Samurai Inject
A Simple IOC Container
Install with npm
npm install samurai-inject --save
How to use
* Get container factory function
const { Container } = require('samurai-inject')
// Create the instance of the container
const container = Container()
class Foo {
print () {
class Bar {
print () {
// We can register classes or functions
container.register('foo', Foo)
container.register('bar', Bar)
// And then we can resolve those classes and get the instances
const foo = constainer.resolve('foo')
const bar = constainer.resolve('bar')
foo.print() // Output: Foo
bar.print() // Output: Bar
Class vs Factories
We can use classes or factories patterns
const { Container } = require('samurai-inject')
const container = Container()
const Baz = () => {
const print = () => {
return {
class Qux {
print () {
// We can register classes or functions
container.register('qux', Qux)
container.register('Baz', Baz)
// And then we can resolve those classes and get the instances
const qux = constainer.resolve('qux')
const baz = constainer.resolve('baz')
qux.print() // Output: Qux
baz.print() // Output: Baz
Resolve parameters as dependencies (default behavior)
The default behavior to solve the parameters which are other objects is passing the data as a single parameter object.
const { Container } = require('samurai-inject')
const container = Container()
class Corge {
// The default behavior pass an object to the constructor
// So we can destructure the object and get the param than we want
constructor ({
}) {
this.grault = grault
print () {
class Grault {
print () {
// We can register classes or functions
// In this case we specify the dependencies in the third parameter
container.register('corge', Corge, ['grault'])
container.register('grault', