TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.0 • Public • Published

Getting Started with Channel Management API

Getting Started


example image

Before beginning work it is necessary that:

  • Your organization is registered and activated
  • You have participated in a kick­off meeting
  • The opening questionnaire has been filled out
  • You have your login and password. (Using it you get a unique session token that must be used in every request to API as param jwt)

Contact us to be registered and get your credentials.

All responses are returned as JSON.

This document covers all the API calls and other methods that can be used to complete Razor-Cloud integration. It is important to note that all parameters are case sensitive in this document and should be used as documented.

Responses: When a request is successful, a response body will typically be sent back in the form of a JSON object. An exception to this is when a DELETE request is processed, which will result in a successful 200 status and an empty response body.

Install the Package

Run the following command from your project directory to install the package from npm:

npm install roy-mittie@1.0.0

Initialize the API Client

The following parameters are configurable for the API Client:

Parameter Type Description
timeout number Timeout for API calls.
Default: 0
jwt string Token which need to be passed in every request as GET parameter. You will get this token in authorization response. Token is valid 1 hour.

The API client can be initialized as follows:

const client = new Client({
  timeout: 0,
  jwt: 'jwt',


This API uses Custom Query Parameter.

Client Class Documentation

Channel Management API Client

The gateway for the SDK. This class acts as a factory for the Controllers and also holds the configuration of the SDK.


Name Description
authorization Gets AuthorizationController
propertyManagers Gets PropertyManagersController
product Gets ProductController
images Gets ImagesController
ratesAndAvailability Gets RatesAndAvailabilityController
lOSPricing Gets LOSPricingController
feeAndTax Gets FeeAndTaxController
feeAndTaxMandatoryAtThePropertyLevel Gets FeeAndTaxMandatoryAtThePropertyLevelController
yields Gets YieldsController
validation Gets ValidationController
testingOfMessageAPICalls Gets TestingOfMessageAPICallsController
messaging Gets MessagingController
requestToBook Gets RequestToBookController
pushNotification Gets PushNotificationController
reservationNotifications Gets ReservationNotificationsController

API Reference

List of APIs



In order to begin utilizing the platform APIs, your application must be authenticated and authorized to access domain resources. Follow the URL with your credentials and obtain an authorization token which is used in every request. You will have 2 types of tokens. One is on the PMS level, and this one should be used when you send requests related to PMS/PM data. For managing properties, you will need a token on PM level, with PM credentials. For every API call it will be noted which API credentials you should use.

ℹ️ Note This endpoint does not require authentication.

async login(
  username: string,
  password: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<Authorization>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
username string Query, Required Your account email address (for PMS or PM)
password string Query, Required Your password
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const username = 'username0';
const password = 'password4';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await authorizationController.login(username, password);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "token": "a9eaf5b0-c433-450e-991d-8011fc4aa264",
  "partyId": 61692799,
  "organizationId": 61690131,
  "name": "Update Name",
  "currency": "USD",
  "supplierId": 61692799

Property Managers


In all requests in this API section you need to use your PMS credentials.

P Mslist

This API call will return a list of property managers (PM) that have been created in the BookingPal platform that is associated with your PMS. In all requests in this API section, you need to use your PMS credentials.

async pMslist(
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<GetPMslist>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await propertyManagersController.pMslist();
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "id": 61690133,
      "name": "Test name",
      "extraName": "Test fullname",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61690517,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61690534,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691075,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691076,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691729,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691731,
      "name": "Update Name",
      "extraName": "Update Full Name",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691732,
      "name": "Update Name",
      "extraName": "Update Full Name",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691733,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691734,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691735,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691736,
      "name": "Update Name",
      "extraName": "Update Full Name",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691737,
      "name": "Update Name",
      "extraName": "Update Full Name",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691803,
      "name": "Update Name",
      "extraName": "Update Full Name",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691852,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691861,
      "name": "Auto-lyxpz company name",
      "extraName": "Auto-dzvjr full name",
      "emailAddress": "wnvuyqfya213@pqclbzs.rli"
      "id": 61691868,
      "name": "Update Name",
      "extraName": "Update Full Name",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691875,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691876,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691877,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691878,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691879,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691880,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691881,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691882,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691883,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691884,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691885,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691886,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691887,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691888,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691889,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691896,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691897,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691898,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691899,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691900,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691903,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691904,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691905,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691906,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691907,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691908,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691909,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691910,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691911,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691979,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692003,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692065,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692066,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692067,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692068,
      "name": "Update Name",
      "extraName": "Update Full Name",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692418,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692455,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692456,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692457,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692552,
      "name": "Update Name",
      "extraName": "Update Full Name",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692554,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692695,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692769,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692782,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692785,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692787,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692789,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692790,
      "name": "Test Wiz",
      "extraName": "Test Wiz",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692791,
      "name": "Test wiz1",
      "extraName": "Test wiz1",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692793,
      "name": "Test wiz1",
      "extraName": "Test wiz1",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692794,
      "name": "Test wiz1",
      "extraName": "Test wiz1",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692795,
      "name": "Test wiz",
      "extraName": "Test wiz",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692797,
      "name": "Wizard Demo",
      "extraName": "Wizard Demo",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692799,
      "name": "Test PM",
      "extraName": "Test PM",
      "emailAddress": ""

Createnew Property Manager

This API call will allow the PMS to pass all data to BookingPal that is required for registering a new PM (Property Manager). All fields are mandatory - PMS must pass this data in order for a PM account to be created. You need to use PMS credentials for this request.

async createnewPropertyManager(
  contentType: string,
  body: CreatenewUpdatePropertyManagerRequest,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<PropertyManagerdetailsresponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
body CreatenewUpdatePropertyManagerRequest Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const bodyDataCompanyDetailsCompanyAddress: CompanyAddress = {
  country: 'US',
  state: 'Test State',
  streetAddress: 'Test Street',
  city: 'Test City',
  zip: '13245',

const bodyDataCompanyDetailsPhone: Phone = {
  countryCode: '+321',
  number: '132456',

const bodyDataCompanyDetails: CompanyDetails = {
  accountId: '132',
  companyName: 'Test PM',
  language: 'en',
  fullName: 'Test PM',
  companyAddress: bodyDataCompanyDetailsCompanyAddress,
  website: '',
  email: '',
  phone: bodyDataCompanyDetailsPhone,
  currency: 'USD',
bodyDataCompanyDetails.password = 'password';

const bodyDataPoliciesPaymentPolicySplitPayment: SplitPayment = {
  depositType: 'FLAT',
  value: 4,
  secondPaymentDays: 30,

const bodyDataPoliciesPaymentPolicy: PaymentPolicy = {
  type: 'SPLIT',
  splitPayment: bodyDataPoliciesPaymentPolicySplitPayment,

const bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicyManualPolicyManualPolicies: ManualPolicies[] = [];

const bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicyManualPolicymanualPolicies0: ManualPolicies = {
  chargeValue: 20,
  beforeDays: 34,
  cancellationFee: 1,

bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicyManualPolicyManualPolicies[0] = bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicyManualPolicymanualPolicies0;

const bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicyManualPolicymanualPolicies1: ManualPolicies = {
  chargeValue: 12,
  beforeDays: 45,
  cancellationFee: 2,

bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicyManualPolicyManualPolicies[1] = bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicyManualPolicymanualPolicies1;

const bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicyManualPolicy: ManualPolicy = {
  type: 'FLAT',
  manualPolicies: bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicyManualPolicyManualPolicies,

const bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicy: CancellationPolicy = {
  type: 'MANUAL',
  manualPolicy: bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicyManualPolicy,

const bodyDataPoliciesFeeTaxMandatory: FeeTaxMandatory = {
  isFeeMandatory: true,
  isTaxMandatory: true,

const bodyDataPolicies: Policies = {
  paymentPolicy: bodyDataPoliciesPaymentPolicy,
  cancellationPolicy: bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicy,
  feeTaxMandatory: bodyDataPoliciesFeeTaxMandatory,
  terms: '',
  checkInTime: '10:00:00',
  checkOutTime: '16:00:00',
  leadTime: 2,

const bodyDataPaymentCreditCardPaymentGateways: PaymentGateways = {
  paymentGatewaysType: 'AUTHORIZE_NET',
bodyDataPaymentCreditCardPaymentGateways.user = 'test';
bodyDataPaymentCreditCardPaymentGateways.secret = 'test';
bodyDataPaymentCreditCardPaymentGateways.additionalField1 = '';
bodyDataPaymentCreditCardPaymentGateways.additionalField2 = '';

const bodyDataPaymentCreditCardCreditCardList: CreditCardListEnum[] = ['AMERICAN_EXPRESS', 'DINERS_CLUB'];
const bodyDataPaymentCreditCard: CreditCard = {
  creditCardType: 'POST',
bodyDataPaymentCreditCard.paymentGateways = bodyDataPaymentCreditCardPaymentGateways;
bodyDataPaymentCreditCard.creditCardList = bodyDataPaymentCreditCardCreditCardList;

const bodyDataPayment: Payment = {
  paymentType: 'MAIL_CHECK',
bodyDataPayment.creditCard = bodyDataPaymentCreditCard;

const bodyData: Company = {
  companyDetails: bodyDataCompanyDetails,
  policies: bodyDataPolicies,
  payment: bodyDataPayment,

const body: CreatenewUpdatePropertyManagerRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await propertyManagersController.createnewPropertyManager(contentType, body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "companyDetails": {
        "accountId": "132",
        "companyName": "Test PM",
        "language": "en",
        "fullName": "Test PM",
        "companyAddress": {
          "country": "US",
          "state": "Test State",
          "streetAddress": "Test Street",
          "city": "Test City",
          "zip": "13245"
        "website": "",
        "email": "",
        "phone": {
          "countryCode": "+321",
          "number": "132456"
        "password": "password",
        "currency": "USD"
      "policies": {
        "paymentPolicy": {
          "type": "SPLIT",
          "splitPayment": {
            "depositType": "FLAT",
            "value": 4,
            "secondPaymentDays": 30
        "cancellationPolicy": {
          "type": "MANUAL",
          "manualPolicy": {
            "type": "FLAT",
            "manualPolicies": [
                "chargeValue": 20,
                "beforeDays": 34,
                "cancellationFee": 1
                "chargeValue": 12,
                "beforeDays": 45,
                "cancellationFee": 2
        "feeTaxMandatory": {
          "isFeeMandatory": true,
          "isTaxMandatory": true
        "terms": "",
        "checkInTime": "10:00:00",
        "checkOutTime": "16:00:00",
        "leadTime": 2
      "payment": {
        "paymentType": "MAIL_CHECK",
        "creditCard": {
          "creditCardType": "POST",
          "creditCardList": [
          "paymentGateways": {
            "paymentGatewaysType": "AUTHORIZE_NET"
      "id": 61692801

Get Property Managerdetaildata

This function will return a property manager’s details that belong to the current user. You need to use your PMS API credentials.

Request Body parameters are the same as for creating PM.

Response is the same as in creating a Property Manager function. Here you do not need to pass all root level fields, but if some are used - all fields inside are mandatory:

  • in CompanyDetails Model you can pass any field, and none of them is mandatory
  • in Policies Model - you can pass any field, and none of them is mandatory
  • if you do use PaymentPolicy - all fields inside are mandatory
  • if you do use CancellationPolicy - all fields inside are mandatory
  • if you use Payment Model - all fields inside are mandatory
async getPropertyManagerdetaildata(
  contentType: string,
  id: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<PropertyManagerdetailsresponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
id string Template, Required Property Manager ID
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const id = 'id0';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await propertyManagersController.getPropertyManagerdetaildata(contentType, id);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "companyDetails": {
        "accountId": "132",
        "companyName": "Test PM",
        "language": "en",
        "fullName": "Test PM",
        "companyAddress": {
          "country": "US",
          "state": "Test State",
          "streetAddress": "Test Street",
          "city": "Test City",
          "zip": "13245"
        "website": "",
        "email": "",
        "phone": {
          "countryCode": "+321",
          "number": "132456"
        "currency": "USD"
      "policies": {
        "paymentPolicy": {
          "type": "SPLIT",
          "splitPayment": {
            "depositType": "FLAT",
            "value": 4,
            "secondPaymentDays": 30
        "cancellationPolicy": {
          "type": "MANUAL",
          "manualPolicy": {
            "type": "FLAT",
            "manualPolicies": [
                "chargeValue": 20,
                "beforeDays": 34,
                "cancellationFee": 1
                "chargeValue": 12,
                "beforeDays": 45,
                "cancellationFee": 2
        "feeTaxMandatory": {
          "isFeeMandatory": true,
          "isTaxMandatory": true
        "terms": "",
        "checkInTime": "10:00:00",
        "checkOutTime": "16:00:00",
        "leadTime": 2
      "payment": {
        "paymentType": "MAIL_CHECK",
        "creditCard": {
          "creditCardType": "POST",
          "creditCardList": [
          "paymentGateways": {
            "paymentGatewaysType": "AUTHORIZE_NET"
      "id": 61692799

Update Property Managerdetails

This function will update a property manager’s details. In case of an update you do not need to pass all information, but if you have values in one section - all fields inside are mandatory.

async updatePropertyManagerdetails(
  contentType: string,
  body: CreatenewUpdatePropertyManagerRequest,
  id: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<PropertyManagerdetailsresponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
body CreatenewUpdatePropertyManagerRequest Body, Required -
id string Template, Required Property Manager ID
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const bodyDataCompanyDetailsCompanyAddress: CompanyAddress = {
  country: 'US',
  state: 'Test State',
  streetAddress: 'Test Street',
  city: 'Test City',
  zip: '13245',

const bodyDataCompanyDetailsPhone: Phone = {
  countryCode: '+321',
  number: '132456',

const bodyDataCompanyDetails: CompanyDetails = {
  accountId: '132',
  companyName: 'Test PM',
  language: 'en',
  fullName: 'Test PM',
  companyAddress: bodyDataCompanyDetailsCompanyAddress,
  website: '',
  email: '',
  phone: bodyDataCompanyDetailsPhone,
  currency: 'USD',
bodyDataCompanyDetails.password = 'password';

const bodyDataPoliciesPaymentPolicySplitPayment: SplitPayment = {
  depositType: 'FLAT',
  value: 4,
  secondPaymentDays: 30,

const bodyDataPoliciesPaymentPolicy: PaymentPolicy = {
  type: 'SPLIT',
  splitPayment: bodyDataPoliciesPaymentPolicySplitPayment,

const bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicyManualPolicyManualPolicies: ManualPolicies[] = [];

const bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicyManualPolicymanualPolicies0: ManualPolicies = {
  chargeValue: 20,
  beforeDays: 34,
  cancellationFee: 1,

bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicyManualPolicyManualPolicies[0] = bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicyManualPolicymanualPolicies0;

const bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicyManualPolicymanualPolicies1: ManualPolicies = {
  chargeValue: 12,
  beforeDays: 45,
  cancellationFee: 2,

bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicyManualPolicyManualPolicies[1] = bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicyManualPolicymanualPolicies1;

const bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicyManualPolicy: ManualPolicy = {
  type: 'FLAT',
  manualPolicies: bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicyManualPolicyManualPolicies,

const bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicy: CancellationPolicy = {
  type: 'MANUAL',
  manualPolicy: bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicyManualPolicy,

const bodyDataPoliciesFeeTaxMandatory: FeeTaxMandatory = {
  isFeeMandatory: true,
  isTaxMandatory: true,

const bodyDataPolicies: Policies = {
  paymentPolicy: bodyDataPoliciesPaymentPolicy,
  cancellationPolicy: bodyDataPoliciesCancellationPolicy,
  feeTaxMandatory: bodyDataPoliciesFeeTaxMandatory,
  terms: '',
  checkInTime: '10:00:00',
  checkOutTime: '16:00:00',
  leadTime: 2,

