. Each field can have a set of validators. The validators available are the required validator, every validator from the (validator)[] module and your custom ones. A validator can be set to:

  • true/false
  • a custom error message
  • an Error object
  • an object with:
    • msg a custom error message
    • params when the validator need some{
    url: '/platypuses',
    validate: { // Entry point of the module
        params: { // Which scope
            filter: {
                isIn: {
                    // A custom error message
                    msg: 'The filter param must be one of these values: small, normal, big',
                    // A list of params to give to isIn
                    params: [['small', 'normal', 'big']]
        body: {
            email: { // The field to validate
                required: true, // A validator
                isEmail: "The mail is required" // This string will be used as a custom error message
            password: {
                required: new restify.BadRequestError('Password is required')

In this example, the filter param doesn't have a required validator but have a isIn validator. In this case, if the field isn't given, the module will not check the other validators.

isIn is defined as :

isIn(str, values) - check if the string is in a array of allowed values.

The str param is provided by restify-validation-engine, but it will need the values param. You can give this param by putting it in the params option.

Another example could be:

isLength(str, min [, max]) - check if the string's length falls in a range. Note: this function takes into account surrogate pairs.

In this case, if you want to validate your field being between 4 and 24 characters long you will set the params options to [4, 24].

Love it

Now that your validation engine is in place, you will get a response like this when a field fails the validation:

        "message": "The filter param must be one of these values: small, normal, big",
        "field": "filter",
        "scope": "params",
        "given": ""

Now in your middleware, you can be sure that your fields are valid.

Make it better

Please give me some feedback about it. And if you have some idea, make a pull request.

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  • paulvarache