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Run in Debounced Batch

Pretty sure I could find a better name for this.


The problem

You have a function fn that takes a while if you call it a lot of times, but you still need to get the results for fn.

You also have a way of batch the calls to fn so that it takes less time, but you still get the results.

e.g.: You have a backend that returns responses to a query you run, but accepts single values or a list of values to query.

The solution

You can debounce fn using something like lodash debounce(fn), but it would not give you the results for all the instances of fn that have been called.

Instead, you can write batchFn that can handle an array of inputs from fn and returns the promise of an array of outputs from fn.

Then you use this library to generate a new function gn that when called returns a promise that resolves to the original output of fn, but that will actually simply add its input to batchFn and get the output from it.


There is at least one use case I know of for this, the one we encountered: we have custom Excel functions that query our backend.

These functions can take a cell as an input, and read the value from that cell: that's great, but when the Excel user has a huge column (or row) of inputs and simply drags the cell where the function is called, what Excel does is to call the function n times.

This proved to be quite a lot for our backend, we needed a way to be able to batch requests if they were called within a time limit.


Badly written, barely tested, hardly legible TypeScript, how else could have I managed?

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  • lucamattiazzi