
2.0.1 • Public • Published


Rytm WCAG helpers, include:

  • Toggle contrast version and store user cookie
  • Handle keyboard events for focus visibility: <html class="wcag-using-keyboard">
  • Set a focus trap on dialog modals, eg. menus or dropdowns
  • Handle a jump to event (for first focusable link on page)
  • Handle focus update on ajax requests for any SPA like webapp

Install using NPM:

$ npm install rytm-wcag --save

Basic usage example:

import { WCAG } from 'rytm-wcag';
// init WCAG 

Toggle high contrast version

this by default will toggle the cookie "r_wcag_contrast" 
value 1 and 0 as well as toggle the document class "wcag-contrast"
<a href="#" class="wcag-contrast-toggle">...</a>

Show focus on keyboard input (SCSS)

a, button, .btn, input, select, textarea, h2 {
  &:focus {
    box-shadow: none;
    outline: none;
html.wcag-using-tab {
  a, button, .btn, input, select, textarea, h2 {
    &:focus {
      outline: 4px solid $gray-500 !important;

Set a focus trap on dialogs

<a href="#" data-dialog-toggle="menu-open" data-target="#hambruger-menu">...</a>

<div id="hambruger-menu">
  <button data-dialog-close="menu-open" type="button">
  <!-- ... -->

Add a jump to link on page's header (first focus)

this will by default:
a) scroll to #main-content
b) set focus to the first <h2> or any other
focusable element under #main-content
<a href="#" data-focus-to="#main-content">

Handle focus update on SPA ajax page loads

<h1 class="sr-only as-focus-to">

On any ajax request

// whenever an view updates...
function onMyCustomEvent() {
  // this will: 
  // a) close all dialogs
  // b) set focus to ".as-focus-to"

Custom params and events

You can pass custom params:

WCAG.init({contrastCookieName: "my_cookie"})

...and custom events:

WCAG.init({}, {onContrastEnable: () => { //... })

Default params

  // ## WCAG keyboard
  // class name added when any keyboard key pressed
  keyboardClassName: "wcag-using-keyboard",
  // class name added when TAB key pressed
  keyboardTabClassName: "wcag-using-tab",
  // ## WCGA contrast
  // contrast toggler selector
  contrastToggleSelector: ".wcag-contrast-toggle",
  // document class name for high contrast
  contrastClassName: "wcag-contrast",
  // user cookie name for high contrast (value 1 or 0)
  contrastCookieName: "r_wcag_contrast",
  // ## WCAG dialog focus trap
  // selector for "dialog toggler" (multiple dialogs allowed)
  dialogToggleSelector: "*[data-dialog-toggle]",
  // selector for "dialog toggler" (only one dialog allowed)
  dialogToggleOneSelector: "*[data-dialog-one]",
  // selector for "dialog close"
  dialogCloseSelector: "*[data-dialog-close]",
  // ## First focus on view swap selector
  onSwapFocusToSelector: ".as-focus-to",
  // ## Focus to selector
  focusToSelector: "*[data-focus-to]",
  // Focusable heading selector
  focusFirstHeadingSelector: "h2"

Default events

  // On contrast change (by default toggle document's class name)
  onContrastChange: () => { 
  // On contrast enable
  onContrastEnable: false,
  // On contrast disable
  onContrastDisable: false,
  // On "Esc" key press (by default close all open dialogs)
  onEscKeyDown: () => {




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  • npm.rytm