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Lightweight Redis Adapter for Node.js / Sails Apps

A lightweight Sails/Waterline adapter for Redis. May be used in a Sails app, or any Node.js module using Waterline as its ORM.

This is a fork of existing sails-redis that substitutes redis client with ioredis.

Heads up

This adapter does not support the Semantic or Queryable interfaces. Instead, it simply provides robust, managed access to the underlying Redis client. That means you can't use it to call methods like .find(). Instead, use it as a simple way to easily configure, obtain a connection, and communicate with Redis (e.g. for caching) within the lifecycle of your Node.js / Sails application.

Looking for the old repo? See the for-sails-0.12 branch of this repo or ryanc1256/sails-redis for examples of conventional adapters that let you use Redis to directly store and query records from your models.

This is an adapter for Sails versions 1.0 and up. If you are using an earlier version of Sails (or Waterline <v0.13), check out the for-sails-0.12 branch. Since this new release of sails-redis is more lightweight, and does not support the same semantic interface as its predecessor, be aware that there are breaking changes in your app when you upgrade. But I think you'll find that this new release is a great way to easily communicate with Redis, with minimal interference and a stable API. If you are interested in upgrading the new, Sails-v1-compatible release of this Redis adapter to support semantic usage (find, create, update, destroy), then please contact Mike or another core maintainer.



Install is through NPM.

npm install sails-ioredis2

Getting started

After installing and configuring this adapter (see below), you'll be able to use it to send commands to Redis from your Sails/Node.js app.

Here's an example demonstrating how to look up a cached value from Redis using async/await:

// Made up a fake parameter:
var key = 'foo';
// Inspired by
// Redis client docs:
// See also
// > If Redis returns `null`, then the value at this key is expired or does
// > not exist.  If a value _was_ found, attempt to JSON.parse() it.
// > (See `set-cached` for more info on why we're deserializing JSON here.)
var value = await sails.getDatastore('cache').leaseConnection(async (db)=>{
  var found = await db.get(key);
  if (found === null) {
    return undefined;
  } else {
    return JSON.parse(found);

And here's another async/await example, this time showing how to set a value in Redis, along with a TTL (i.e. expiry):

// Made up some fake parameters:
var key = 'foo';
var value = {
  coolPhrase: `hello world, it's ${new Date()}`,
  iCan: ['put','w/e','I','want',4,'here']
var expiresIn = 1000*60*60*24;
// Convert `expiresIn` (which is expressed in milliseconds) to seconds,
// because unlike JavaScript, Redis likes to work with whole entire seconds.
var ttlInSeconds = Math.ceil(expiresIn / 1000);
// Inspired by
// Redis client docs:
// See also
// > Note: Redis expects string values, so we serialize `value` to JSON…
// > even if it is already a string.  (This is important for seamless reversibility.)
// > Also note that TTL is seconds, not ms…  I know it's weird -- sorry!
await sails.getDatastore('cache').leaseConnection(async (db)=>{
  await db.setex(key, ttlInSeconds, JSON.stringify(value));

Note that the leased connection (db) is just a Redis client instance. No need to connect it/bind event listeners-- it's already hot and ready to go. Any fatal, unexpected errors that would normally be emitted as the "error" event are handled by the underlying driver, and can be optionally handled with custom logic by providing a function for onUnexpectedFailure.

Need to use a different Redis client, like redis? Please have a look at the underlying driver for the latest info/discussion.

Using the Redis client instance

The documentation for the version of redis used in this adapter can be found here:


This adapter supports standard datastore configuration, as well as some additional low-level options.

For example, in a Sails app, add the config below to your config/datastores.js file:

cache: {
  adapter: 'sails-ioredis2',
  url: 'redis://localhost:6379',
  // Other available low-level options can also be configured here.
  // (see below for more information)
  // You can use host, port keys instead of url too
  // host: "redis",
  // port: 6379,
  // db: 0

Note that you probably shouldn't set Redis as the default datastore for your application (your models wouldn't work!)

Low-Level Configuration (for redis client)

Configuration for the underlying Redis client itself is located as an object under the options.

All options supported by ioredis are available:


For more examples, or if you get stuck or have questions, click here.

Bugs   NPM version

To report a bug, click here.

Contributing   Build Status

Please observe the guidelines and conventions laid out in the Sails project contribution guide when opening issues or submitting pull requests.



I owe a big thank you to @ryanc1256 for all of his work with the original version of this adapter.


This adapter, like the Sails framework, is free and open-source under the MIT License.

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