Library to use Nordic ID reader with nur protocol. (only a few command implemented and some of them partially)
The program is partially tested with Nordic ID Sampo This very early library so not use it, except checking commands structure
Original documentation of the protocol:
Change ip.of.the.reader to the actual ip of the reader
Sample program:
var net = Nur = nur = ; var { if datastatus === 0 console; var newEPC = '00000025' password = 0x00000000 bank = 1 //EPC bank ; console; // dont know why need '1000' prefix and seems to not update how much lenght will be used client; else console; } { if datastatus === 0 console; else console; }; var client = ;client; client; client; client; // nur.on('answer', console.log);// nur.on('unsolicited', console.log);nur; nur; /*nur.on('answer', function(data){ console.log(nur.parseAnswer(data));});*/