Easy HTTP Interface to get Runtime Configuration for CI.
To create a new config (needs access to the secrets project in gcloud):
gcloud beta runtime-config configs create 'projectname-production'
gcloud beta runtime-config configs create 'projectname-staging'
To set variables (Variable names will be transformed from lowercase to uppercase, separated by underscores):
gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set \
my-variable-name my-value \
--is-text --config-name projectname-staging
Will make MY_VARIABLE_NAME=my-value available.
Meant to be consumed like this:
export `curl -H "Accept: text/x-shell-export" https://secrets-service/${PROJECT}/staging -H "Authorization: ${GCP_SERVICE_ACC}"`
Reading Configuration in ENV compatible format
Authorization: <JSON Service Account>
Returns: All stored variables. Pass Accept: text/x-shell-export header to get the variables as shell escaped, space separated variables