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1.1.0 • Public • Published

iRobot SDK

Prior Art

This is a fork of dorita980. This work is absolutley a derivitaive of all of the hard owrk and effort done by those maintainers. I've only forked this for full typing and release automation. I'm standing on the back of giants in the most literal sense. If you've got any use out of this please check out Facu ZAK's profile.


Unofficial iRobot Roomba (i7/i7+, 980, 960, e5, 690, 675, etc) node.js library (SDK).

With this library you can send commands to your wifi enabled Roomba through the iRobot cloud API or directly from your LAN and integrate your roboot with your own Home Automation or IoT project.

See rest980 if you need a HTTP REST API interface.


  • Compatible robots: all 600, 800, 900, e5 and i7/i7+ series with HOME app and Braava m6.
  • Get your username/password easily.
  • Auto discovery robot IP (optional).
  • Local API control (from your LAN).
  • Simplified Cleaning Preferences settings.
  • Firmware 1.6.x compatible.
  • Firmware 2.x.x compatible (latest serie 900 uses firmware v2, not v3).
  • Firmware 3.2.x compatible (latest serie 800 uses firmware v3).
  • See rest980 if you need a HTTP REST API interface to use dorita980 through it.

Supported Features by Firmware Version

will deprecate v1 in version 2

1.6.x Local 1.6.x Cloud 2.x.x Local 2.x.x Cloud 3.x.x Local
Clean/Start/Stop/Pause/Dock/Resume/CleanRoom yes yes yes pending yes
Get Preferences yes yes yes pending yes
Set Preferences yes yes yes pending yes
Get x,y,d Position yes yes yes pending -
Get Mission yes yes yes pending yes
Get Mission number no no yes pending yes
Get General Info yes yes yes pending yes
Get Schedule yes yes yes pending yes
Set Schedule yes yes yes pending yes
Set CarpetBoost (performance, eco, auto) yes yes yes pending -
Set Edge Clean yes yes yes pending -
Set Cleaning Passes (auto, on, two) yes yes yes pending -
set Always Finish yes yes yes pending -
MQTT Custom events - - yes pending yes
HTTP API yes yes - - -
Discovery Robot IP yes - yes - yes
Get BLID and Password yes - yes - yes
Support multiples clients at the same time yes yes no pending no


First you need node.js installed and then:

$ npm install roomba-sdk --save

Quick start via Local request on your LAN

You can control the robot from your local network.

Create myapp.js file with this content:

import { Local } from 'roomba-sdk'
const password = 'some random string'
const user = 'some really long id'
const ip = '10.0.0.x'
const localRoomba = Local(user, password, ip)
async function init () {
  await localRoomba.clean()
  await localRoomba.stop()
  await localRoomba.end()
localRoomba.on('connect', init)

How to get your username/blid and password

(Needed for Cloud and Local requests)

You need to know your robot IP address (look in your router or scan your LAN network with nmap to find it). Or use the dorita980.getRobotIP() method.

Install roomba-sdk in your package and use npx or yarn to:

$ npx roomba-sdk-creds <ip-of-robot>
# or yarn... 
$ yarn roomba-sdk-creds <ip-of-robot>

Auto discover IP address for local request:

If you don't known which IP address to use in dorita980.Local() you can use dorita980.getRobotIP() to find it. This process takes 1-2 seconds, so if you know the IP you can just use it explicity.

You need UDP brodcast enable in your network!

var dorita980 = require('dorita980');
dorita980.getRobotIP((ierr, ip) => {
  if (ierr) return console.log('error looking for robot IP');
  var myRobotViaLocal = new dorita980.Local('MyUsernameBlid', 'MyPassword', ip);
  .then((mission) => {
  }).catch((err) => {

You can also use .discovery method to get all the robots discovery data:

You need UDP brodcast enabled in your network!

var dorita980 = require('dorita980');
dorita980.discovery((ierr, data) => {

Will print:

{ ver: '2',
  hostname: 'Roomba-xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
  robotname: 'Dorita',
  ip: '',
  mac: '12:12:12:12:12:12',
  sw: 'v2.0.0-34',
  sku: 'R98----',
  nc: 0,
  proto: 'mqtt' }

Local API

The library send commands direclty over wifi to your robot. You dont need an internet connection.



Close the connection to the robot. Its important if you want to send commands via the official mobile app via Local network. There's a maximum of 1 connection at any time in local network, so if your app is connected, the official mobile app only works via cloud access.

While dorita980 is connected, you can call other methods to send commands and listen for the events to get data. Just call the .end() method if you want. While dorita980 is connected, the official mobile app will only work via the cloud to send commands to your robot.

getRobotState(Array waitForFields)

Get the robot state but wait for the waitForFields fields before return.