const bodyDataPaymentCreditCardPaymentGateways: PaymentGateways = {
  paymentGatewaysType: 'AUTHORIZE_NET',
bodyDataPaymentCreditCardPaymentGateways.user = 'test';
bodyDataPaymentCreditCardPaymentGateways.secret = 'test';
bodyDataPaymentCreditCardPaymentGateways.additionalField1 = '';
bodyDataPaymentCreditCardPaymentGateways.additionalField2 = '';

const bodyDataPaymentCreditCardCreditCardList: CreditCardListEnum[] = ['AMERICAN_EXPRESS', 'DINERS_CLUB'];
const bodyDataPaymentCreditCard: CreditCard = {
  creditCardType: 'POST',
bodyDataPaymentCreditCard.paymentGateways = bodyDataPaymentCreditCardPaymentGateways;
bodyDataPaymentCreditCard.creditCardList = bodyDataPaymentCreditCardCreditCardList;

const bodyDataPayment: Payment = {
  paymentType: 'MAIL_CHECK',
bodyDataPayment.creditCard = bodyDataPaymentCreditCard;

const bodyData: Company = {
  companyDetails: bodyDataCompanyDetails,
  policies: bodyDataPolicies,
  payment: bodyDataPayment,

const body: CreatenewUpdatePropertyManagerRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

const id = 'id0';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await propertyManagersController.updatePropertyManagerdetails(contentType, body, id);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "companyDetails": {
        "accountId": "132",
        "companyName": "Update Name",
        "language": "en",
        "fullName": "Update Full Name",
        "companyAddress": {
          "country": "US",
          "state": "Update State",
          "streetAddress": "Update Street",
          "city": "Update City",
          "zip": "13245"
        "website": "",
        "email": "",
        "phone": {
          "countryCode": "+321",
          "number": "132456"
        "currency": "USD"
      "policies": {
        "paymentPolicy": {
          "type": "SPLIT",
          "splitPayment": {
            "depositType": "FLAT",
            "value": 4,
            "secondPaymentDays": 30
        "cancellationPolicy": {
          "type": "MANUAL",
          "manualPolicy": {
            "type": "FLAT",
            "manualPolicies": [
                "chargeValue": 20,
                "beforeDays": 34,
                "cancellationFee": 1
                "chargeValue": 12,
                "beforeDays": 45,
                "cancellationFee": 2
        "feeTaxMandatory": {
          "isFeeMandatory": true,
          "isTaxMandatory": true
        "terms": "",
        "checkInTime": "10:00:00",
        "checkOutTime": "16:00:00",
        "leadTime": 2
      "payment": {
        "paymentType": "MAIL_CHECK",
        "creditCard": {
          "creditCardType": "POST",
          "creditCardList": [
          "paymentGateways": {
            "paymentGatewaysType": "AUTHORIZE_NET"
      "id": 61692799



Every API call in this section should be with PM credentials.


This API call will return a list of properties that belong to the current user. This means that a user has to be logged in with products created already. Every API call in this section should be with PM credentials.

async getproductlist(
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<Productresponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await productController.getproductlist();
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "name": "Apimatic Test",
      "id": 1235124634,
      "supplierId": 61692799,
      "rooms": 5,
      "bathrooms": 4,
      "toilets": 2,
      "totalBeds": 6,
      "space": 111,
      "spaceUnit": "SQ_FT",
      "persons": 10,
      "childs": 2,
      "latitude": 41.886125,
      "longitude": -87.634233,
      "livingRoom": 2,
      "altId": 23556,
      "notes": {
        "description": {
          "texts": [
              "language": "EN",
              "value": "Main description on EN!"
              "language": "ES",
              "value": "Main description on ES!"
        "shortDescription": {
          "texts": [
              "language": "EN",
              "value": "House Rules on EN!"
              "language": "IT",
              "value": "House Rules on IT!"
        "houseRules": {
          "texts": [
              "language": "EN",
              "value": "House Rules on EN!"
              "language": "SR",
              "value": "House Rules on SR!"
        "name": {
          "texts": [
              "language": "EN",
              "value": "House Rules on EN!"
              "language": "FR",
              "value": "House Rules on FR!"
        "finePrint": {
          "texts": [
              "language": "EN",
              "value": "House Rules on EN!"
              "language": "SR",
              "value": "House Rules on SR!"
      "attributesWithQuantity": [
          "attributeId": "HAC312",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA19",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA273",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA32",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA41",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA5085",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA68",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA88",
          "quantity": 1
      "nearbyAmenities": [],
      "propertyType": "PCT34",
      "bedroomConfiguration": {
        "bedrooms": [
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA113",
                  "count": 1
                  "bedType": "RMA58",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": false
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA113",
                  "count": 1
                  "bedType": "RMA58",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": false
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA113",
                  "count": 1
                  "bedType": "RMA86",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": false
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA113",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": false
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA58",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": true
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA58",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Living Room",
            "privateBathroom": false
      "checkInTime": "16:00:00",
      "checkInToTime": "20:00:00",
      "checkOutTime": "10:00:00",
      "currency": "EUR",
      "policy": {
        "internetPolicy": {
          "accessInternet": true,
          "kindOfInternet": "WiFi",
          "availableInternet": "AllAreas",
          "chargeInternet": "Free"
        "parkingPolicy": {
          "accessParking": true,
          "locatedParking": "OnSite",
          "privateParking": true,
          "chargeParking": "$ 150",
          "timeCostParking": "PerStay",
          "necessaryReservationParking": "NotPossible"
        "petPolicy": {
          "allowedPets": "Allowed",
          "chargePets": "Free"
        "childrenAllowed": true,
        "smokingAllowed": false
      "location": {
        "postalCode": "60606",
        "country": "US",
        "region": "Illinois",
        "city": "Chicago",
        "street": "210 North Wells Street",
        "zipCode9": "60606-1330"
      "supportedLosRates": false


This function allows a logged in user to create new product. You can only send one product in each request.

async createproduct(
  contentType: string,
  body: CreateUpdatePropertyRequest,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<Productresponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
body CreateUpdatePropertyRequest Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const bodyDataNotesDescriptionTexts: Text[] = [];

const bodyDataNotesDescriptiontexts0: Text = {
  language: 'EN',
  value: 'Main description on EN!',

bodyDataNotesDescriptionTexts[0] = bodyDataNotesDescriptiontexts0;

const bodyDataNotesDescriptiontexts1: Text = {
  language: 'ES',
  value: 'Main description on ES!',

bodyDataNotesDescriptionTexts[1] = bodyDataNotesDescriptiontexts1;

const bodyDataNotesDescription: DescriptionTextModel = {
  texts: bodyDataNotesDescriptionTexts,

const bodyDataNotesHouseRulesTexts: Text[] = [];

const bodyDataNotesHouseRulestexts0: Text = {
  language: 'EN',
  value: 'House Rules on EN!',

bodyDataNotesHouseRulesTexts[0] = bodyDataNotesHouseRulestexts0;

const bodyDataNotesHouseRulestexts1: Text = {
  language: 'SR',
  value: 'House Rules on SR!',

bodyDataNotesHouseRulesTexts[1] = bodyDataNotesHouseRulestexts1;

const bodyDataNotesHouseRules: DescriptionTextModel = {
  texts: bodyDataNotesHouseRulesTexts,

const bodyDataNotesShortDescriptionTexts: Text[] = [];

const bodyDataNotesShortDescriptiontexts0: Text = {
  language: 'EN',
  value: 'Short description on EN!',

bodyDataNotesShortDescriptionTexts[0] = bodyDataNotesShortDescriptiontexts0;

const bodyDataNotesShortDescriptiontexts1: Text = {
  language: 'ES',
  value: 'short description on ES!',

bodyDataNotesShortDescriptionTexts[1] = bodyDataNotesShortDescriptiontexts1;

const bodyDataNotesShortDescription: DescriptionTextModel = {
  texts: bodyDataNotesShortDescriptionTexts,

const bodyDataNotes: Notes = {
  description: bodyDataNotesDescription,
bodyDataNotes.houseRules = bodyDataNotesHouseRules;
bodyDataNotes.shortDescription = bodyDataNotesShortDescription;

const bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity: AttributesWithQuantity[] = [];

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity0: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'HAC312',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[0] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity0;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity1: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA107',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[1] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity1;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity2: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA11',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[2] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity2;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity3: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA149',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[3] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity3;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity4: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA163',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[4] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity4;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity5: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA18',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[5] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity5;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity6: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA19',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[6] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity6;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity7: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA251',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[7] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity7;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity8: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA273',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[8] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity8;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity9: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA32',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[9] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity9;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity10: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA41',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[10] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity10;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity11: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA5085',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[11] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity11;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity12: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA59',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[12] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity12;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity13: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA6058',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[13] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity13;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity14: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA68',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[14] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity14;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity15: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA88',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[15] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity15;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationBedrooms: Bedroom[] = [];

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0BedsBed: Bed[] = [];

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0Bedsbed0: Bed = {
  bedType: 'RMA113',
  count: 1,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0BedsBed[0] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0Bedsbed0;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0Bedsbed1: Bed = {
  bedType: 'RMA58',
  count: 1,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0BedsBed[1] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0Bedsbed1;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0Beds: Beds = {
  bed: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0BedsBed,

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0: Bedroom = {
  beds: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0Beds,
  type: 'Bedroom',
  privateBathroom: false,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationBedrooms[0] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1BedsBed: Bed[] = [];

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1Bedsbed0: Bed = {
  bedType: 'RMA113',
  count: 1,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1BedsBed[0] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1Bedsbed0;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1Bedsbed1: Bed = {
  bedType: 'RMA58',
  count: 1,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1BedsBed[1] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1Bedsbed1;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1Beds: Beds = {
  bed: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1BedsBed,

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1: Bedroom = {
  beds: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1Beds,
  type: 'Bedroom',
  privateBathroom: false,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationBedrooms[1] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2BedsBed: Bed[] = [];

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2Bedsbed0: Bed = {
  bedType: 'RMA113',
  count: 1,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2BedsBed[0] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2Bedsbed0;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2Bedsbed1: Bed = {
  bedType: 'RMA86',
  count: 1,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2BedsBed[1] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2Bedsbed1;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2Beds: Beds = {
  bed: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2BedsBed,

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2: Bedroom = {
  beds: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2Beds,
  type: 'Bedroom',
  privateBathroom: false,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationBedrooms[2] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms3BedsBed: Bed[] = [];

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms3Bedsbed0: Bed = {
  bedType: 'RMA113',
  count: 1,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms3BedsBed[0] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms3Bedsbed0;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms3Beds: Beds = {
  bed: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms3BedsBed,

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms3: Bedroom = {
  beds: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms3Beds,
  type: 'Bedroom',
  privateBathroom: false,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationBedrooms[3] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms3;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms4BedsBed: Bed[] = [];

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms4Bedsbed0: Bed = {
  bedType: 'RMA113',
  count: 1,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms4BedsBed[0] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms4Bedsbed0;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms4Beds: Beds = {
  bed: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms4BedsBed,

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms4: Bedroom = {
  beds: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms4Beds,
  type: 'Bedroom',
  privateBathroom: false,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationBedrooms[4] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms4;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms5BedsBed: Bed[] = [];

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms5Bedsbed0: Bed = {
  bedType: 'RMA58',
  count: 1,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms5BedsBed[0] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms5Bedsbed0;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms5Beds: Beds = {
  bed: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms5BedsBed,

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms5: Bedroom = {
  beds: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms5Beds,
  type: 'Bedroom',
  privateBathroom: true,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationBedrooms[5] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms5;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms6BedsBed: Bed[] = [];

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms6Bedsbed0: Bed = {
  bedType: 'RMA58',
  count: 1,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms6BedsBed[0] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms6Bedsbed0;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms6Beds: Beds = {
  bed: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms6BedsBed,

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms6: Bedroom = {
  beds: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms6Beds,
  type: 'Living Room',
  privateBathroom: false,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationBedrooms[6] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms6;

const bodyDataBedroomConfiguration: BedroomConfiguration = {
  bedrooms: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationBedrooms,

const bodyDataPolicyInternetPolicy: InternetPolicy = {
  accessInternet: true,
bodyDataPolicyInternetPolicy.kindOfInternet = 'WiFi';
bodyDataPolicyInternetPolicy.availableInternet = 'AllAreas';
bodyDataPolicyInternetPolicy.chargeInternet = 'Free';

const bodyDataPolicyParkingPolicy: ParkingPolicy = {
  accessParking: true,
bodyDataPolicyParkingPolicy.locatedParking = 'OnSite';
bodyDataPolicyParkingPolicy.privateParking = true;
bodyDataPolicyParkingPolicy.chargeParking = '$ 150';
bodyDataPolicyParkingPolicy.timeCostParking = 'PerStay';
bodyDataPolicyParkingPolicy.necessaryReservationParking = 'NotPossible';

const bodyDataPolicyPetPolicy: PetPolicy = {
  allowedPets: 'Allowed',
bodyDataPolicyPetPolicy.chargePets = 'Free';

const bodyDataPolicy: Policy = {
  childrenAllowed: true,
  smokingAllowed: false,
bodyDataPolicy.internetPolicy = bodyDataPolicyInternetPolicy;
bodyDataPolicy.parkingPolicy = bodyDataPolicyParkingPolicy;
bodyDataPolicy.petPolicy = bodyDataPolicyPetPolicy;

const bodyDataLocation: Location = {
  postalCode: '60606',
  country: 'US',
  region: 'Illinois',
  city: 'Chicago',
  street: '210 North Wells Street',
  zipCode9: '60606-1330',

const bodyData: Property = {
  name: 'Test product',
  rooms: 5,
  bathrooms: 4,
  persons: 10,
  propertyType: 'PCT34',
  currency: 'EUR',
  supportedLosRates: false,
bodyData.toilets = 2;
bodyData.totalBeds = 6; = 113.76;
bodyData.spaceUnit = 'SQ_FT';
bodyData.childs = 2;
bodyData.latitude = 41.886125;
bodyData.longitude = -87.634233;
bodyData.livingRoom = 2;
bodyData.notes = bodyDataNotes;
bodyData.attributesWithQuantity = bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity;
bodyData.bedroomConfiguration = bodyDataBedroomConfiguration;
bodyData.checkInTime = '16:00:00';
bodyData.checkInToTime = '20:00:00';
bodyData.checkOutTime = '10:00:00';
bodyData.policy = bodyDataPolicy;
bodyData.location = bodyDataLocation;

const body: CreateUpdatePropertyRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await productController.createproduct(contentType, body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "name": "Apimatic Test",
      "id": 1235124634,
      "supplierId": 61692799,
      "rooms": 5,
      "bathrooms": 4,
      "toilets": 2,
      "totalBeds": 6,
      "space": 111,
      "spaceUnit": "SQ_FT",
      "persons": 10,
      "childs": 2,
      "latitude": 41.886125,
      "longitude": -87.634233,
      "livingRoom": 2,
      "altId": 23556,
      "notes": {
        "description": {
          "texts": [
              "language": "EN",
              "value": "Main description on EN!"
              "language": "ES",
              "value": "Main description on ES!"
        "shortDescription": {
          "texts": [
              "language": "EN",
              "value": "House Rules on EN!"
              "language": "IT",
              "value": "House Rules on IT!"
        "houseRules": {
          "texts": [
              "language": "EN",
              "value": "House Rules on EN!"
              "language": "SR",
              "value": "House Rules on SR!"
        "name": {
          "texts": [
              "language": "EN",
              "value": "House Rules on EN!"
              "language": "FR",
              "value": "House Rules on FR!"
        "finePrint": {
          "texts": [
              "language": "EN",
              "value": "House Rules on EN!"
              "language": "SR",
              "value": "House Rules on SR!"
      "attributesWithQuantity": [
          "attributeId": "HAC312",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA19",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA273",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA32",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA41",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA5085",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA68",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA88",
          "quantity": 1
      "nearbyAmenities": [],
      "propertyType": "PCT34",
      "bedroomConfiguration": {
        "bedrooms": [
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA113",
                  "count": 1
                  "bedType": "RMA58",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": false
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA113",
                  "count": 1
                  "bedType": "RMA58",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": false
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA113",
                  "count": 1
                  "bedType": "RMA86",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": false
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA113",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": false
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA58",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": true
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA58",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Living Room",
            "privateBathroom": false
      "checkInTime": "16:00:00",
      "checkInToTime": "20:00:00",
      "checkOutTime": "10:00:00",
      "currency": "EUR",
      "policy": {
        "internetPolicy": {
          "accessInternet": true,
          "kindOfInternet": "WiFi",
          "availableInternet": "AllAreas",
          "chargeInternet": "Free"
        "parkingPolicy": {
          "accessParking": true,
          "locatedParking": "OnSite",
          "privateParking": true,
          "chargeParking": "$ 150",
          "timeCostParking": "PerStay",
          "necessaryReservationParking": "NotPossible"
        "petPolicy": {
          "allowedPets": "Allowed",
          "chargePets": "Free"
        "childrenAllowed": true,
        "smokingAllowed": false
      "location": {
        "postalCode": "60606",
        "country": "US",
        "region": "Illinois",
        "city": "Chicago",
        "street": "210 North Wells Street",
        "zipCode9": "60606-1330"
      "supportedLosRates": false


This function allows a logged in user to update product details.

