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Rive React

Rive hero image

A React runtime library for Rive.

This library is a wrapper around the JS/Wasm runtime, giving full control over the js runtime while providing components and hooks for React applications.

Table of contents

Rive overview

Rive is a real-time interactive design and animation tool that helps teams create and run interactive animations anywhere. Designers and developers use our collaborative editor to create motion graphics that respond to different states and user inputs. Our lightweight open-source runtime libraries allow them to load their animations into apps, games, and websites.

🏡 Homepage

📘 General help docs

🛠 Rive Forums

Getting started

Follow along with the link below for a quick start in getting Rive React integrated into your React apps.

For more information, see the Runtime sections of the Rive help documentation:

Supported versions

This library supports React versions ^16.8.0 through ^18.0.0.


Check out our Storybook instance that shows how to use the library in small examples, along with code snippets! This includes examples using the basic component, as well as the convenient hooks exported to take advantage of state machines.

Awesome Rive

For even more examples and resources on using Rive at runtime or in other tools, checkout the awesome-rive repo.

Migration guides

Using an older version of the runtime and need to learn how to upgrade to the latest version? Check out the migration guides below in our help center that help guide you through version bumps; breaking changes and all!

Migration guides


We love contributions! Check out our contributing docs to get more details into how to run this project, the examples, and more all locally.


Have an issue with using the runtime, or want to suggest a feature/API to help make your development life better? Log an issue in our issues tab! You can also browse older issues and discussion threads there to see solutions that may have worked for common problems.




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  • luigi-rosso
  • avivian
  • avivian_rive
  • rive-engineering