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1.0.17 • Public • Published

Morph SDK

Morph is a package designed to build, manage, and send interaction CRM cards to service like HubSpot, Salesforce and Intercom – with only one build ✨

These cards can include texts, status, links, and actions. This package enables the creation of a card with different content types and actions using classes and methods for easy manipulation.


npm install run-morph-client


yarn add run-morph-client

Getting Started

Before getting started, ensure that you have an API key. You can obtain this key by reaching out to Henri Chabrand.

import { Morph } from 'run-morph-client';

let morph = new Morph('YOUR_API_KEY', 'YOUR_API_SECRET');



This is the main class and it should be initialized with an API Key.

let morph = new Morph('YOUR_API_KEY', 'YOUR_API_SECRET');


This class is used to create new cards and global actions.

It take as only parametre the REQUEST_ID that you will receiver from Morph card.requested webhook.

let cardBuilder = morph.newCardBuilder('REQUEST_ID');

let card = cardBuilider.newCard('Hello World Card');
card.newText('Foo', 'Bar');


This class is for managing card title, link, contents, and actions. Multiple instances of CardContent can be added as card content and similarly, Action instances can be added as actions.

let card = cardBuilider.newCard('Card Title');

card.newText('Text Label', 'Text Value');
card.newStatus('Status Label', 'Status Value', 'SUCCESS');
card.newAction('OPEN_URL', '');


This class is used to manage the content of a Card. Depending upon the type (text or status), it facilitates the manipulation of label, value, and color (only for status type).

Text Content

You can add text to your card using the newText method of the Card class.

let cardContent = card.newText('Label', 'Text Value');

This will create a new text content with the given label and value. You can access and modify the properties of CardContent using:

cardContent.setLabel('New Label');
cardContent.setValue('New Value');

Please note that color change is not applicable for text content type.

Status Content

You can add a status to your card using the newStatus method of the Card class.

let cardContent = card.newStatus('Label', 'Status Value', 'SUCCESS');

This will create a new status content with the given label, value, and color. You can access and modify the properties of CardContent like label, value, and color through:

cardContent.setLabel('New Status Label');
cardContent.setValue('New Status Value');

Make sure to use a valid color. The acceptable colors for statuses are 'SUCCESS', 'WARNING', 'DANGER', 'INFO' and 'DEFAULT'.

cardContent.setColor('INVALID_COLOR'); // Throws error

Please remember, the setColor function is only available for 'status' type of CardContent and not for 'text'.


The Action class is used to handle actions that can occur in your cards. These actions can be defined as ActionType and include 'REQUEST', 'OPEN_URL', and 'OPEN_URL_IN_IFRAME'.

An action can be addition as a global action (applies to all cards), or individually to a specific card. Note that 'OPEN_URL' and 'OPEN_URL_IN_IFRAME' types require a URL.

URL Open Action

To create an instance of an Action of type 'OPEN_URL', you need to define the type, name, and the URL to be opened.

let action = card.newAction('OPEN_URL', 'Open URL Action Name', '');

iFrame Open Action

Similarly, to create an instance of an Action of type 'OPEN_URL_IN_IFRAME', you need to define the type, name, and the URL to be opened in iFrame.

let action = card.newAction('OPEN_URL_IN_IFRAME', 'iFrame URL Action Name', '');

Note: The URL is mandatory for 'OPEN_URL' and 'OPEN_URL_IN_IFRAME' action types. An attempt to create such action types without a URL raises an error.

Building Cards

Once the card is set up with the desired contents and actions, you need use the build method of CardBuilder to send the cards. => {
  if(status) {
    console.log("Card sent successfully");
  } else {
    console.log("Error sending card");

Colors and Action Types

Colors for statuses can be:

  • 'DANGER'
  • 'INFO'

Action Types can be:

  • 'OPEN_URL'

Note: For 'OPEN_URL' and 'OPEN_URL_IN_IFRAME' action types, an URL is required.




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  • henrichab