Request parameters and request example will be the same as in the create product API. The only field that must be added is the product id.

You need to have all other parameters which were used in the create API call that you want to keep (AltID can’t be updated). Everything that you do not send as an update will be deleted (overwritten).

Response parameters and response examples are the same as in the create product API.

async updateproduct(
  contentType: string,
  body: CreateUpdatePropertyRequest,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<Productresponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
body CreateUpdatePropertyRequest Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const bodyDataNotesDescriptionTexts: Text[] = [];

const bodyDataNotesDescriptiontexts0: Text = {
  language: 'EN',
  value: 'Main description on EN!',

bodyDataNotesDescriptionTexts[0] = bodyDataNotesDescriptiontexts0;

const bodyDataNotesDescriptiontexts1: Text = {
  language: 'ES',
  value: 'Main description on ES!',

bodyDataNotesDescriptionTexts[1] = bodyDataNotesDescriptiontexts1;

const bodyDataNotesDescription: DescriptionTextModel = {
  texts: bodyDataNotesDescriptionTexts,

const bodyDataNotesHouseRulesTexts: Text[] = [];

const bodyDataNotesHouseRulestexts0: Text = {
  language: 'EN',
  value: 'House Rules on EN!',

bodyDataNotesHouseRulesTexts[0] = bodyDataNotesHouseRulestexts0;

const bodyDataNotesHouseRulestexts1: Text = {
  language: 'SR',
  value: 'House Rules on SR!',

bodyDataNotesHouseRulesTexts[1] = bodyDataNotesHouseRulestexts1;

const bodyDataNotesHouseRules: DescriptionTextModel = {
  texts: bodyDataNotesHouseRulesTexts,

const bodyDataNotesShortDescriptionTexts: Text[] = [];

const bodyDataNotesShortDescriptiontexts0: Text = {
  language: 'EN',
  value: 'Short description on EN!',

bodyDataNotesShortDescriptionTexts[0] = bodyDataNotesShortDescriptiontexts0;

const bodyDataNotesShortDescriptiontexts1: Text = {
  language: 'ES',
  value: 'short description on ES!',

bodyDataNotesShortDescriptionTexts[1] = bodyDataNotesShortDescriptiontexts1;

const bodyDataNotesShortDescription: DescriptionTextModel = {
  texts: bodyDataNotesShortDescriptionTexts,

const bodyDataNotes: Notes = {
  description: bodyDataNotesDescription,
bodyDataNotes.houseRules = bodyDataNotesHouseRules;
bodyDataNotes.shortDescription = bodyDataNotesShortDescription;

const bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity: AttributesWithQuantity[] = [];

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity0: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'HAC312',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[0] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity0;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity1: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA107',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[1] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity1;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity2: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA11',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[2] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity2;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity3: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA149',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[3] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity3;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity4: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA163',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[4] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity4;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity5: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA18',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[5] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity5;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity6: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA19',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[6] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity6;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity7: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA251',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[7] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity7;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity8: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA273',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[8] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity8;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity9: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA32',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[9] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity9;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity10: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA41',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[10] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity10;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity11: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA5085',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[11] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity11;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity12: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA59',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[12] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity12;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity13: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA6058',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[13] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity13;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity14: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA68',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[14] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity14;

const bodyDataattributesWithQuantity15: AttributesWithQuantity = {
  attributeId: 'RMA88',
  quantity: 1,

bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity[15] = bodyDataattributesWithQuantity15;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationBedrooms: Bedroom[] = [];

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0BedsBed: Bed[] = [];

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0Bedsbed0: Bed = {
  bedType: 'RMA113',
  count: 1,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0BedsBed[0] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0Bedsbed0;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0Bedsbed1: Bed = {
  bedType: 'RMA58',
  count: 1,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0BedsBed[1] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0Bedsbed1;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0Beds: Beds = {
  bed: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0BedsBed,

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0: Bedroom = {
  beds: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0Beds,
  type: 'Bedroom',
  privateBathroom: false,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationBedrooms[0] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms0;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1BedsBed: Bed[] = [];

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1Bedsbed0: Bed = {
  bedType: 'RMA113',
  count: 1,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1BedsBed[0] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1Bedsbed0;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1Bedsbed1: Bed = {
  bedType: 'RMA58',
  count: 1,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1BedsBed[1] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1Bedsbed1;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1Beds: Beds = {
  bed: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1BedsBed,

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1: Bedroom = {
  beds: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1Beds,
  type: 'Bedroom',
  privateBathroom: false,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationBedrooms[1] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms1;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2BedsBed: Bed[] = [];

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2Bedsbed0: Bed = {
  bedType: 'RMA113',
  count: 1,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2BedsBed[0] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2Bedsbed0;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2Bedsbed1: Bed = {
  bedType: 'RMA86',
  count: 1,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2BedsBed[1] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2Bedsbed1;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2Beds: Beds = {
  bed: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2BedsBed,

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2: Bedroom = {
  beds: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2Beds,
  type: 'Bedroom',
  privateBathroom: false,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationBedrooms[2] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms2;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms3BedsBed: Bed[] = [];

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms3Bedsbed0: Bed = {
  bedType: 'RMA113',
  count: 1,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms3BedsBed[0] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms3Bedsbed0;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms3Beds: Beds = {
  bed: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms3BedsBed,

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms3: Bedroom = {
  beds: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms3Beds,
  type: 'Bedroom',
  privateBathroom: false,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationBedrooms[3] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms3;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms4BedsBed: Bed[] = [];

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms4Bedsbed0: Bed = {
  bedType: 'RMA113',
  count: 1,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms4BedsBed[0] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms4Bedsbed0;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms4Beds: Beds = {
  bed: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms4BedsBed,

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms4: Bedroom = {
  beds: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms4Beds,
  type: 'Bedroom',
  privateBathroom: false,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationBedrooms[4] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms4;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms5BedsBed: Bed[] = [];

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms5Bedsbed0: Bed = {
  bedType: 'RMA58',
  count: 1,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms5BedsBed[0] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms5Bedsbed0;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms5Beds: Beds = {
  bed: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms5BedsBed,

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms5: Bedroom = {
  beds: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms5Beds,
  type: 'Bedroom',
  privateBathroom: true,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationBedrooms[5] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms5;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms6BedsBed: Bed[] = [];

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms6Bedsbed0: Bed = {
  bedType: 'RMA58',
  count: 1,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms6BedsBed[0] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms6Bedsbed0;

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms6Beds: Beds = {
  bed: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms6BedsBed,

const bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms6: Bedroom = {
  beds: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms6Beds,
  type: 'Living Room',
  privateBathroom: false,

bodyDataBedroomConfigurationBedrooms[6] = bodyDataBedroomConfigurationbedrooms6;

const bodyDataBedroomConfiguration: BedroomConfiguration = {
  bedrooms: bodyDataBedroomConfigurationBedrooms,

const bodyDataPolicyInternetPolicy: InternetPolicy = {
  accessInternet: true,
bodyDataPolicyInternetPolicy.kindOfInternet = 'WiFi';
bodyDataPolicyInternetPolicy.availableInternet = 'AllAreas';
bodyDataPolicyInternetPolicy.chargeInternet = 'Free';

const bodyDataPolicyParkingPolicy: ParkingPolicy = {
  accessParking: true,
bodyDataPolicyParkingPolicy.locatedParking = 'OnSite';
bodyDataPolicyParkingPolicy.privateParking = true;
bodyDataPolicyParkingPolicy.chargeParking = '$ 150';
bodyDataPolicyParkingPolicy.timeCostParking = 'PerStay';
bodyDataPolicyParkingPolicy.necessaryReservationParking = 'NotPossible';

const bodyDataPolicyPetPolicy: PetPolicy = {
  allowedPets: 'Allowed',
bodyDataPolicyPetPolicy.chargePets = 'Free';

const bodyDataPolicy: Policy = {
  childrenAllowed: true,
  smokingAllowed: false,
bodyDataPolicy.internetPolicy = bodyDataPolicyInternetPolicy;
bodyDataPolicy.parkingPolicy = bodyDataPolicyParkingPolicy;
bodyDataPolicy.petPolicy = bodyDataPolicyPetPolicy;

const bodyDataLocation: Location = {
  postalCode: '60606',
  country: 'US',
  region: 'Illinois',
  city: 'Chicago',
  street: '210 North Wells Street',
  zipCode9: '60606-1330',

const bodyData: Property = {
  name: 'Test product',
  rooms: 5,
  bathrooms: 4,
  persons: 10,
  propertyType: 'PCT34',
  currency: 'EUR',
  supportedLosRates: false,
bodyData.toilets = 2;
bodyData.totalBeds = 6; = 113.76;
bodyData.spaceUnit = 'SQ_FT';
bodyData.childs = 2;
bodyData.latitude = 41.886125;
bodyData.longitude = -87.634233;
bodyData.livingRoom = 2;
bodyData.notes = bodyDataNotes;
bodyData.attributesWithQuantity = bodyDataAttributesWithQuantity;
bodyData.bedroomConfiguration = bodyDataBedroomConfiguration;
bodyData.checkInTime = '16:00:00';
bodyData.checkInToTime = '20:00:00';
bodyData.checkOutTime = '10:00:00';
bodyData.policy = bodyDataPolicy;
bodyData.location = bodyDataLocation;

const body: CreateUpdatePropertyRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await productController.updateproduct(contentType, body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "name": "Name Updated",
      "id": 1235124634,
      "supplierId": 61692799,
      "rooms": 3,
      "bathrooms": 6,
      "toilets": 6,
      "totalBeds": 6,
      "space": 66,
      "spaceUnit": "SQ_M",
      "persons": 6,
      "childs": 6,
      "latitude": 41.8860812,
      "longitude": -87.634233,
      "livingRoom": 6,
      "notes": {
        "description": {
          "texts": [
              "language": "FR",
              "value": "Main description in FR!"
              "language": "SR",
              "value": "Main description in RO!"
        "houseRules": {
          "texts": [
              "language": "RO",
              "value": "House Rules in RO!"
              "language": "SK",
              "value": "House Rules in SK!"
      "attributesWithQuantity": [
          "attributeId": "RMA149",
          "quantity": 1
      "nearbyAmenities": [
          "attributeId": "ACC203",
          "distance": 3
      "propertyType": "PCT101",
      "bedroomConfiguration": {
        "bedrooms": [
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA6118",
                  "count": 2
                  "bedType": "RMA6120",
                  "count": 4
            "type": "Living Room",
            "privateBathroom": true
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA102",
                  "count": 2
                  "bedType": "RMA58",
                  "count": 2
                  "bedType": "RMA6119",
                  "count": 3
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": true
      "checkInTime": "17:00:00",
      "checkInToTime": "21:00:00",
      "checkOutTime": "11:00:00",
      "currency": "RSD",
      "policy": {
        "internetPolicy": {
          "accessInternet": true,
          "kindOfInternet": "Wired",
          "availableInternet": "SomeRooms",
          "chargeInternet": "$ 1000"
        "parkingPolicy": {
          "accessParking": true,
          "locatedParking": "Nearby",
          "privateParking": false,
          "chargeParking": "$ 100",
          "timeCostParking": "PerHour",
          "necessaryReservationParking": "NotPossible"
        "petPolicy": {
          "allowedPets": "NotAllowed",
          "chargePets": "$ 10"
        "childrenAllowed": false,
        "smokingAllowed": false
      "location": {
        "postalCode": "60606",
        "country": "US",
        "region": "Illinois",
        "city": "Chicago",
        "street": "210 North Wells Street",
        "zipCode9": "60606-1330"
      "supportedLosRates": true


This function allows logged in user to delete list of products.

async deletelistproduct(
  contentType: string,
  body: PropertyListRequest,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<APIResponsewithoutData>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
body PropertyListRequest Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const bodyData: number[] = [1235124636, 1235124637];
const body: PropertyListRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await productController.deletelistproduct(contentType, body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "Product with ids [1235124636, 1235124637] was deleted",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": ""

Getproductby ID

This function allows logged in user to get a specific product.

async getproductbyID(
  productId: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<Productresponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
productId string Template, Required Id of the property
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const productId = 'productId6';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await productController.getproductbyID(productId);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "name": "Apimatic Test",
      "id": 1235124634,
      "supplierId": 61692799,
      "rooms": 5,
      "bathrooms": 4,
      "toilets": 2,
      "totalBeds": 6,
      "space": 111,
      "spaceUnit": "SQ_FT",
      "persons": 10,
      "childs": 2,
      "latitude": 41.886125,
      "longitude": -87.634233,
      "livingRoom": 2,
      "notes": {
        "description": {
          "texts": [
              "language": "EN",
              "value": "Main description on EN!"
              "language": "ES",
              "value": "Main description on ES!"
        "houseRules": {
          "texts": [
              "language": "EN",
              "value": "House Rules on EN!"
              "language": "SR",
              "value": "House Rules on SR!"
      "attributesWithQuantity": [
          "attributeId": "HAC312",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA107",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA11",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA149",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA163",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA18",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA19",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA251",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA273",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA32",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA41",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA5085",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA59",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA6058",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA68",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA88",
          "quantity": 1
      "nearbyAmenities": [],
      "propertyType": "PCT34",
      "bedroomConfiguration": {
        "bedrooms": [
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA113",
                  "count": 1
                  "bedType": "RMA58",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": false
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA113",
                  "count": 1
                  "bedType": "RMA58",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": false
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA113",
                  "count": 1
                  "bedType": "RMA86",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": false
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA113",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": false
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA113",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": false
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA58",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": true
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA58",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Living Room",
            "privateBathroom": false
      "checkInTime": "16:00:00",
      "checkInToTime": "20:00:00",
      "checkOutTime": "10:00:00",
      "currency": "EUR",
      "policy": {
        "internetPolicy": {
          "accessInternet": true,
          "kindOfInternet": "WiFi",
          "availableInternet": "AllAreas",
          "chargeInternet": "Free"
        "parkingPolicy": {
          "accessParking": true,
          "locatedParking": "OnSite",
          "privateParking": true,
          "chargeParking": "$ 150",
          "timeCostParking": "PerStay",
          "necessaryReservationParking": "NotPossible"
        "petPolicy": {
          "allowedPets": "Allowed",
          "chargePets": "Free"
        "childrenAllowed": true,
        "smokingAllowed": false
      "location": {
        "postalCode": "60606",
        "country": "US",
        "region": "Illinois",
        "city": "Chicago",
        "street": "210 North Wells Street",
        "zipCode9": "60606-1330"
      "supportedLosRates": false


This function allows the logged in user to delete product.

async deleteproduct(
  productId: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<APIResponsewithoutData>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
productId string Template, Required Property ID
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const productId = 'productId6';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await productController.deleteproduct(productId);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "Product with id 1235124636 was deleted",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": ""


This function allows logged in user to activate a list of products in BookingPal. Products MUST be activated successfully before they can be distributed to any channel.

