Sails Sqlserver Adapter
A Waterline adapter for working with the Microsoft SqlServer database.
This version works with Sails 1.x. All Waterline Adapter Interfaces and methods are implemented based on the postgres implementation.
This is largely a port of sails-postgresql
$ npm install sails-sqlserver-adapter
An example configuration below.
Check MsSql Driver Options and Tarn Pool Options for more details. The options are passed verbatim to downstream driver.
moduleexportsdatastores = default: adapter: 'sails-sqlserver-adapter' host: processenvDB_HOST port: processenvDB_PORT user: processenvDB_USER password: processenvDB_PASS database: processenvDB_NAME schemaName: 'dbo' //note: schema specified in model takes precedence requestTimeout: 15000 options: encrypt: false appName: 'myapp' pool: max: 25 min: 5 idleTimeoutMillis: 30000 ;
Running Test
The repo is configured to run all the tests in Docker containers. The composition uses two container
- sql server 2017 container spec published by Microsoft
- A container for testing the package based on official Node 10 release
To run the tests in docker env
$ docker-compose up
The github repo is configure to run the tests in Travis-CI on code push. The status of the build can be seen at the top of the repo
If you have further questions or are having trouble, click here.
The Sails framework is free and open-source under the MIT License.