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0.2.4 • Public • Published

JavaScript wrapper for the Rust implementation of the Ryan configuration language.

💡 Note: this is a package created for a Web environment using a bundler, such as webpack.

This is a JavaScript wrapper over the WASM Rust implementation of ryan.

For basic usage, this module provides two main functions: fromStr, which reads and executes a Ryan program from a string and fromStrWithEnv. If you are wondering, no function is needed for serialization; you can use the standard JSON.stringify function for that (remember: all JSON is valid Ryan).

Here is a basic usage example:

import { fromStr } from ryan;
const value = fromStr(`
  let lights = 4;
    "picard": lights,
    "gulMadred": lights + 1,
`); // { picard: 4, gulMadred: 5 }

How to use Ryan

You can use Ryan in your project via pip:

npm i ryan-lang-web

Additionally, the Ryan CLI might be useful to have for testing and debugging. See the main page for the project for more information.

Resources for Ryan

Differences from other Ryan implementations

WASM is a much more hermetic environment than other architectures. In WASM, we cannot rely on the existence of a filesystem or of environment variables, things that the standard Ryan loader depends on. Therefore, a different approach to module loading is needed.

This implementation uses the properties of a given JS object to implement a module resolution tree (a tree of nested dictionaries, where the leaves are strings), a poorman's filesystem of sorts. An example of how to set up a module system is shown below:

import { Environment, JsLoader, fromStrWithEnv } from "ryan-lang"
const env = Environment
  .loader(new JsLoader({
    "a.ryan": "[1,2,3]",
    "submodule": {
      // Relative import works as expected
      "b.ryan": "import \"../a.ryan\"",
      // As does absolute import:
      "c.ryan": "import \"/a.ryan\"",
const value = fromStrWithEnv(env, `
  let lights = 4;
    "picard": lights,
    "gulMadred": lights + 1,
    imported: import "/submodule/c.ryan",
`); // { picard: 4, gulMadred: 5, imported: [1, 2, 3] }


Unfortunately, the Rust Loader trait is not async. Therefore, loading from URLs is not currently supported.

Limitations of this library

As stated above, WASM works in a more constrained manner than other architectures. This has led to constraints on how Ryan operates in the browser when it comes to the import system. See the example above for a detailed explanation.

Also, some of the features present in the Rust implementation are not yet exposed. If you do have a need for any additional feature to be exposed, please file an issue in the official Ryan repository.




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  • tokahuke