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1.0.10 • Public • Published



a client side routing library for svelte projects.

  • uses hash-based routing
  • works with browser buttons
  • redirects standard paths to hash based equivalent
- /posts/hello-world
+ /#/posts/hello-world


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<!-- App.svelte -->
<script lang="ts">
  import { Router, type RouterConfig} from "router4svelte";
  let config:RouterConfig = {};

<Router {config} />


With components

  • You can drop the included Link-component directly in place of anchor-tags.
  import { Link } from "router4svelte";

<a    href="/about" class="btn btn-outline-primary">About</a> 

<Link href="/about" class="btn btn-outline-primary">About</Link>

With api

  • You can use the RouterApi to navigate however you want in your code.
  import { RouterApi } from "router4svelte";

<button on:click={ () => RouterApi.back() }></button>
<button on:click={ () => RouterApi.routeTo("/about") }>About</button>


The config object maps the paths to one of the following:

  • SvelteComponent
  • RouteOptions-object
  • Function returning RouteOptions-object

a simple config might look like this

  const config = {
    "/": Home,
    "/about": About,
    "/posts/:id": Post,
    DEFAULT: ErrorPage


The routes (keys) of the object are specified as strings, starting with / and may declare route parameters prefixed with :

Examples: / /about /posts/:category /posts/:id/edit/:version

Additionally, a DEFAULT entry can be specified as a fallback, which will be applied if no other routes match. The DEFAULT-entry path is declared in uppercase letters DEFAULT without preceeding /. (See example above and on the bottom of the page)

If multiple entries match the requested path, the last entry will take precedence and a warning will be logged in the console.

route parameters

A route parameter is prefixed with : in the definition, and will by default map to a prop on the target component. Consider this route config:

"/posts/:category/:id": MyPostComponent

A request to /posts/news/32 would produce the equivalent of the following output:

<MyPostComponent category="news" id="32" />

There are no hard limits on route parameters, but keep in mind that if too many parameters are present, they may interfere with other declared routes.

advanced config

you can configure your routes with a RouteOptions-object for more control. see supported properties below. Map your route directly to such an object, or declare a function that returns RouteOptions and optionally takes RequestParams. You can mix and match mappings directly to components, to objects or functions as you please.

type RouteOptions = {
  component: typeof SvelteComponent, // component to render on this route (Required)
  slot?: typeof SvelteComponent, // component to render in the default slot of the main component
  props?: Record<string, any> // props to pass to the rendered components (will merge with and be overriden by conflicting route params)

type RequestParams = {
  path: string, // Pathname
  params: Record<string, string>, // route parameters (/:id/) mapped to an object 
  query: Record<string, string> // query parameters (?id=123) mapped to an object

const config: RouteConfig = {
  "/posts/:category": {
    component: ListLayout,
    slot: ListOfPosts
  "/posts/:date": ({params}) => {
    try {
      const date = new Date(
      return { component: ListOfPosts, date }
    } catch(e) {
      return { 
        component: ErrorComponent, 
        props: { error: "Invalid date format" }

example App.svelte

<!-- App.svelte -->
<script lang="ts">
  import Nav from "./components/Nav.svelte";
  import Sidebar from "./components/Sidebar.svelte";
  import Products from "./components/Products.svelte"
  import LayoutComponent from "./components/LayoutComponent.svelte";
  import Home from "./pages/Home.svelte";
  import Error  from "./pages/Error.svelte";
  import Posts from "./pages/Posts.svelte";
  import { Router, type RouterConfig } from "router4svelte";

  const config: RouterConfig = {
    "/": Home,
    "/posts/:id": Posts,
    "/:layoutMode/products": {
      component: LayoutComponent,
      slot: Products
    DEFAULT({path}) {
      return {
        component: Error,
        props: { message: `404 - The requested resource ${path} was not found` },

<Nav />
<div class="container-fluid">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col">
      <Sidebar />
    <div class="col">
      <Router {config} />

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  • oscarlundberg