Note: When a product is successfully activated it will be queued for the internal BP validation function and you will receive async push messages when the validation is completed - like it is described in the Validation section.

async activationlistproduct(
  contentType: string,
  body: PropertyListRequest,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<APIResponsewithoutData>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
body PropertyListRequest Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const bodyData: number[] = [1235124636, 1235124637];
const body: PropertyListRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await productController.activationlistproduct(contentType, body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "Property with ids [1235124634, 1235124636] will be put in Queue for validation. Please expect response over push message.",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": ""


This function allows the logged in user to deactivate a list of products. This function will also close the calendars on every channel the products have been listed on.

async deactivationlistproduct(
  contentType: string,
  body: PropertyListRequest,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<APIResponsewithoutData>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
body PropertyListRequest Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const bodyData: number[] = [1235124636, 1235124637];
const body: PropertyListRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await productController.deactivationlistproduct(contentType, body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "Product with ids [1235124634, 1235124636] are Deactivated!",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": ""



Every API call in this section should be with PM credentials.

This is a list of functions to work with property images. Important note is that upload or delete images will be done over an automatic cron job. So it will be done some time after your call, depending on the number of requests which are waiting before your request. Important note: Please make sure to put full URL to image, and to not use some links which will forward our system to another link since images might not be imported.

Getimagelistbyproduct ID

This function allows logged in user to get image list for the existing product

async getimagelistbyproductID(
  productId: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<GetimagelistbyproductID>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
productId string Template, Required ID of the property
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const productId = 'productId6';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await imagesController.getimagelistbyproductID(productId);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "productId": 1235124634,
      "images": [
          "url": "",
          "tags": [
          "urlMbp": "",
          "sort": 1
          "url": "",
          "tags": [
          "urlMbp": "",
          "sort": 2
          "url": "",
          "tags": [
          "urlMbp": "",
          "sort": 3
          "url": "",
          "tags": [
          "urlMbp": "",
          "sort": 4
          "url": "",
          "tags": [
          "urlMbp": "",
          "sort": 5
          "url": "",
          "tags": [
          "urlMbp": "",
          "sort": 6
          "url": "",
          "tags": [
          "urlMbp": "",
          "sort": 7
          "url": "",
          "tags": [
          "urlMbp": "",
          "sort": 8
          "url": "",
          "tags": [
          "urlMbp": "",
          "sort": 9
          "url": "",
          "tags": [
          "urlMbp": "",
          "sort": 10
          "url": "",
          "tags": [
          "urlMbp": "",
          "sort": 11
          "url": "",
          "tags": [
          "urlMbp": "",
          "sort": 12


This function allows logged in user to delete images.

async deleteallimagesperproperty(
  contentType: string,
  productId: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<APIResponsewithoutData>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
productId string Template, Required ID of property for which you want to delete all images
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const productId = 'productId6';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await imagesController.deleteallimagesperproperty(contentType, productId);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "Your request was received and put in queue",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": []


This function allows the logged in user to upload images for the existing product. Every new image will be sorted to the end. The first image sent will be used as the “Main Image”. (Image re-ordering can also be done within the BookingPal platform manually by users)

async createimages(
  contentType: string,
  body: CreateimagesRequest,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<APIResponsewithoutData>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
body CreateimagesRequest Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const bodyDataImageTags: ImageTagsEnum[] = [4, 5, 6];
const bodyDataImage: Image = {
  url: '',
bodyDataImage.tags = bodyDataImageTags;

const bodyData: ImageUrlforCreate = {
  productId: 1235124634,
  image: bodyDataImage,

const body: CreateimagesRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await imagesController.createimages(contentType, body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "Your request was received and put in queue",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": ""


This function allows the logged in user to delete image(s) from the existing product.

async deletelistofimages(
  contentType: string,
  body: DeletelistofimagesRequest,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<APIResponsewithoutData>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
body DeletelistofimagesRequest Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const bodyDataImages: Image[] = [];

const bodyDataimages0: Image = {
  url: '',

bodyDataImages[0] = bodyDataimages0;

const bodyData: ImageUrlList = {
  productId: 1235124634,
  images: bodyDataImages,

const body: DeletelistofimagesRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await imagesController.deletelistofimages(contentType, body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "Images are sent for processing!",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": []

Rates and Availability


Every API call in this section should be with PM credentials.

Getratesandavailabilityproduct ID

This function allows logged in users to get rates and availability for the specific product. Every API call in this section should be with PM credentials.

async getratesandavailabilityproductID(
  contentType: string,
  productId: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<RatesAvailabilityresponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
productId string Template, Required ID of the property
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const productId = 'productId6';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await ratesAndAvailabilityController.getratesandavailabilityproductID(contentType, productId);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "productId": 1235124634,
      "leadTime": 2,
      "rates": [
          "beginDate": "2020-03-17",
          "endDate": "2021-01-25",
          "amount": 137
      "minStays": [
          "beginDate": "2020-03-17",
          "endDate": "2021-01-25",
          "minStay": 5
      "maxStays": [
          "beginDate": "2020-03-17",
          "endDate": "2021-01-25",
          "maxStay": 20
      "restrictions": [
          "beginDate": "2020-03-23",
          "endDate": "2021-01-25",
          "checkIn": {
            "monday": false,
            "tuesday": false,
            "wednesday": false,
            "thursday": false,
            "friday": false,
            "saturday": true,
            "sunday": true
          "checkOut": {
            "monday": false,
            "tuesday": false,
            "wednesday": false,
            "thursday": false,
            "friday": false,
            "saturday": true,
            "sunday": true
          "beginDate": "2021-01-25",
          "endDate": "2021-02-01",
          "checkIn": {
            "monday": false,
            "tuesday": true,
            "wednesday": true,
            "thursday": true,
            "friday": true,
            "saturday": true,
            "sunday": true
          "checkOut": {
            "monday": false,
            "tuesday": true,
            "wednesday": true,
            "thursday": true,
            "friday": true,
            "saturday": true,
            "sunday": true
          "beginDate": "2020-03-16",
          "endDate": "2020-03-23",
          "checkIn": {
            "monday": true,
            "tuesday": false,
            "wednesday": false,
            "thursday": false,
            "friday": false,
            "saturday": true,
            "sunday": true
          "checkOut": {
            "monday": true,
            "tuesday": false,
            "wednesday": false,
            "thursday": false,
            "friday": false,
            "saturday": true,
            "sunday": true
      "availabilities": [
          "beginDate": "2020-04-20",
          "endDate": "2020-04-25",
          "availability": false


Create and update calls are the same. When data is sent, if the data already exists in BookingPal - that data will be updated. Otherwise it will be created (inserted). If you want to update data for some period, you should just send data for these dates. All other data (for other dates) will remain untouched. This allows you to update only changed periods and we will not delete previously sent data for other periods.

In the case of a first data push, all data for one property should be sent in one request. When making updates or changes to existing data, then all changed data should be sent in one request.

Note: if property is set to use LOS rates (supportedLosRates) - only field leadTime, array availableCount and availability can be updated in this API call (for MLT property). For SGL property only leadTime and availability can be updated. This API call can not be used for OWN properties. Important: Maximum allowed end date in any data type is 3 years in future.

Every API call in this section should be with PM credentials.

async createandupdateratesandavailability(
  contentType: string,
  body: CreateandupdateratesandavailabilityRequest,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<RatesAvailabilityresponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
body CreateandupdateratesandavailabilityRequest Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const bodyDataRates: Rate[] = [];

const bodyDatarates0: Rate = {
  beginDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  endDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  amount: 137,

bodyDataRates[0] = bodyDatarates0;

const bodyDataMinStays: MinStayModel[] = [];

const bodyDataminStays0: MinStayModel = {
  beginDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  endDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  minStay: 5,

bodyDataMinStays[0] = bodyDataminStays0;

const bodyDataMaxStays: MaxStayModel[] = [];

const bodyDatamaxStays0: MaxStayModel = {
  beginDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  endDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  maxStay: 20,

bodyDataMaxStays[0] = bodyDatamaxStays0;

const bodyDataRestrictions: Restriction[] = [];

const bodyDatarestrictions0CheckIn: CheckIn = {
  monday: false,
  tuesday: false,
  wednesday: false,
  thursday: false,
  friday: false,
  saturday: true,
  sunday: true,

const bodyDatarestrictions0CheckOut: CheckOut = {
  monday: false,
  tuesday: false,
  wednesday: false,
  thursday: false,
  friday: false,
  saturday: true,
  sunday: true,

const bodyDatarestrictions0: Restriction = {
  beginDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  endDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  checkIn: bodyDatarestrictions0CheckIn,
  checkOut: bodyDatarestrictions0CheckOut,

bodyDataRestrictions[0] = bodyDatarestrictions0;

const bodyDataAvailabilities: AvailabilityModel[] = [];

const bodyDataavailabilities0: AvailabilityModel = {
  beginDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  endDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  availability: false,

bodyDataAvailabilities[0] = bodyDataavailabilities0;

const bodyDataavailabilities1: AvailabilityModel = {
  beginDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  endDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  availability: true,

bodyDataAvailabilities[1] = bodyDataavailabilities1;

const bodyDataAvailableCount: AvailableCount[] = [];

const bodyDataavailableCount0: AvailableCount = {
  beginDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  endDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  count: 3,

bodyDataAvailableCount[0] = bodyDataavailableCount0;

const bodyDataavailableCount1: AvailableCount = {
  beginDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  endDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  count: 4,

bodyDataAvailableCount[1] = bodyDataavailableCount1;

const bodyData: RatesAvailability = {
  productId: 1235124634,
bodyData.leadTime = 2;
bodyData.rates = bodyDataRates;
bodyData.minStays = bodyDataMinStays;
bodyData.maxStays = bodyDataMaxStays;
bodyData.restrictions = bodyDataRestrictions;
bodyData.availabilities = bodyDataAvailabilities;
bodyData.availableCount = bodyDataAvailableCount;

const body: CreateandupdateratesandavailabilityRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await ratesAndAvailabilityController.createandupdateratesandavailability(contentType, body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "This product is SGL and can't have availableCount!",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "productId": 1235124634,
      "leadTime": 2,
      "rates": [
          "beginDate": "2020-03-17",
          "endDate": "2021-01-25",
          "amount": 137
      "minStays": [
          "beginDate": "2020-03-17",
          "endDate": "2021-01-25",
          "minStay": 5
      "maxStays": [
          "beginDate": "2020-03-17",
          "endDate": "2021-01-25",
          "maxStay": 20
      "restrictions": [
          "beginDate": "2020-03-17",
          "endDate": "2021-01-25",
          "checkIn": {
            "monday": false,
            "tuesday": false,
            "wednesday": false,
            "thursday": false,
            "friday": false,
            "saturday": true,
            "sunday": true
          "checkOut": {
            "monday": false,
            "tuesday": false,
            "wednesday": false,
            "thursday": false,
            "friday": false,
            "saturday": true,
            "sunday": true
      "availabilities": [
          "beginDate": "2020-04-20",
          "endDate": "2020-04-25",
          "availability": false
          "beginDate": "2020-04-26",
          "endDate": "2020-04-28",
          "availability": true
      "availableCount": [
          "beginDate": "2020-04-20",
          "endDate": "2020-04-25",
          "count": 3
          "beginDate": "2020-04-26",
          "endDate": "2020-04-28",
          "count": 4

LOS Pricing


Every API call in this section should be with PM credentials.

Createandupdate LOS Lengthof Stay Pricing

Introduction: You can use this function if you would like to send BookingPal different prices for various Length of Stays with the same starting date.

LOS Pricing will be a different method in sending rates to BookingPal and is defined as pricing sent for a specific “Stay ranges”, In the LOS method you are setting specific rates based on the Length of Stay. (This is a different way to push rates to BookingPal. )

For date periods of 1 to 30 days a specific rate need to enter check-in date and a rate for every possible reservation starting at that date (i.e. 1 day, 2 days, up to 30 days, 30 days is the maximum value allowed for this field) you will need to send BookingPal total rate value for that period.

Maximum LOS number of days is 30. All other LOS values after 30 will not be saved. If you do not support reservation for some specific number of dates - send value 0.00 for this LOS number of days. Keep in mind that all values not sent for any specific check-in date will be considered as 0, and reservation for this number of days will not be possible. Field maxGuests allows you to set different rates per different number of guests. If you do not have different rate values per number of guests - you can send the value for maximum number of guests, and all others will have the same rate.

For MLT properties which supported LOS price for update number of count you can use it rates and availability API.

It is suggested to manage availability over “rates and availability” API call, and to close/open dates over this call.

Note: this API call can be used only if you set supportedLosRates = true on the product. Otherwise using this API for specific product is not possible.

async createandupdateLOSLengthofStayPricing(
  contentType: string,
  body: CreateandupdateLOSRequest,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<LOSratesresponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
body CreateandupdateLOSRequest Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const bodyDataLosRates: LosRate[] = [];

const bodyDatalosRates0LosValue: number[] = [100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 0, 0, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950, 550, 510, 570, 520, 500, 510, 590, 121, 122, 123];
const bodyDatalosRates0: LosRate = {
  checkInDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  maxGuests: 3,
  losValue: bodyDatalosRates0LosValue,

bodyDataLosRates[0] = bodyDatalosRates0;

const bodyDatalosRates1LosValue: number[] = [111, 112, 123, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950, 550, 510, 570, 520, 500, 510, 590, 580, 560, 540];
const bodyDatalosRates1: LosRate = {
  checkInDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  maxGuests: 4,
  losValue: bodyDatalosRates1LosValue,

bodyDataLosRates[1] = bodyDatalosRates1;

const bodyData: LosRatesProduct = {
  productId: 1235124634,
  losRates: bodyDataLosRates,

const body: CreateandupdateLOSRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await lOSPricingController.createandupdateLOSLengthofStayPricing(contentType, body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "productId": 1235124634,
      "losRates": [
          "checkInDate": "2020-05-21",
          "currency": "RSD",
          "maxGuests": 4,
          "losValue": [
          "checkInDate": "2020-06-20",
          "currency": "RSD",
          "maxGuests": 3,
          "losValue": [

Getlospriceslistbyproduct Id

This function allows the logged in user to get a LOS rate for property.

async getlospriceslistbyproductId(
  productId: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<LOSratesresponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
productId string Template, Required Property ID in BookingPal
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const productId = 'productId6';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await lOSPricingController.getlospriceslistbyproductId(productId);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "productId": 1235124634,
      "losRates": [
          "checkInDate": "2020-05-21",
          "currency": "RSD",
          "maxGuests": 4,
          "losValue": [
          "checkInDate": "2020-06-20",
          "currency": "RSD",
          "maxGuests": 3,
          "losValue": [

Fee and Tax


Every API call in this section should be with PM credentials.

