Rich Text Visual Difference
Now with Markdown™®! (Always with Markdown?)
Getting Started
npm i --save rich-text-diff
const diff = const str1 = `# Some crazy markdown. It's the best. - List Item 1- List Item 2- List Item 3`const str2 = `# Some completely sane markdown. It's ok I guess. - List Item 1- List Item 3` /* * RETURNS: * # Some <del>crazy</del><ins>completely</ins> <ins>sane </ins>markdown. * * It's <del>the</del><ins>ok</ins> <del>best</del><ins>I guess</ins>. * * - List Item 1 * - <del>List Item 2</del> * - List Item 3 */
Just add your favorite Markdown parser and WHAMO! You have yourself a spicy rich text diffing sandwich.