
0.1.1 • Public • Published


Tiny (~4kB), super-fast, refined, reactive, fractal, unidirectional, isomorphic, pro-standards, declarative, Just Works™ framework for frontend development. There's only one API:

import ripple from 'rijs.minimal'
ripple(name)       // getter
ripple(name, body) // setter
ripple.on('change', (name, change) => {})

Get and set things in single store. A change event is emitted when something is updated, enabling reactive updates.

## Components

Define a component:

ripple('my-component', () => {})

Use it on the page:


Ripple is agnostic to how you write your components, they should just be idempotent (a single render function). This is fine:

ripple('my-app', (node, data) => node.innerHTML = 'Hello World')

Or using some DOM-diff helper:

ripple('my-app', (node, data) => jsx(node)`<h1>Hello World</h1>`)

Or using once/D3 joins:

ripple('my-app', (node, data) => {
    ('h1', 1)
      .text('Hello World')

For more info about writing idempotent components, see this spec.

## State/Data

The first parameter of the component is the node to update.

The second parameter contains all the state and data the component needs to render:

export default function component(node, data){ ... }

You can pass down data by adding the name of the resources to the data attribute:

<my-shop data="stock">
export default function shop({ stock }){ ... }

Declaring the data needed on a component is used to reactively rerender it when the data changes.

The other option is to explicitly pass down data to the component using the (D3) data binding:

  ('my-shop', { stock })

If you want to just use DOM, you can invoke .draw() on a custom element to redraw it:

const shop = document.createElement('my-shop')
shop.state = { stock }

## Defaults

You can set defaults using the ES6 syntax:

export default function shop({ stock = [] }){ ... }

If you need to persist defaults on the component's state object, you can use a small helper function:

export default function shop(state){ 
  const stock = defaults(state, 'stock', [])

## Updates

Local state

Whenever you need to update local state, just change the state and invoke a redraw (like a game loop):

export default function shop(state, i, el){ 
  const o = once(el)
      , { counter = 0 } = state
  o('span', 1).text(counter)
  o('button', 1)
    .on('click' d => {

Global state

Whenever you need to update global state, you can simply compute the new value and register it again which will trigger an update:

ripple('stock', {
  apples: 10
, oranges: 20
, pomegranates: 30

Or if you just want to change a part of the resource, use a functional operator to apply a finer-grained diff and trigger an update:

update('pomegranates', 20)(ripple('stock'))
// same as: set({ type: 'update', key: 'pomegranate', value: 20 })(ripple('stock'))

Using logs of atomic diffs combines the benefits of immutability with a saner way to synchronise state across a distributed environment.

You can also use the list of all relevant changes since the last render in your component via element.changes to make it more performant.

## Events

Dispatch an event on the root element to communicate changes to parents (node.dispatchEvent).

## Routing

Just invoke a redraw of your application when the route has changed:

export function app(node, data){
  const o = once(node)
  o('h1', 1)
    .text('You are currently on: ' + location.pathname)
  window.on('change', d => node.draw())

Decouter emitterifies window to give you the change event, go(url) for navigating, and sets location.params with current route parameters.

## Bundling

Ripple does not care how you load/bundle your resources. You only just need to register them at some point. This means you are free to use whatever tool chain you like:

// index.js
ripple('my-app', require('./resources/my-app'))
ripple('my-app.css', file('./resources/my-app.css'))
ripple('somedata', require('./resources/data/some'))
$ browserify index.js > app.js
<script src="app.js"></script>

An application is just a component that composes other components, so you shouldn't need any other scripts.

## Folder Convention

I recommend using the folder convention: a resources directory, with a folder for each component, and a data folder for data resources.

├── data
│   ├── stock.js
│   └── order.js
└── my-app
│   ├── my-app.js
│   ├── my-app.css
│   └── test.js
└── another-component
    ├── another-component.js
    ├── another-component.css
    └── test.js

You can then use a helper script to automatically generate a single requireable index.js from a directory of resources.

## Debugging
  • Check ripple.resources for a snapshot of your application. Resources are in the tuple format { name, body, headers }.

  • Check $0.state on an element to see the state object it was last rendered with or manipulate it.

## Middleware

By default the draw function just invokes the function on an element. You can extend this without any framework hooks using the explicit decorator pattern:

// in component
export default function component(node, data){
  middleware(d, i, el)
// around component
export default middleware(function component(node, data){
// for all components
ripple.draw = middleware(ripple.draw)

A couple of useful middleware included in this build are:


This middleware reads the needs header and applies the attributes onto the element. The component does not render until all dependencies are available. This is useful when a component needs to define its own dependencies.

export default {
  name: 'my-component'
, body: function(){}
, headers: { needs: '[css=..][data=..]' }


This middleware makes the specified helper functions available from the resource (hidden properties). This is useful to co-locate all logic for each resource in one place.

export default {
  name: 'stock'
, body: {}
, headers: { helpers: { addNewStock, removeStock }}


Stylesheet(s) can be modularly applied to an element: This middlware simply reads the css attribute and inserts them in the shadow root or scopes them and adds to head:

ripple('some.css', `:host { background: red }`)
  <style>my-shop { background: red }</style> 
<my-shop css="some.css"> 

## Fullstack

If you have a backend for your frontend, checkout rijs/fullstack which transparently adds a few more modules to synchronise state between client-server or for more docs.

You can also adjust your own framework by adding/removing modules.

## Flavours

dist/ripple.js provides ripple and also some small, useful, high power-to-weight ratio functions that enriches the language grammar. If you don't want the helper functions, use dist/ripple.pure.js. Add .min for prod. Minified and gzipped the sizes are ~12kB and ~4kB respectively.




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  • pemrouz