Getfeeandtaxlistbyproduct Id

This function allows the logged in user to get a fee list for the specific product.

async getfeeandtaxlistbyproductId(
  productId: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<FeeTaxResponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
productId string Template, Required ID of the property
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const productId = 'productId6';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await feeAndTaxController.getfeeandtaxlistbyproductId(productId);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "productId": 1235124634,
      "fees": [
          "beginDate": "2020-02-26",
          "endDate": "2020-12-12",
          "entityType": "OPTIONAL",
          "feeType": "GENERAL",
          "option": 3,
          "name": "RetestFeeHF",
          "taxType": "TAXABLE",
          "unit": "PER_DAY_PER_PERSON_EXTRA",
          "value": 88,
          "valueType": "PERCENT"
      "taxes": [
          "name": "Tax reTestAT",
          "type": "SalesTaxIncluded",
          "value": 55,
          "altId": "11"


This function allows the logged in user to set fees (i.e. cleaning fee, damage waiver, extra bed, extra person etc.) and taxes for the specific product. Here, you always need to send all fees and taxes for one property. All fees or taxes which were in our system for that property and which are not in the new request will be deleted. Taxes in the BookingPal system will always have percent value.

If you want to delete all fees and/or taxes for one property (if you do not have fees and taxes in your system for one property) send an empty list of fees and.or taxes. In short when you use this request you need to always send us a full list of fees and taxes per property, since we will do a full update.

async createfeeandtax(
  contentType: string,
  body: CreatefeeandtaxRequest,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<FeeTaxResponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
body CreatefeeandtaxRequest Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const bodyDataFees: Fee[] = [];

const bodyDatafees0: Fee = {
  entityType: 'OPTIONAL',
  feeType: 'GENERAL',
  name: 'RetestFeeHF',
  value: 178.13,
  valueType: 'PERCENT',
bodyDatafees0.beginDate = '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z';
bodyDatafees0.endDate = '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z';
bodyDatafees0.option = 3;
bodyDatafees0.taxType = 'TAXABLE';

bodyDataFees[0] = bodyDatafees0;

const bodyDataTaxes: Taxes[] = [];

const bodyDatataxes0: Taxes = {
  name: 'Tax reTestAT',
  value: 168.13,
bodyDatataxes0.type = 'SalesTaxIncluded';
bodyDatataxes0.altId = '11';

bodyDataTaxes[0] = bodyDatataxes0;

const bodyData: FeeTax = {
  productId: 1235124634,
bodyData.fees = bodyDataFees;
bodyData.taxes = bodyDataTaxes;

const body: CreatefeeandtaxRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await feeAndTaxController.createfeeandtax(contentType, body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "productId": 1235124634,
      "fees": [
          "beginDate": "2020-02-26",
          "endDate": "2020-12-12",
          "entityType": "OPTIONAL",
          "feeType": "GENERAL",
          "option": 3,
          "name": "RetestFeeHF",
          "taxType": "TAXABLE",
          "unit": "PER_DAY_PER_PERSON_EXTRA",
          "value": 88,
          "valueType": "PERCENT"
      "taxes": [
          "name": "Tax reTestAT",
          "type": "SalesTaxIncluded",
          "value": 55,
          "altId": "11"

Fee and Tax Mandatory at the Property Level


By default in BookingPal system fees and taxes are required. So if one property does not have at least one fee or tax, the property will be Incomplete and can not be distributed. We already have the possibility to set on Property Manager level (on create / update PM API call) if fees and taxes required. These API calls now allow the PMS to set this on property level in the event where you only have some of your properties with taxes and fees and others without. Keep in mind that if you have this setup on property level we will check this setting first before checking at Property Manager level. If you have not set this at property level then we will only check the setup at Property Manager level. These API calls should be used with PM credentials.


This function allows the logged in user to get info about current set for all PM properties are fees/taxes set to be mandatory or not.

async getfeeandtaxmandatory(
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<FeeTaxValidationSettingResponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await feeAndTaxMandatoryAtThePropertyLevelController.getfeeandtaxmandatory();
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "validationSettings": [
          "productId": 1235124634,
          "isFeeMandatory": false,
          "isTaxMandatory": false
          "productId": 1235124636,
          "isFeeMandatory": true,
          "isTaxMandatory": true
          "productId": 1235124637,
          "isFeeMandatory": true,
          "isTaxMandatory": true


This function allows the logged in user to import or update a fee and tax mandatory.

async importorupdatefeeandtaxmandatory(
  contentType: string,
  body: SetfeeandtaxvalidationsettingRequest,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<APIResponsewithoutData>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
body SetfeeandtaxvalidationsettingRequest Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const bodyDataValidationSettings: FeeTaxMandatorySetting[] = [];

const bodyDatavalidationSettings0: FeeTaxMandatorySetting = {
  productId: 1235124634,
  isFeeMandatory: false,
  isTaxMandatory: false,

bodyDataValidationSettings[0] = bodyDatavalidationSettings0;

const bodyData: FeeTaxValidationSettings = {
  validationSettings: bodyDataValidationSettings,

const body: SetfeeandtaxvalidationsettingRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await feeAndTaxMandatoryAtThePropertyLevelController.importorupdatefeeandtaxmandatory(contentType, body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "For product ids [1235124634] the validation settings are imported!",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": ""

Remove Validation Settings

This function allows the logged in user to remove any setup on property level and to return on default (which is that fee/taxes are mandatory). This API call will accept a list of properties.

async removeValidationSettings(
  contentType: string,
  body: PropertyListRequest,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<APIResponsewithoutData>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
body PropertyListRequest Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const bodyData: number[] = [1235124636, 1235124637];
const body: PropertyListRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await feeAndTaxMandatoryAtThePropertyLevelController.removeValidationSettings(contentType, body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "For product ids [1235124634] the validation settings will be removed!",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": ""



Every API call in this section should be with PM credentials.

Warning: Do not enable the Yields API if not yet certified. BookingPal will no longer certify new partners on this API.

If you are already certified to use the Yields API, no changes are required.

If your system requires the modification of a base price, please include any yields in the per night price for the applicable dates. For more advance yields and pricing strategies, please consider using length-of-stay (LOS) pricing.

Get YM Rlistbyproduct ID

This function allows the logged in user to get yield management rules list of the specific product.

async getYMRlistbyproductID(
  productId: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<Yieldresponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
productId string Template, Required ID of the property
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const productId = 'productId6';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await yieldsController.getYMRlistbyproductID(productId);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "productId": 1235124634,
      "weekend": [
          "beginDate": "2020-03-17",
          "endDate": "2021-02-15",
          "amount": 18,
          "modifier": "DECREASE_PERCENT",
          "weekendParam": "DAYS_OF_WEEKEND_SAT_SUN"
      "lengthOfStay": [
          "beginDate": "2020-03-17",
          "endDate": "2021-02-15",
          "amount": 34,
          "modifier": "INCREASE_AMOUNT",
          "param": 7
      "dateRange": [
          "beginDate": "2020-04-10",
          "endDate": "2020-04-15",
          "amount": 35,
          "modifier": "INCREASE_AMOUNT"
          "beginDate": "2020-05-16",
          "endDate": "2020-05-25",
          "amount": 25,
          "modifier": "INCREASE_PERCENT"

Create YMR

This function allows the logged-in user to add yield management rules for the specific product. Yield management rules can affect the final price of the property depending on some special conditions (like the length of stay, early booking, etc.). These rules automate price manipulations, on an inquiry by inquiry basis. When set criteria are met, they help maximize revenue and occupancy.

How is the price calculated? The price for a night is calculated based on the basic price and the yield management rules.

  • If no YMR: {basic price per night} = price per night
  • If YMR is set it can Increase/decrease percent or increase/decrease amount: {basic price per night} + {yield amount} = {price per night} or {basic price per night} - {yield amount} = {price per night}

The below examples will use the scenario to walk you step by step and explain how the price is calculated based on different YMRs. Let’s say that the basic price per night for 2016 is 100 USD.

This function is used also for updating yield. So if you already create a specific yield for some date - and you send a new one - we will update the yield for this date. If you need to delete a specific yield type - you can send an empty list for that type.

Important: The maximum allowed end date is 3 years in the future.

async createYMR(
  contentType: string,
  body: CreateYieldRequest,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<Yieldresponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
body CreateYieldRequest Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const bodyDataWeekend: Yield[] = [];

const bodyDataweekend0: Yield = {
  beginDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  endDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  amount: 18,
  modifier: 'DECREASE_PERCENT',
bodyDataweekend0.weekendParam = 'DAYS_OF_WEEKEND_SAT_SUN';

bodyDataWeekend[0] = bodyDataweekend0;

const bodyDataLengthOfStay: Yield[] = [];

const bodyDatalengthOfStay0: Yield = {
  beginDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  endDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  amount: 34,
  modifier: 'INCREASE_AMOUNT',
bodyDatalengthOfStay0.param = 7;

bodyDataLengthOfStay[0] = bodyDatalengthOfStay0;

const bodyDataDateRange: Yield[] = [];

const bodyDatadateRange0: Yield = {
  beginDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  endDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  amount: 35,
  modifier: 'INCREASE_AMOUNT',

bodyDataDateRange[0] = bodyDatadateRange0;

const bodyDatadateRange1: Yield = {
  beginDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  endDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  amount: 25,
  modifier: 'INCREASE_PERCENT',

bodyDataDateRange[1] = bodyDatadateRange1;

const bodyData: TransportYield = {
  productId: 1235124634,
bodyData.weekend = bodyDataWeekend;
bodyData.lengthOfStay = bodyDataLengthOfStay;
bodyData.dateRange = bodyDataDateRange;

const body: CreateYieldRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await yieldsController.createYMR(contentType, body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "productId": 1235124634,
      "weekend": [
          "beginDate": "2020-03-17",
          "endDate": "2021-02-15",
          "amount": 18,
          "modifier": "DECREASE_PERCENT",
          "weekendParam": "DAYS_OF_WEEKEND_SAT_SUN"
      "lengthOfStay": [
          "beginDate": "2020-03-17",
          "endDate": "2021-02-15",
          "amount": 34,
          "modifier": "INCREASE_AMOUNT",
          "param": 7
      "dateRange": [
          "beginDate": "2020-04-10",
          "endDate": "2020-04-15",
          "amount": 35,
          "modifier": "INCREASE_AMOUNT"
          "beginDate": "2020-05-16",
          "endDate": "2020-05-25",
          "amount": 25,
          "modifier": "INCREASE_PERCENT"


Booking Pal Validationjob-Full PM

This function will allow the PMC to call the BookingPal property validation job for all properties identified which belong to the current user. Authorization token should be on PM level. Also we will run validation only for properties which are activated. If you deactivate property - we will not validate this property.

After the request you will get a response indicating if messages were processed or not. If the request is good your request for the validator job will be put into a queue. Once the request is processed, BookingPal will send an async push message per property informing the user if a property is valid or not, and if it is not valid - with reasons why the validation failed. This message will be sent on the endpoint which was entered in section Push Notifications, field asyncPush.

Note: If the property is distributed already on some channel - this property will not be moved to an Incomplete state. Also if you have property on Incomplete state because of some reason, and you update this data which causes that property is on ‘Incomplete’ property will not be moved automatically to a valid state. Instead, you should run a Validation job manually for that property or wait for our automatic validation job which we are running once per day.

To make the property ready for Onboarding you should run validation first. if the property is valid - it will be ready for onboarding. Otherwise - the property will be in Incomplete state. Also, we will run validation only for properties that are activated. If you deactivate property - we will not validate this property.

async bookingPalValidationjobFullPM(
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<APIResponsewithoutData>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await validationController.bookingPalValidationjobFullPM();
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "Your request was received and put in queue",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": ""

Booking Pal Validationjob-Listofproperties

This function will allow the PMS to call the BookingPal property validation job for a list of properties from request. These properties must belong to the current user and authorization token should be on PM level. Also, we will run validation only for properties that are activated. If you deactivate property - we will not validate this property.

async bookingPalValidationjobListofproperties(
  contentType: string,
  body: ValidationforListofpropertiesRequest,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<APIResponsewithoutData>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
body ValidationforListofpropertiesRequest Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const bodyDataProductIds: number[] = [1235124634, 1235124636];
const bodyData: ValidationPropertyIDsList = {
  productIds: bodyDataProductIds,

const body: ValidationforListofpropertiesRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await validationController.bookingPalValidationjobListofproperties(contentType, body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "Your request was received and put in queue",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": ""

Testing of Message API Calls


Since API calls for messages depend on channel connections and these values will exist in BookingPal only if guests on channel create some message, these calls can work only on production. So for testing purposes we’ve built an additional endpoint with the same API calls where you will be able to test these calls.

Get Testmessagethreads

This function allows the logged in user to get all message threads or message threads with an unresponded message from guest for the whole PM. You need to use PM credentials. There is also paging as optional values. If you do not pass this value, we will return the first page and 10 threads per page.

Since API calls for messages depend on channel connections and these values will exist in BookingPal only if guests on channel create some message, these calls can work only on production. So for testing purposes we’ve built an additional endpoint with the same API calls where you will be able to test these calls.

Note: To be able to test these calls, you need to have at least 1 property, since we will in response return you messages for 1 property from your PM.

async getTestmessagethreads(
  page: number,
  limit: number,
  threadType: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<GetmessagethreadsResponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
page number Query, Required -
limit number Query, Required -
threadType string Template, Required Request all threads or only threads with unanswered message {new,all}
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const page = 30;
const limit = 172;
const threadType = 'threadType6';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await testingOfMessageAPICallsController.getTestmessagethreads(page, limit, threadType);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "threads": [
          "id": 68241,
          "lastMessageSentAt": "2019-12-03 00:00:00",
          "lastMessageText": "Message KHSroelMoR",
          "channelName": "AirBnB",
          "channelABB": "ABB",
          "guestName": "Test Guest Name 2 ",
          "guestEmailAddress": "autoeelcbl@atxjarv.uri",
          "productId": 1235124634,
          "reservationId": 119557886,
          "dateFrom": "2019-12-02",
          "dateTo": "2019-12-04"
          "id": 68257,
          "lastMessageSentAt": "2019-12-03 00:00:00",
          "lastMessageText": "Message ytgdVvQpQm",
          "channelName": "AirBnB",
          "channelABB": "ABB",
          "guestName": "Test Guest Name 1",
          "guestEmailAddress": "autoppresf@at81.sla",
          "productId": 1235124634,
          "dateFrom": "2019-12-02",
          "dateTo": "2019-12-04"

Get Testmessagelistforspecificthread

Since API calls for messages depend on channel connections and these values will exist in BookingPal only if guests on channel create some message, these calls can work only on production. So for testing purposes, we’ve built an additional endpoint with the same API calls where you will be able to test these calls.

This function allows the logged-in user to get a list of all messages from passed thread Id. You need to use PM credentials

Note: To be able to test these calls, you need to have at least 1 property, since we will in response return you messages for 1 property from your PM.

async getTestmessagelistforspecificthread(
  threadId: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<GetmessagelistforspecificthreadResponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
threadId string Template, Required ID of thread
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const threadId = 'threadId8';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await testingOfMessageAPICallsController.getTestmessagelistforspecificthread(threadId);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "messages": [
          "message": "Test message",
          "createdAt": "2019-11-25 12:32:39",
          "user": "PROPERTY_MANAGER"

Postnew Testmessageforspecificthread

This function will allow PM to post new messages in already existing threads. Since this call is only for testing - we will not actually save these passed values.