The state object starts empty and the robot will add data over time.

myRobotViaLocal.getRobotState(['batPct', 'bbchg3']).then((actualState) => {

Full state should contain:

{ netinfo:
   { dhcp: true,
     addr: 4294967040,
     mask: 4294967040,
     gw: 4294967040,
     dns1: 4294967040,
     dns2: 0,
     bssid: '12:12:12:12:12:12',
     sec: 4 },
  wifistat: { wifi: 1, uap: false, cloud: 4 },
  wlcfg: { sec: 7, ssid: '123123123123123123123123' },
  mac: '34:34:34:34:34:34',
  country: 'US',
  cloudEnv: 'prod',
  svcEndpoints: { svcDeplId: 'v005' },
  localtimeoffset: -180,
  utctime: 1487103319,
  pose: { theta: 61, point: { x: 171, y: -113 } },
  batPct: 100,
  dock: { known: true },
  bin: { present: true, full: false },
  audio: { active: false },
   { cycle: 'none',
     phase: 'charge',
     expireM: 0,
     rechrgM: 0,
     error: 0,
     notReady: 0,
     mssnM: 2,
     sqft: 29,
     initiator: 'manual',
     nMssn: 324 },
  language: 2,
  noAutoPasses: false,
  noPP: false,
  ecoCharge: false,
  vacHigh: false,
  binPause: false,
  carpetBoost: true,
  openOnly: false,
  twoPass: false,
  schedHold: false,
  lastCommand: { command: 'dock', time: 1487103424, initiator: 'manual' },
   [ { 'en-US': 0 },
     { 'fr-FR': 1 },
     { 'es-ES': 2 },
     { 'de-DE': 3 },
     { 'it-IT': 4 } ],
  bbnav: { aMtrack: 45, nGoodLmrks: 15, aGain: 12, aExpo: 9 },
  bbpanic: { panics: [ 8, 8, 8, 14, 8 ] },
  bbpause: { pauses: [ 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17 ] },
   { nMssn: 323,
     nMssnOk: 218,
     nMssnC: 99,
     nMssnF: 1,
     aMssnM: 35,
     aCycleM: 31 },
  bbrstinfo: { nNavRst: 41, nMobRst: 0, causes: '0000' },
  cap: { pose: 1, ota: 2, multiPass: 2, carpetBoost: 1 },
  sku: 'R98----',
  batteryType: 'lith',
  soundVer: '31',
  uiSwVer: '4582',
  navSwVer: '01.09.09',
  wifiSwVer: '20902',
  mobilityVer: '5309',
  bootloaderVer: '3580',
  umiVer: '5',
  softwareVer: 'v2.0.0-34',
   { events: [ { dt: 0, off: -180 }, { dt: 0, off: -180 }, { dt: 0, off: 0 } ],
     ver: 2 },
  timezone: 'America/Buenos_Aires',
  name: 'robotNAme',
   { cycle: [ 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none' ],
     h: [ 17, 10, 10, 12, 10, 13, 17 ],
     m: [ 0, 30, 30, 0, 30, 30, 0 ] },
   { avgMin: 158,
     hOnDock: 6110,
     nAvail: 1280,
     estCap: 12311,
     nLithChrg: 233,
     nNimhChrg: 0,
     nDocks: 98 },
  bbchg: { nChgOk: 226, nLithF: 0, aborts: [ 4, 4, 4 ] },
  bbswitch: { nBumper: 55889, nClean: 300, nSpot: 47, nDock: 98, nDrops: 300 },
   { hr: 211,
     min: 48,
     sqft: 566,
     nStuck: 17,
     nScrubs: 85,
     nPicks: 592,
     nPanics: 178,
     nCliffsF: 1532,
     nCliffsR: 2224,
     nMBStll: 0,
     nWStll: 1,
     nCBump: 0 },
  bbsys: { hr: 6522, min: 54 },
  signal: { rssi: -43, snr: 40 } }


Get the full robot state but wait for the ['cleanMissionStatus', 'cleanSchedule', 'name', 'vacHigh', 'pose'] fields before returning.

Alias for getRobotState(['cleanMissionStatus', 'cleanSchedule', 'name', 'vacHigh', 'pose', 'signal'])

Waits for the 'signal' to make sure we have the full state object.

Use getRobotState(['cleanMissionStatus', 'cleanSchedule', 'name', 'vacHigh', 'signal']) without pose in models without navigation like E6 models.


Partially overwrites the robot state to configure it.

var newPreferences = {
 binPause: false




With this you can draw a map :) in models with position reporting. Use getBasicMission() in robots without position reporting feature like E5 models.

{ cleanMissionStatus:
   { cycle: 'none',
     phase: 'charge',
     expireM: 0,
     rechrgM: 0,
     error: 0,
     notReady: 0,
     mssnM: 15,
     sqft: 0,
     initiator: 'localApp',
     nMssn: 323 },
  pose: { theta: -160, point: { x: 166, y: -11 } } }


Same as getMission but don't wait for pose information

{ cleanMissionStatus:
   { cycle: 'none',
     phase: 'charge',
     expireM: 0,
     rechrgM: 0,
     error: 0,
     notReady: 0,
     mssnM: 15,
     sqft: 0,
     initiator: 'localApp',
     nMssn: 323 }}


{ wifistat: { wifi: 1, uap: false, cloud: 4 },
   { dhcp: true,
     addr: 3232235880,
     mask: 4294967040,
     gw: 3232235777,
     dns1: 3232235777,
     dns2: 0,
     bssid: 'c0:56:27:70:3b:fe',
     sec: 4 } }




