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This npm package exports a single function. The function takes two Reviewers Edition string arguments and returns true if users of the first argument edition should automatically upgrade to the second argument edition, false if they should not. The function throws an exception if either argument is not a valid Reviewers Edition string.

var upgrade = require('reviewers-edition-upgrade')


The following examples are also the test suite for the function. The tests use Node.js' built-in assert module.

var assert = require('assert')

Automatically upgrade from an edition to a correction.

assert(upgrade('1e', '1e1c'))

Automatically upgrade from an update to a correction.

assert(upgrade('1e1u', '1e1u1c'))

Automatically upgrade from a correction to another correction.

assert(upgrade('1e1u1c', '1e1u2c'))

Automatically upgrade from a draft to a later draft.

assert(upgrade('1e1d', '1e2d'))

Automatically upgrade from a draft to the final new edition.

assert(upgrade('1e1d', '1e'))

Automatically upgrade from a draft to a correction.

assert(upgrade('1e1d', '1e1c'))

Do not automatically upgrade to new editions.

assert(!upgrade('1e', '2e'))

Do not automatically upgrade to updates.

assert(!upgrade('1e', '1e1u'))

Do not automatically upgrade from one update to another update.

assert(!upgrade('1e1u', '1e2u'))

Do not automatically upgrade to drafts of updates.

assert(!upgrade('1e1u', '1e2u1d'))

Do not automatically upgrade to drafts of corrections.

assert(!upgrade('1e1u', '1e1u1c1d'))

Do not automatically upgrade to drafts of new editions.

assert(!upgrade('1e1u', '1e1u1c1d'))

The function throws an error if it receives an invalid Reviewers Edition string argument.

assert.throws(function() {
  upgrade('1.0.0', '1e')

assert.throws(function() {
  upgrade('1e', '1.0.0')

Comparison to node-semver's satisfies

Usage is analogous to node-semver's .satisfies(), with three key exceptions:

  1. satisfies takes the constraint (a "sevmer range") as its second argument, while reviewers-edition-upgrade takes the constraint (the current reviewer edition) as its first argument.

  2. node-semver uses different syntax for constraints ("ranges") and versions. reviewers-edition-upgrade uses valid Reviewers Editions for both constraints and versions.

  3. While their syntaxes are similar, the meanings and purposes of semantic versions and Reviewers Editions are different.

At a high level, reviewers-edition-upgrade supports fewer kinds of constraints, and the constraints it does support are conservative relative to what node-semver supports. Starting editions like 1e, 1e1u, and 1e1u1c are loosely analogous to ~1.0.0, ~1.1.0, and ~1.1.1, respectively. Starting editions with draft numbers, like 1e1d, are loosely analogous to ranges like ~1.0.0-alpha.1.


This package is bundled with other functions for creating and manipulating Reviewers Editions in reved.

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npm i reviewers-edition-upgrade

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  • kemitchell