Since API calls for messages depend on channel connections and these values will exist in BookingPal only if guests on channel create some message, these calls can work only on production. So for testing purposes, we’ve built an additional endpoint with the same API calls where you will be able to test these calls.

Note: To be able to test these calls, you need to have at least 1 property, since we will in response return to you messages for 1 property from your PM.

async postnewTestmessageforspecificthread(
  body: PostnewmessageforspecificthreadRequest,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<APIResponsewithoutData>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
body PostnewmessageforspecificthreadRequest Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const bodyData: MessageRequestFromSupplier = {
  threadId: 5656,
  message: 'New message',

const body: PostnewmessageforspecificthreadRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await testingOfMessageAPICallsController.postnewTestmessageforspecificthread(body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "Your request was received and put in queue",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": ""



This function allows the logged in user to get all message threads or message threads with unresponded message from guest for whole PM. You need to use PM credentials. There is also paging as optional values. If you do not pass this value, we will return first page and 10 threads per page. And in heading you will get a link for the next page.

async getmessagethreads(
  page: number,
  limit: number,
  threadType: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<GetmessagethreadsResponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
page number Query, Required Number of current page
limit number Query, Required Limit of how many threads will be showed at one page
threadType string Template, Required Request all threads or only threads with unanswered message {new,all}
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const page = 30;
const limit = 172;
const threadType = 'threadType6';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await messagingController.getmessagethreads(page, limit, threadType);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "threads": [
          "id": 68241,
          "lastMessageSentAt": "2019-12-03 00:00:00",
          "lastMessageText": "Message KHSroelMoR",
          "channelName": "AirBnB",
          "channelABB": "ABB",
          "guestName": "Test Guest Name 2 ",
          "guestEmailAddress": "autoeelcbl@atxjarv.uri",
          "productId": 1235124634,
          "reservationId": 119557886,
          "dateFrom": "2019-12-02",
          "dateTo": "2019-12-04"
          "id": 68257,
          "lastMessageSentAt": "2019-12-03 00:00:00",
          "lastMessageText": "Message ytgdVvQpQm",
          "channelName": "AirBnB",
          "channelABB": "ABB",
          "guestName": "Test Guest Name 1",
          "guestEmailAddress": "autoppresf@at81.sla",
          "productId": 1235124634,
          "dateFrom": "2019-12-02",
          "dateTo": "2019-12-04"


This function allows the logged in user to get a list of all messages from passed thread Id. You need to use PM credentials.

async getmessagelistforspecificthread(
  threadId: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<GetmessagelistforspecificthreadResponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
threadId string Template, Required ID of the thread
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const threadId = 'threadId8';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await messagingController.getmessagelistforspecificthread(threadId);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "messages": [
          "message": "Test message",
          "createdAt": "2019-11-25 12:32:39",
          "user": "PROPERTY_MANAGER"


This function will allow PM to post new messages in already existing threads.

async postnewmessageforspecificthread(
  contentType: string,
  body: PostnewmessageforspecificthreadRequest,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<APIResponsewithoutData>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
body PostnewmessageforspecificthreadRequest Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const bodyData: MessageRequestFromSupplier = {
  threadId: 5656,
  message: 'New message',

const body: PostnewmessageforspecificthreadRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await messagingController.postnewmessageforspecificthread(contentType, body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "Your request was received and put in queue",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": ""

Request to Book


Some channels like Airbnb have an option for guests to use the “Request to book” possibility, where the Property Manager needs to approve or decline the booking within the next 24 hours. If the period expires - the booking will be automatically cancelled by Airbnb. Once this booking request is received from the channel side, it will be forwarded to the PMS over this API by sending a notification to the “requestToBook'' link, which can be set through the Push notification API. Corresponding dates will not be closed at that point in time and should be kept open. There’s a 24 hour window to either accept or avoid the reservation. If this reservation is avoided, it will be cancelled in both the mybookingpal system and on the channel. If the reservation is accepted, that information will be sent to the channel where a new reservation will be created, and then subsequent information sent back over regular New reservation notification flow. Bear in mind that once the requests to book are received (and more importantly, once they are accepted) – dates must remain open in your system, otherwise a real reservation creation will not be possible.

Requestto Book-Answerfrom PMS

This is an API call which you should use for accepting on avoiding requests to book.

async requesttoBookAnswerfromPMS(
  contentType: string,
  body: RequesttoBookAnswerfromPMSRequest,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<APIResponsewithoutData>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
body RequesttoBookAnswerfromPMSRequest Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const bodyData: FunctionsRequestToBook = {
  requestToBookType: 'DENY',
  reservationId: 1235124634,
bodyData.requestToBookDeclineReasonType = 'DATES_NOT_AVAILABLE';
bodyData.declineMessageToGuest = 'these dates are not available any more. ';

const body: RequesttoBookAnswerfromPMSRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await requestToBookController.requesttoBookAnswerfromPMS(contentType, body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "Request to book answer accepted",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": ""

Requestto Book-Test

Since you can not get the request to book on our test environment (since this first needs to be created on the channel) We provide the possibility for PMS to test this request with some random filled data in our system. So when you call this API function - we will send you push notification for the request to book for a provided property ID.

async requesttoBookTest(
  body: RequesttoBookTestRequest,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<APIResponsewithoutData>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
body RequesttoBookTestRequest Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const bodyData: FunctionsRequestToBookTest = {
  productId: 1235124634,

const body: RequesttoBookTestRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await requestToBookController.requesttoBookTest(body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "Request to book test accepted",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": []

Requestto Book-Request

This will be a request which we will send to PMS when we get a request to book from the channel. So when BookingPal gets a new request to book request - we will push this POST request to the link which you set in BookingPal for your PMS (in Push Notification section - "requestToBook").

Important note: In this doc to be able to test this - you need to set a full URL on the Configure button in the right section.

ℹ️ Note This endpoint does not require authentication.

async requesttoBookRequest(
  body: RequestToBookRequestModel,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<ReservationpushResponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
body RequestToBookRequestModel Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const bodyRezcasterNotificationRequestFees: ReservationFeeNotificationModel[] = [];

const bodyRezcasterNotificationRequestfees0: ReservationFeeNotificationModel = {
  name: 'Cleaning Fee',
  value: 110,
}; = '937-4';

bodyRezcasterNotificationRequestFees[0] = bodyRezcasterNotificationRequestfees0;

const bodyRezcasterNotificationRequestfees1: ReservationFeeNotificationModel = {
  name: 'Limited Damage Waiver',
  value: 60,
}; = '355';

bodyRezcasterNotificationRequestFees[1] = bodyRezcasterNotificationRequestfees1;

const bodyRezcasterNotificationRequestfees2: ReservationFeeNotificationModel = {
  name: 'Processing Fee',
  value: 40,
}; = '1298';

bodyRezcasterNotificationRequestFees[2] = bodyRezcasterNotificationRequestfees2;

const bodyRezcasterNotificationRequestTaxes: ReservationTaxNotificationModel[] = [];

const bodyRezcasterNotificationRequesttaxes0: ReservationTaxNotificationModel = {
  name: 'State of Florida-Lake County State Tax',
  value: 5,
}; = '22';

bodyRezcasterNotificationRequestTaxes[0] = bodyRezcasterNotificationRequesttaxes0;

const bodyRezcasterNotificationRequesttaxes1: ReservationTaxNotificationModel = {
  name: 'Tax-Lake County County Tax',
  value: 15,
}; = '23';

bodyRezcasterNotificationRequestTaxes[1] = bodyRezcasterNotificationRequesttaxes1;

const bodyRezcasterNotificationRequestCommission: ReservationCommissionsNotificationModel = {
  channelCommission: 10,
  bpCommission: 12,

const bodyRezcasterNotificationRequestRate: ReservationRateNotifcationModel = {
  originalRackRate: 400,
  netRate: 400,
  newPublishedRackRate: 422,

const bodyRezcasterNotificationRequest: Reservationnotificationobject = {
  reservationId: '107',
  productId: '1234816374',
  supplierId: '3731837',
  agentName: 'TestAndrew',
  confirmationId: 'ZSC213123123A',
  uniqueKey: 'f207c4c029cb1ea1',
  newState: 'Provisional',
  customerName: 'dasdasd',
  fromDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  toDate: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
  adult: 2,
  child: 0,
  email: '',
  total: 652,
  fees: bodyRezcasterNotificationRequestFees,
  taxes: bodyRezcasterNotificationRequestTaxes,
  commission: bodyRezcasterNotificationRequestCommission,
  rate: bodyRezcasterNotificationRequestRate,
bodyRezcasterNotificationRequest.address = 'asdasd'; = 'asdasd'; = 'asdasd'; = 'US';
bodyRezcasterNotificationRequest.state = 'asdasda'; = '4234234';
bodyRezcasterNotificationRequest.notes = 'customer test message';
bodyRezcasterNotificationRequest.creditCardType = '1';
bodyRezcasterNotificationRequest.creditCardNumber = '4111111111111111';
bodyRezcasterNotificationRequest.creditCardExpirationMonth = '12';
bodyRezcasterNotificationRequest.creditCardExpirationYear = '2023';
bodyRezcasterNotificationRequest.creditCardCid = '123';

const body: RequestToBookRequestModel = {
  rezcasterNotificationRequest: bodyRezcasterNotificationRequest,
  reservationId: 1234561234,
  expiresAt: '2016-03-13T12:52:32.123Z',
body.messageToHost = 'Test';

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await requestToBookController.requesttoBookRequest(body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "altId": "45717",
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "message": "Request to book is accepted."

Push Notification

Push Notification Links

Provide the links on which the requests about new reservation and cancel reservation will be sent. Links should be https. These links should be set on PMS level, so please use your PMS credentials.

async pushNotificationLinks(
  contentType: string,
  body: PushNotificationLinksRequest,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<PushNotificationLinksResponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
contentType string Header, Required -
body PushNotificationLinksRequest Body, Required -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const contentType = 'Content-Type2';
const bodyData: PushNotificationLinksModel = {
  bookLink: '',
  cancelLink: '',
bodyData.asyncPush = '';
bodyData.requestToBook = '';

const body: PushNotificationLinksRequest = {
  data: bodyData,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await pushNotificationController.pushNotificationLinks(contentType, body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "bookLink": "",
      "cancelLink": "",
      "asyncPush": "",
      "requestToBook": ""

Get Notification Links

This will return all notification URLs which are set. It will work on PMS level, so use PMS credentials.

async getNotificationLinks(
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<PushNotificationLinksResponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await pushNotificationController.getNotificationLinks();
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "bookLink": "",
      "cancelLink": "",
      "asyncPush": "",
      "requestToBook": ""

Reservation Notifications

Get Reservationby Product

This function allows logged-in users to get all reservations for the specific product.

async getReservationbyProduct(
  productId: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<ReservationGetResponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
productId string Template, Required Product ID
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
const productId = 'productId6';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await reservationNotificationsController.getReservationbyProduct(productId);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "reservationId": "107",
      "productId": "1235124634",
      "supplierId": "61692799",
      "agentName": "TestAndrew",
      "confirmationId": "ZSC213123123A",
      "customerName": "dasdasd",
      "fromDate": "2019-05-17",
      "toDate": "2019-05-23",
      "adult": 2,
      "child": 0,
      "email": "",
      "phone": "4234234",
      "notes": "customer test message",
      "total": 200.0,
      "fees": [
          "id": "937-4",
          "name": "Cleaning Fee",
          "value": 110.0
          "id": "355",
          "name": "Limited Damage Waiver",
          "value": 60.0
          "id": "1298",
          "name": "Processing Fee",
          "value": 40.0
      "taxes": [
          "id": "22",
          "name": "State of Florida-Lake County State Tax",
          "value": 5.0
          "id": "22",
          "name": "State of Florida-Lake County State Tax",
          "value": 5.0
          "id": "23",
          "name": "Tax-Lake County County Tax",
          "value": 15.0
          "id": "23",
          "name": "Tax-Lake County County Tax",
          "value": 10.0
      "newState": "Provisional",
      "commission": {
        "channelCommission": 10.0,
        "bpCommission": 12.0
      "rate": {
        "originalRackRate": 10.0,
        "netRate": 12.0,
        "newPublishedRackRate": 11.0
      "uniqueKey": "f207c4c029cb1ea1"

Get Reservationby PM

This API call will return a list of reservations that belong to the current user.

async getReservationbyPM(
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<ReservationGetResponse>>
Parameter Type Tags Description
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.
Response Type


Example Usage
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await reservationNotificationsController.getReservationbyPM();
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;
Example Response (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "reservationId": "107",
      "productId": "1234816374",
      "supplierId": "3731837",
      "agentName": "TestAndrew",
      "confirmationId": "ZSC213123123A",
      "customerName": "dasdasd",
      "fromDate": "2019-05-17",
      "toDate": "2019-05-23",
      "adult": 2,
      "child": 0,
      "email": "",
      "phone": "4234234",
      "notes": "customer test message",
      "total": 200.0,
      "fees": [
          "id": "937-4",
          "name": "Cleaning Fee",
          "value": 110.0
          "id": "355",
          "name": "Limited Damage Waiver",
          "value": 60.0
          "id": "1298",
          "name": "Processing Fee",
          "value": 40.0
      "taxes": [
          "id": "22",
          "name": "State of Florida-Lake County State Tax",
          "value": 5.0
          "id": "22",
          "name": "State of Florida-Lake County State Tax",
          "value": 5.0
          "id": "23",
          "name": "Tax-Lake County County Tax",
          "value": 15.0
          "id": "23",
          "name": "Tax-Lake County County Tax",
          "value": 10.0
      "newState": "Provisional",
      "commission": {
        "channelCommission": 10.0,
        "bpCommission": 12.0
      "rate": {
        "originalRackRate": 10.0,
        "netRate": 12.0,
        "newPublishedRackRate": 11.0
      "uniqueKey": "f207c4c029cb1ea1"

Model Reference



Authorization (Login) response

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
token string Required Generated token for authorization. It must be used in every request to API as param jwt. Token is valid for 1h
message string Required Message
isError boolean Required Is request success or not
errorMessage string[] Required Error Message(s) in Array format
code string | undefined Optional Response code
organizationId number Required Organization id - PMS ID
supplierId number Required Supplier ID (Property Manager ID - or PMS ID - depend on account on which you are logged in)
partyId number Required Deprecated field. It will be removed in version 3.3. Please use supplierId field instead
name string Required Account name
currency string Required Account currency
Example (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "token": "a9eaf5b0-c433-450e-991d-8011fc4aa264",
  "partyId": 61692799,
  "organizationId": 61690131,
  "name": "Update Name",
  "currency": "USD",
  "supplierId": 61692799