 { hr: 211,
   min: 48,
   sqft: 566,
   nStuck: 17,
   nScrubs: 85,
   nPicks: 592,
   nPanics: 178,
   nCliffsF: 1532,
   nCliffsR: 2224,
   nMBStll: 0,
   nWStll: 1,
   nCBump: 0 }


 [ { 'en-US': 0 },
   { 'fr-FR': 1 },
   { 'es-ES': 2 },
   { 'de-DE': 3 },
   { 'it-IT': 4 } ]


{ bbrstinfo: { nNavRst: 41, nMobRst: 0, causes: '0000' },
  cap: { pose: 1, ota: 2, multiPass: 2, carpetBoost: 1 },
  sku: 'R98----',
  batteryType: 'lith',
  soundVer: '31',
  uiSwVer: '4582',
  navSwVer: '01.09.09',
  wifiSwVer: '20902',
  mobilityVer: '5309',
  bootloaderVer: '3580',
  umiVer: '5',
  softwareVer: 'v2.0.0-34',
  audio: { active: false },
  bin: { present: true, full: false } }


{ wifi: 1, uap: false, cloud: 4 },
  wlcfg: { sec: 7, ssid: '1234567890796857336364' }


Disable Monday and start every day at 10:30am

{ cycle: [ 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none' ],
  h: [ 17, 10, 10, 12, 10, 13, 17 ],
  m: [ 0, 30, 30, 0, 30, 30, 0 ] }


Disable Sunday and start every day at 10:30am

var newWeek = {"cycle":["none","start","start","start","start","start","start"],"h":[10,10,10,10,10,10,10],"m":[30,30,30,30,30,30,30]}










cleanRoom is an alias for start - but with arguments. To clean a room - you need a structure similar to:

const args = {
  "pmap_id": "ABCDEFG123456FGKS789",
  "regions": [
    { "region_id": "5", "region_name": "Hallway", "region_type": "hallway"}
  "user_pmapv_id": "190917T20125Z"

The easiest way to find this information is to start a clean using the iRobot app and then call the getRobotState method and copy the lastCommand values from it. Using this you can derive the pmap_id, user_pmapv_id and regions data. Or looking into pmaps property in the state.









Note: before dock you need to pause() or stop() your robot.


Simplifications to set Cleaning Preferences:

This methods use setPreferences() with the correct flags for each setting.












publish(topic, rawJsonMessageAsString, callback)

Just to experiment with raw commands using the MQTT client. Known topics are cmd and delta. But Experiment with other topics and message formats!

The delta commands tipicaly have the following json format:

{'state': newState}

The cmd commands tipicaly have the following json format:

{'command': command, time: / 1000 | 0, initiator: 'localApp'};

For example to send a clean command:

let myCommand = {command: 'clean', time: / 1000 | 0, initiator: 'localApp'};
myRobotViaLocal.publish('cmd', JSON.stringify(myCommand), function(e) {
  if(e) console.log('error', e);

Dont forget stringify the json message with JSON.stringify(rawJsonMessageAsString).

You can see undocument commands and preferences in this thread


connect event

Emitted on successful Connection.

function () {}

Put your code inside this callback.

close event

Emitted after a disconnection.

offline event

Emitted when the client goes offline.

update event

Emitted every time the Robot publishes a new message to the mqtt bus.

function (data) {}

  • data Data published by the Robot
myRobotViaLocal.on('update', function (data) {

Will print:

{ state:
   { reported:
      { soundVer: '31',
        uiSwVer: '4582',
        navSwVer: '01.09.09',
        wifiSwVer: '20902',
        mobilityVer: '5309',
        bootloaderVer: '3580',
        umiVer: '5',
        softwareVer: 'v2.0.0-34' } } }

mission event

Emitted every emitIntervalTime milliseconds with the mission data. (util for mapping in models with position reporting)

function (data) {}

  • data Mission data with cleanMissionStatus and pose state properties.
var cleanMissionStatus = 300; // default is 800ms
var myRobotViaLocal = new roombaSdk.Local('MyUsernameBlid', 'MyPassword', '', 2, cleanMissionStatus); // Note Firmware version.
myRobotViaLocal.on('mission', function (data) {

Will print each 300ms:

{ cleanMissionStatus:
   { cycle: 'none',
     phase: 'charge',
     expireM: 0,
     rechrgM: 0,
     error: 0,
     notReady: 0,
     mssnM: 15,
     sqft: 0,
     initiator: 'localApp',
     nMssn: 323 },
  pose: { theta: -160, point: { x: 166, y: -11 } } }

state event

Emitted every time the Robot publish a new message to the mqtt bus.

function (data) {}

  • data Full robot state object
myRobotViaLocal.on('state', function (data) {

Will print the Full robot state!

Cloud API

Not implemented yet in Firmware 2.0.0. Help wanted!

Custom tls cipher

You can set ROBOT_CIPHERS environment variable to overwrite the cipher suit used in tls connection to the robot. Default is AES128-SHA256

$ ROBOT_CIPHERS=AES128-SHA node myscript.js


  • Facu ZAK
  • [hweeks(

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