
1.4.3 • Public • Published


Source code for the resx2tsjs node module, originally forked from resx-to-ts-json

This node module converts resx files to TypeScript definition files and JSON files.

It supports having nested resources through underscore separated keys in the resx. For example, if you have two resources in your resx with keys "Home_help" and "Home_button", the .d.ts and .json files would look like so:

Home: {
    help: string;
    button: string;

Home: {
    help: "Help string",
    button: "Button text"

Also you can disable nested resources by pass paramater isAllowNest to true,default is false. The script has two exported functions:

function executeResxToTs(typeScriptResourcesNamespace: string, virtualResxFolder: string, virtualTypeScriptFolder: string, isAllowNest:boolean = false): void;
function executeResxToJson(virtualResxFolder: string, virtualJsonFolder: string, isAllowNest:boolean = false,fileNameLanguage?: string): void;

executeResxToTs converts all resx files in the virtualResxFolder to TypeScript definition files (.d.ts) with the namespace defined as typeScriptResourcesNamespace and outputs these files to virtualTypeScriptFolder
executeResxToJson converts all resx files in the virtualResxFolder to JSON files (.json) which can be loaded in the application and outputs them to virtualJsonFolder. Optionally, you can specify a fileNameLanguage string to append to the file name, so if "en" was specified, the filename would be filename.en.json.


To use this node module add a reference to your project package.json dependencies.

    "dependencies": {
        "resx-to-ts-json": "1.0.14"

To use the module in for instance a gulp task:

var resxConverter = require('resx-to-ts-json');
resxConverter.executeResxToTs('exampleApp.resources', '/Resources', '/App/Resources', true);
resxConverter.executeResxToJson('/Resources', '/App/Resources/Json', true);

where the parameters stand for:

'exampleApp.resources' -> TypeScript module name / namespace for the resource models.
'/Resources' -> Relative folder to scan for .resx files.
'/App/Resources' -> Output directory for TypeScript files
'/App/Resources/Json -> Output directory for JSON files


2017-07-14 add paramater for disable nested resoures.(v 1.0.0)

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  • lovejunlic