Get P Mslist

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
message string Required Text info message
errorMessage string[] Required List of error messages
isError boolean Required Is error (default = false)
code string | undefined Optional Code of message
data PMs[] | undefined Optional List of PMs models
Example (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "id": 61690133,
      "name": "Test name",
      "extraName": "Test fullname",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61690517,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61690534,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691075,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691076,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691729,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691731,
      "name": "Update Name",
      "extraName": "Update Full Name",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691732,
      "name": "Update Name",
      "extraName": "Update Full Name",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691733,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691734,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691735,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691736,
      "name": "Update Name",
      "extraName": "Update Full Name",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691737,
      "name": "Update Name",
      "extraName": "Update Full Name",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691803,
      "name": "Update Name",
      "extraName": "Update Full Name",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691852,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691861,
      "name": "Auto-lyxpz company name",
      "extraName": "Auto-dzvjr full name",
      "emailAddress": "wnvuyqfya213@pqclbzs.rli"
      "id": 61691868,
      "name": "Update Name",
      "extraName": "Update Full Name",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691875,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691876,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691877,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691878,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691879,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691880,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691881,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691882,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691883,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691884,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691885,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691886,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691887,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691888,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691889,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691896,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691897,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691898,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691899,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691900,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691903,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691904,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691905,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691906,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691907,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691908,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691909,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691910,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691911,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61691979,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692003,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692065,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692066,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692067,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692068,
      "name": "Update Name",
      "extraName": "Update Full Name",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692418,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692455,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692456,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692457,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692552,
      "name": "Update Name",
      "extraName": "Update Full Name",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692554,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692695,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692769,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692782,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692785,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692787,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692789,
      "name": "Test",
      "extraName": "Test",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692790,
      "name": "Test Wiz",
      "extraName": "Test Wiz",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692791,
      "name": "Test wiz1",
      "extraName": "Test wiz1",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692793,
      "name": "Test wiz1",
      "extraName": "Test wiz1",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692794,
      "name": "Test wiz1",
      "extraName": "Test wiz1",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692795,
      "name": "Test wiz",
      "extraName": "Test wiz",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692797,
      "name": "Wizard Demo",
      "extraName": "Wizard Demo",
      "emailAddress": ""
      "id": 61692799,
      "name": "Test PM",
      "extraName": "Test PM",
      "emailAddress": ""

P Ms

Property Manager model

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
id number Required ID of the property manager
name string Required Name of the property manager’s company
extraName string Required Contact person
emailAddress string Required Email of the property manager
Example (as JSON)
  "id": 61690133,
  "name": "Test name",
  "extraName": "Test fullname",
  "emailAddress": ""

Createnew Update Property Manager Request

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
data Company Required Company model
Example (as JSON)
  "data": {
    "companyDetails": {
      "accountId": "132",
      "companyName": "Test PM",
      "language": "en",
      "fullName": "Test PM",
      "companyAddress": {
        "country": "US",
        "state": "Test State",
        "streetAddress": "Test Street",
        "city": "Test City",
        "zip": "13245"
      "website": "",
      "email": "",
      "phone": {
        "countryCode": "+321",
        "number": "132456"
      "password": "password",
      "currency": "USD"
    "policies": {
      "paymentPolicy": {
        "type": "SPLIT",
        "splitPayment": {
          "depositType": "FLAT",
          "value": 4.0,
          "secondPaymentDays": 30
      "cancellationPolicy": {
        "type": "MANUAL",
        "manualPolicy": {
          "type": "FLAT",
          "manualPolicies": [
              "chargeValue": 20,
              "beforeDays": 34,
              "cancellationFee": 1.0
              "chargeValue": 12,
              "beforeDays": 45,
              "cancellationFee": 2.0
      "feeTaxMandatory": {
        "isFeeMandatory": true,
        "isTaxMandatory": true
      "terms": "",
      "checkInTime": "10:00:00",
      "checkOutTime": "16:00:00",
      "leadTime": 2
    "payment": {
      "paymentType": "MAIL_CHECK",
      "creditCard": {
        "creditCardType": "POST",
        "paymentGateways": {
          "paymentGatewaysType": "AUTHORIZE_NET",
          "user": "test",
          "secret": "test",
          "additionalField1": "",
          "additionalField2": ""
        "creditCardList": [


Company model

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
companyDetails CompanyDetails Required -
policies Policies Required -
payment Payment Required -
id number | undefined Optional Supplier id. Not expected in any requests. Will be only in responses.
Example (as JSON)
  "companyDetails": {
    "accountId": "132",
    "companyName": "Test PM",
    "language": "en",
    "fullName": "Test PM",
    "companyAddress": {
      "country": "US",
      "state": "Test State",
      "streetAddress": "Test Street",
      "city": "Test City",
      "zip": "13245"
    "website": "",
    "email": "",
    "phone": {
      "countryCode": "+321",
      "number": "132456"
    "password": "password",
    "currency": "USD"
  "policies": {
    "paymentPolicy": {
      "type": "SPLIT",
      "splitPayment": {
        "depositType": "FLAT",
        "value": 4.0,
        "secondPaymentDays": 30
    "cancellationPolicy": {
      "type": "MANUAL",
      "manualPolicy": {
        "type": "FLAT",
        "manualPolicies": [
            "chargeValue": 20,
            "beforeDays": 34,
            "cancellationFee": 1.0
            "chargeValue": 12,
            "beforeDays": 45,
            "cancellationFee": 2.0
    "feeTaxMandatory": {
      "isFeeMandatory": true,
      "isTaxMandatory": true
    "terms": "",
    "checkInTime": "10:00:00",
    "checkOutTime": "16:00:00",
    "leadTime": 2
  "payment": {
    "paymentType": "MAIL_CHECK",
    "creditCard": {
      "creditCardType": "POST",
      "paymentGateways": {
        "paymentGatewaysType": "AUTHORIZE_NET",
        "user": "test",
        "secret": "test",
        "additionalField1": "",
        "additionalField2": ""
      "creditCardList": [

Company Details

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
accountId string Required Unique ID of PM in PMS
companyName string Required Name of PM
language string Required Language 2 letter value as ISO 639-1 code
fullName string Required First and Last Name
companyAddress CompanyAddress Required -
website string Required Company (PM) website URL
email string Required Email of PM. Email need to be unique in BP system, so you might receive error if we already have this email in our system
phone Phone Required -
password string | undefined Optional Password for accessing PM. If the password is not passed in the request random password will be generated and returned in response. Password will be in response only on create and if it is manually generated. Special characters are not allowed, instead use UTF-8 codes, for example instead of # use %23
currency string Required PM default currency. ISO 4217 code is required
Example (as JSON)
  "accountId": "132",
  "companyName": "Test PM",
  "language": "en",
  "fullName": "Test PM",
  "companyAddress": {
    "country": "US",
    "state": "Test State",
    "streetAddress": "Test Street",
    "city": "Test City",
    "zip": "13245"
  "website": "",
  "email": "",
  "phone": {
    "countryCode": "+321",
    "number": "132456"
  "password": "password",
  "currency": "USD"

Company Address

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
country string Required Country of PM. Require 2 letter ISO code
state string Required State (Region) of PM. Required for US properties.
streetAddress string Required Street address of PM.
city string Required City of PM
zip string Required Zip code (postal code) of PM.
Example (as JSON)
  "country": "US",
  "state": "Test State",
  "streetAddress": "Test Street",
  "city": "Test City",
  "zip": "13245"


Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
countryCode string Required Country code prefix in phone number. For example “+1”.
number string Required Phone number
Example (as JSON)
  "countryCode": "+321",
  "number": "132456"


Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
paymentPolicy PaymentPolicy Required -
cancellationPolicy CancellationPolicy Required -
feeTaxMandatory FeeTaxMandatory Required -
terms string Required Full URL to PM terms and conditions
checkInTime string Required Time of Check in (HH:MM:SS)
checkOutTime string Required Time of Check out (HH:MM:SS)
leadTime number Required Minimum number of days before check-in for which reservation is allowed to be booked. Allowed values are 0-7.
Example (as JSON)
  "paymentPolicy": {
    "type": "SPLIT",
    "splitPayment": {
      "depositType": "FLAT",
      "value": 4.0,
      "secondPaymentDays": 30
  "cancellationPolicy": {
    "type": "MANUAL",
    "manualPolicy": {
      "type": "FLAT",
      "manualPolicies": [
          "chargeValue": 20,
          "beforeDays": 34,
          "cancellationFee": 1.0
          "chargeValue": 12,
          "beforeDays": 45,
          "cancellationFee": 2.0
  "feeTaxMandatory": {
    "isFeeMandatory": true,
    "isTaxMandatory": true
  "terms": "",
  "checkInTime": "10:00:00",
  "checkOutTime": "16:00:00",
  "leadTime": 2

Payment Policy

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
type PaymentPolicyTypeEnum Required Full or Split payment. In case of Split payment - it will be 2 payments. [SPLIT,FULL]
splitPayment SplitPayment Required -
Example (as JSON)
  "type": "SPLIT",
  "splitPayment": {
    "depositType": "FLAT",
    "value": 4.0,
    "secondPaymentDays": 30

Split Payment

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
depositType DepositTypeEnum Required First payment deposit type.
value number Required First payment value
secondPaymentDays number Required Number of days before check-in when second payment is required.
Example (as JSON)
  "depositType": "FLAT",
  "value": 4.0,
  "secondPaymentDays": 30

Cancellation Policy

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
type CancellationPolicyTypeEnum Required -
manualPolicy ManualPolicy Required -
Example (as JSON)
  "type": "MANUAL",
  "manualPolicy": {
    "type": "FLAT",
    "manualPolicies": [
        "chargeValue": 20,
        "beforeDays": 34,
        "cancellationFee": 1.0
        "chargeValue": 12,
        "beforeDays": 45,
        "cancellationFee": 2.0

Manual Policy

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
type ManualPolicyTypeEnum Required -
manualPolicies ManualPolicies[] Required Model
Example (as JSON)
  "type": "FLAT",
  "manualPolicies": [
      "chargeValue": 20,
      "beforeDays": 34,
      "cancellationFee": 1.0
      "chargeValue": 12,
      "beforeDays": 45,
      "cancellationFee": 2.0

Manual Policies

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
chargeValue number Required Percentage or flat value which will be charged in case of cancellation
beforeDays number Required Days before check-in when cancellation policy will be charged
cancellationFee number Required Cancellation transaction fee - additional fee on cancellation
Example (as JSON)
  "chargeValue": 20,
  "beforeDays": 34,
  "cancellationFee": 1.0

Fee Tax Mandatory

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
isFeeMandatory boolean Required Used in BookingPal validator. Info does property require any fee or not. Default value is TRUE. This setup can be overridden on property level with different API call, which is stronger.
isTaxMandatory boolean Required Used in BookingPal validator. Info does property require any tax or not. Default value is TRUE. This setup can be overridden on property level with different API call, which is stronger.
Example (as JSON)
  "isFeeMandatory": true,
  "isTaxMandatory": true


Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
paymentType PaymentTypeEnum Required -
creditCard CreditCard | undefined Optional -
Example (as JSON)
  "paymentType": "MAIL_CHECK",
  "creditCard": {
    "creditCardType": "POST",
    "paymentGateways": {
      "paymentGatewaysType": "AUTHORIZE_NET",
      "user": "test",
      "secret": "test",
      "additionalField1": "",
      "additionalField2": ""
    "creditCardList": [

Credit Card

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
creditCardType CreditCardTypeEnum Required -
paymentGateways PaymentGateways | undefined Optional -
creditCardList CreditCardListEnum[] | undefined Optional List of acceptable credit cards. Allowed only if type is TRANSMIT. {MASTER_CARD,VISA,AMERICAN_EXPRESS,DINERS_CLUB,DISCOVER}. If POST method selected it will select all creditCardList.
Example (as JSON)
  "creditCardType": "POST",
  "paymentGateways": {
    "paymentGatewaysType": "AUTHORIZE_NET",
    "user": "test",
    "secret": "test",
    "additionalField1": "",
    "additionalField2": ""
  "creditCardList": [

Payment Gateways

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
paymentGatewaysType PaymentGatewaysTypeEnum Required -
user string | undefined Optional Value necessary for accessing payment gateway, values are different per payment gateway: PAYPAL - Client ID AUTHORIZE_NET - User ID BRIDGE_PAY - Username PAY_BOX - Site number DIBS - Login O_GONE - User ID DOC_DATA - ID PAY_GATE - ID Note: This value will not be returned in response.
secret string | undefined Optional Value necessary for accessing payment gateway, values are different per payment gateway: PAYPAL - Secret AUTHORIZE_NET - Transaction Key BRIDGE_PAY - Password PAY_BOX - Rank number DIBS - Password O_GONE - Password DOC_DATA - Password PAY_GATE - Password Note: This value will not be returned in response.
additionalField1 string | undefined Optional Additional value necessary for accessing some payment gateways, values are different per payment gateway: BRIDGE_PAY - Merchant Number PAY_BOX - An identifier DIBS - Merchant ID O_GONE - PSP ID Note: This value will not be returned in response.
additionalField2 string | undefined Optional Additional value necessary for accessing some payment gateways, values are different per payment gateway: BRIDGE_PAY - Merchant Number PAY_BOX - An identifier DIBS - Merchant ID O_GONE - PSP ID Note: This value will not be returned in response.
Example (as JSON)
  "paymentGatewaysType": "AUTHORIZE_NET",
  "user": "test",
  "secret": "test",
  "additionalField1": "",
  "additionalField2": ""

Property Managerdetailsresponse

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
message string Required text info message
errorMessage string[] Required List of error messages
isError boolean Required Is error (default = false)
code string Required Code of message
data Company[] Required List of models
Example (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "companyDetails": {
        "accountId": "132",
        "companyName": "Test PM",
        "language": "en",
        "fullName": "Test PM",
        "companyAddress": {
          "country": "US",
          "state": "Test State",
          "streetAddress": "Test Street",
          "city": "Test City",
          "zip": "13245"
        "website": "",
        "email": "",
        "phone": {
          "countryCode": "+321",
          "number": "132456"
        "currency": "USD"
      "policies": {
        "paymentPolicy": {
          "type": "SPLIT",
          "splitPayment": {
            "depositType": "FLAT",
            "value": 4,
            "secondPaymentDays": 30
        "cancellationPolicy": {
          "type": "MANUAL",
          "manualPolicy": {
            "type": "FLAT",
            "manualPolicies": [
                "chargeValue": 20,
                "beforeDays": 34,
                "cancellationFee": 1
                "chargeValue": 12,
                "beforeDays": 45,
                "cancellationFee": 2
        "feeTaxMandatory": {
          "isFeeMandatory": true,
          "isTaxMandatory": true
        "terms": "",
        "checkInTime": "10:00:00",
        "checkOutTime": "16:00:00",
        "leadTime": 2
      "payment": {
        "paymentType": "MAIL_CHECK",
        "creditCard": {
          "creditCardType": "POST",
          "creditCardList": [
          "paymentGateways": {
            "paymentGatewaysType": "AUTHORIZE_NET"
      "id": 61692799


Response for Get, Create or Update product API call

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
message string Required text info message
errorMessage string[] Required List of error messages
isError boolean Required Is error (default = false)
code string Required Code of message
data Property[] Required List of models
Example (as JSON)
  "message": "",
  "errorMessage": [],
  "is_error": false,
  "code": "",
  "data": [
      "name": "Apimatic Test",
      "id": 1235124634,
      "supplierId": 61692799,
      "rooms": 5,
      "bathrooms": 4,
      "toilets": 2,
      "totalBeds": 6,
      "space": 111,
      "spaceUnit": "SQ_FT",
      "persons": 10,
      "childs": 2,
      "latitude": 41.886125,
      "longitude": -87.634233,
      "livingRoom": 2,
      "altId": 23556,
      "notes": {
        "description": {
          "texts": [
              "language": "EN",
              "value": "Main description on EN!"
              "language": "ES",
              "value": "Main description on ES!"
        "houseRules": {
          "texts": [
              "language": "EN",
              "value": "House Rules on EN!"
              "language": "SR",
              "value": "House Rules on SR!"
        "name": {
          "texts": [
              "language": "EN",
              "value": "Name on EN!"
              "language": "SR",
              "value": "Name on SR!"
        "shortDescription": {
          "texts": [
              "language": "EN",
              "value": "short desc on EN!"
              "language": "SR",
              "value": "short desc on SR!"
        "finePrint": {
          "texts": [
              "language": "EN",
              "value": "fine prints on EN!"
              "language": "SR",
              "value": "fine prints on SR!"
      "attributesWithQuantity": [
          "attributeId": "HAC312",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA107",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA11",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA149",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA163",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA18",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA19",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA251",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA273",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA32",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA41",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA5085",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA59",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA6058",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA68",
          "quantity": 1
          "attributeId": "RMA88",
          "quantity": 1
      "nearbyAmenities": [],
      "propertyType": "PCT34",
      "bedroomConfiguration": {
        "bedrooms": [
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA113",
                  "count": 1
                  "bedType": "RMA58",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": false
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA113",
                  "count": 1
                  "bedType": "RMA58",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": false
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA113",
                  "count": 1
                  "bedType": "RMA86",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": false
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA113",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": false
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA113",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": false
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA58",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Bedroom",
            "privateBathroom": true
            "beds": {
              "bed": [
                  "bedType": "RMA58",
                  "count": 1
            "type": "Living Room",
            "privateBathroom": false
      "checkInTime": "16:00:00",
      "checkInToTime": "20:00:00",
      "checkOutTime": "10:00:00",
      "currency": "EUR",
      "policy": {
        "internetPolicy": {
          "accessInternet": true,
          "kindOfInternet": "WiFi",
          "availableInternet": "AllAreas",
          "chargeInternet": "Free"
        "parkingPolicy": {
          "accessParking": true,
          "locatedParking": "OnSite",
          "privateParking": true,
          "chargeParking": "$ 150",
          "timeCostParking": "PerStay",
          "necessaryReservationParking": "NotPossible"
        "petPolicy": {
          "allowedPets": "Allowed",
          "chargePets": "Free"
        "childrenAllowed": true,
        "smokingAllowed": false
      "location": {
        "postalCode": "60606",
        "country": "US",
        "region": "Illinois",
        "city": "Chicago",
        "street": "210 North Wells Street",
        "zipCode9": "60606-1330"
      "supportedLosRates": false


Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
name string Required Name of the property to display in the list
id number | undefined Optional Property ID in BookingPal
altId number | undefined Optional Alternative Id of the property (ID in your PMS system). Note: this field you can not update, so this field will not be used during update.
supplierId number | undefined Optional Id of the Property Manager (not be used for creating new property. Property will have ID of current authorized user)
rooms number Required Number of bedrooms. Number of bedrooms should be > 0. Value 0 is only allowed in case property type is Studio (PCT46 or PCT110)
bathrooms number Required Number of bathrooms
toilets number | undefined Optional Number of toilets
totalBeds number | undefined Optional Property’s total number of beds
space number | undefined Optional Property size
spaceUnit SpaceUnitEnum | undefined Optional -
persons number Required Maximum number of allowed adults
childs number | undefined Optional Number of allowed children (from 7 to 12 years)
latitude number | undefined Optional Latitude of the property (Must set field latitude and longitude or location)
longitude number | undefined Optional Longitude of the property (Must set field latitude and longitude or location)
livingRoom number | undefined Optional Number of Living rooms
notes Notes | undefined Optional Model where you can define different kinds of text values. If you need to delete some kind of texts, for example short description, you can do this on Update call (PUT), and you need to pass empty array for texts value, for example : "shortDescription": { "texts": [ ] }
attributesWithQuantity AttributesWithQuantity[] | undefined Optional Use this param instead of previous if you need to set quantity more than 1 of attributes. If use both in POST request this will overwrite the previous list (under param attributes).
nearbyAmenities NearbyAmenity[] | undefined Optional List of Nearby Attributes models. Check allowed values in Appendix.
propertyType PropertyTypesEnum Required -
bedroomConfiguration BedroomConfiguration | undefined Optional -
checkInTime string | undefined Optional Time of Check in (HH:MM:SS)
checkInToTime string | undefined Optional Time Check in to (HH:MM:SS)
checkOutTime string | undefined Optional Time of Check out (HH:MM:SS)
currency string Required Property currency. ISO 4217 code is required.
policy Policy | undefined Optional -
location Location | undefined Optional -
supportedLosRates boolean Required If true - means that the property supports only LOS rates. So daily rates can not be sent and updated. Default is false.
taxNumber string | undefined Optional Tax number for product
touristLicenseNumber string | undefined Optional Tourist license number
touristLicenseExpiryDate string | undefined Optional Tourist license expiry date. Correct date format is YYYY-MM-DD.
multiUnit MultiUnitEnum | undefined Optional Enum for product multyunit type.
parentId number | undefined Optional This fields should not be used unless your property is not MLT (check field multiunit). In this case you must set owner (parent) id property to which this property will belong. Also you can not update this property.
Example (as JSON)
  "name": "Apimatic Test",
  "id": 1235124634,
  "supplierId": 61692799,
  "rooms": 5,
  "bathrooms": 4,
  "toilets": 2,
  "totalBeds": 6,
  "space": 111,
  "spaceUnit": "SQ_FT",
  "persons": 10,
  "childs": 2,
  "latitude": 41.886125,
  "longitude": -87.634233,
  "livingRoom": 2,
  "notes": {
    "description": {
      "texts": [
          "language": "EN",
          "value": "Main description on EN!"
          "language": "ES",
          "value": "Main description on ES!"
    "houseRules": {
      "texts": [
          "language": "EN",
          "value": "House Rules on EN!"
          "language": "SR",
          "value": "House Rules on SR!"
  "attributesWithQuantity": [
      "attributeId": "HAC312",
      "quantity": 1
      "attributeId": "RMA107",
      "quantity": 1
      "attributeId": "RMA11",
      "quantity": 1
      "attributeId": "RMA149",
      "quantity": 1
      "attributeId": "RMA163",
      "quantity": 1
      "attributeId": "RMA18",
      "quantity": 1
      "attributeId": "RMA19",
      "quantity": 1
      "attributeId": "RMA251",
      "quantity": 1
      "attributeId": "RMA273",
      "quantity": 1
      "attributeId": "RMA32",
      "quantity": 1
      "attributeId": "RMA41",
      "quantity": 1
      "attributeId": "RMA5085",
      "quantity": 1
      "attributeId": "RMA59",
      "quantity": 1
      "attributeId": "RMA6058",
      "quantity": 1
      "attributeId": "RMA68",
      "quantity": 1
      "attributeId": "RMA88",
      "quantity": 1
  "nearbyAmenities": [],
  "propertyType": "PCT34",
  "bedroomConfiguration": {
    "bedrooms": [
        "beds": {
          "bed": [
              "bedType": "RMA113",
              "count": 1
              "bedType": "RMA58",
              "count": 1
        "type": "Bedroom",
        "privateBathroom": false
        "beds": {
          "bed": [
              "bedType": "RMA113",
              "count": 1
              "bedType": "RMA58",
              "count": 1
        "type": "Bedroom",
        "privateBathroom": false
        "beds": {
          "bed": [
              "bedType": "RMA113",
              "count": 1
              "bedType": "RMA86",
              "count": 1
        "type": "Bedroom",
        "privateBathroom": false
        "beds": {
          "bed": [
              "bedType": "RMA113",
              "count": 1
        "type": "Bedroom",
        "privateBathroom": false
        "beds": {
          "bed": [
              "bedType": "RMA113",
              "count": 1
        "type": "Bedroom",
        "privateBathroom": false
        "beds": {
          "bed": [
              "bedType": "RMA58",
              "count": 1
        "type": "Bedroom",
        "privateBathroom": true
        "beds": {
          "bed": [
              "bedType": "RMA58",
              "count": 1
        "type": "Living Room",
        "privateBathroom": false
  "checkInTime": "16:00:00",
  "checkInToTime": "20:00:00",
  "checkOutTime": "10:00:00",
  "currency": "EUR",
  "policy": {
    "internetPolicy": {
      "accessInternet": true,
      "kindOfInternet": "WiFi",
      "availableInternet": "AllAreas",
      "chargeInternet": "Free"
    "parkingPolicy": {
      "accessParking": true,
      "locatedParking": "OnSite",
      "privateParking": true,
      "chargeParking": "$ 150",
      "timeCostParking": "PerStay",
      "necessaryReservationParking": "NotPossible"
    "petPolicy": {
      "allowedPets": "Allowed",
      "chargePets": "Free"
    "childrenAllowed": true,
    "smokingAllowed": false
  "location": {
    "postalCode": "60606",
    "country": "US",
    "region": "Illinois",
    "city": "Chicago",
    "street": "210 North Wells Street",
    "zipCode9": "60606-1330"
  "supportedLosRates": false


Model where you can define different kinds of text values. If you need to delete some kind of texts, for example short description, you can do this on Update call (PUT), and you need to pass empty array for texts value, for example : "shortDescription": { "texts": [ ] }

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
description DescriptionTextModel Required Model for any kind of description text in Property object
houseRules DescriptionTextModel | undefined Optional Model for any kind of description text in Property object
finePrint DescriptionTextModel | undefined Optional Model for any kind of description text in Property object
shortDescription DescriptionTextModel | undefined Optional Model for any kind of description text in Property object
name DescriptionTextModel | undefined Optional Model for any kind of description text in Property object
Example (as JSON)
  "description": {
    "texts": [
        "language": "EN",
        "value": "Main description on EN!"
        "language": "ES",
        "value": "Main description on ES!"
  "houseRules": {
    "texts": [
        "language": "EN",
        "value": "House Rules on EN!"
        "language": "SR",
        "value": "House Rules on SR!"
  "name": {
    "texts": [
        "language": "EN",
        "value": "House Rules on EN!"
        "language": "SR",
        "value": "House Rules on SR!"
  "shortDescription": {
    "texts": [
        "language": "EN",
        "value": "House Rules on EN!"
        "language": "SR",
        "value": "House Rules on SR!"
  "finePrint": {
    "texts": [
        "language": "EN",
        "value": "House Rules on EN!"
        "language": "SR",
        "value": "House Rules on SR!"

Description Text Model

Model for any kind of description text in Property object

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
texts Text[] Required Text value per languages
Example (as JSON)
  "texts": [
      "language": "EN",
      "value": "Main description on EN!"
      "language": "ES",
      "value": "Main description on ES!"


Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
language string Required Language 2 letter value as ISO 639-1 code (
value string Required Text value. Send here only plain text. Do not use HTML or any other characters.
Example (as JSON)
  "language": "EN",
  "value": "Main description on EN!"

Attributes With Quantity

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
attributeId string Required Text of main description Attributes given code in Appendix
quantity number Required Will be set to 1 by default
Example (as JSON)
  "attributeId": "HAC312",
  "quantity": 1

Bedroom Configuration

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
bedrooms Bedroom[] Required Bedroom configuration for property
Example (as JSON)
  "bedrooms": [
      "beds": {
        "bed": [
            "bedType": "RMA113",
            "count": 1
            "bedType": "RMA58",
            "count": 1
      "type": "Bedroom",
      "privateBathroom": false
      "beds": {
        "bed": [
            "bedType": "RMA113",
            "count": 1
            "bedType": "RMA58",
            "count": 1
      "type": "Bedroom",
      "privateBathroom": false
      "beds": {
        "bed": [
            "bedType": "RMA113",
            "count": 1
            "bedType": "RMA86",
            "count": 1
      "type": "Bedroom",
      "privateBathroom": false
      "beds": {
        "bed": [
            "bedType": "RMA113",
            "count": 1
      "type": "Bedroom",
      "privateBathroom": false
      "beds": {
        "bed": [
            "bedType": "RMA113",
            "count": 1
      "type": "Bedroom",
      "privateBathroom": false
      "beds": {
        "bed": [
            "bedType": "RMA58",
            "count": 1
      "type": "Bedroom",
      "privateBathroom": true
      "beds": {
        "bed": [
            "bedType": "RMA58",
            "count": 1
      "type": "Living Room",
      "privateBathroom": false


Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
beds Beds Required -
type BedroomTypeEnum Required -
privateBathroom boolean Required Room have private bathroom
Example (as JSON)
  "beds": {
    "bed": [
        "bedType": "RMA113",
        "count": 1
        "bedType": "RMA58",
        "count": 1
  "type": "Bedroom",
  "privateBathroom": false


Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
bed Bed[] Required List beds per room
Example (as JSON)
  "bed": [
      "bedType": "RMA113",
      "count": 1
      "bedType": "RMA58",
      "count": 1


Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
bedType string Required Bed code BedTypes are given in Appendix.
count number Required Number of bed
Example (as JSON)
  "bedType": "RMA113",
  "count": 1


Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
internetPolicy InternetPolicy | undefined Optional -
parkingPolicy ParkingPolicy | undefined Optional -
petPolicy PetPolicy | undefined Optional -
childrenAllowed boolean Required Children policy
smokingAllowed boolean Required Smoking policy
Example (as JSON)
  "internetPolicy": {
    "accessInternet": true,
    "kindOfInternet": "WiFi",
    "availableInternet": "AllAreas",
    "chargeInternet": "Free"
  "parkingPolicy": {
    "accessParking": true,
    "locatedParking": "OnSite",
    "privateParking": true,
    "chargeParking": "$ 150",
    "timeCostParking": "PerStay",
    "necessaryReservationParking": "NotPossible"
  "petPolicy": {
    "allowedPets": "Allowed",
    "chargePets": "Free"
  "childrenAllowed": true,
  "smokingAllowed": false

Internet Policy

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
accessInternet boolean Required Access internet into properties
kindOfInternet KindofInternetTypeEnum | undefined Optional -
availableInternet AvailableInternetEnum | undefined Optional -
chargeInternet string | undefined Optional Charge internet. Example: “Free”, “$ 100”.
Example (as JSON)
  "accessInternet": true,
  "kindOfInternet": "WiFi",
  "availableInternet": "AllAreas",
  "chargeInternet": "Free"

Parking Policy

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
accessParking boolean Required Access parking into properties {true,false}
locatedParking LocatedParkingTypeEnum | undefined Optional -
privateParking boolean | undefined Optional Parking is private or no. {true,false}
chargeParking string | undefined Optional Charge parking. Example: “Free”, “$ 100”.
timeCostParking TimeCostParkingEnum | undefined Optional -
necessaryReservationParking ReservationParkingTypeEnum | undefined Optional -
Example (as JSON)
  "accessParking": true,
  "locatedParking": "OnSite",
  "privateParking": true,
  "chargeParking": "$ 150",
  "timeCostParking": "PerStay",
  "necessaryReservationParking": "NotPossible"

Pet Policy

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
allowedPets AllowedPetsTypeEnum Required -
chargePets string | undefined Optional Charge parking. Example: “Free”, “$ 100”.
Example (as JSON)
  "allowedPets": "Allowed",
  "chargePets": "Free"


Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
postalCode string Required Postal code of property (Zip code)
country string Required Country of property. Require 2 letter ISO code
region string Required State (Region) of PM. Required for US properties.
city string Required City of property
street string Required Street of property
zipCode9 string Required Set only for US properties (format should be zip5-xxxx)
Example (as JSON)
  "postalCode": "60606",
  "country": "US",
  "region": "Illinois",
  "city": "Chicago",
  "street": "210 North Wells Street",
  "zipCode9": "60606-1330"

Create Update Property Request

Request for Create or Update of Product

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description
data Property Required -
Example (as JSON)
  "data": {
    "name": "Test product",
    "rooms": 5,
    "livingRoom": 2,
    "bathrooms": 4,
    "toilets": 2,
    "totalBeds": 6,
    "supportedLosRates": false,
    "space": 111,
    "spaceUnit": "SQ_FT",
    "persons": 10,
    "childs": 2,
    "latitude": 41.886125,
    "longitude": -87.634233,
    "currency": "EUR",
    "location": {
      "postalCode": "60606",
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            "value": "Main description on EN!"
            "language": "ES",
            "value": "Main description on ES!"
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            "value": "House Rules on EN!"
            "language": "SR",
            "value": "House Rules on SR!"
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            "value": "short description on ES!"
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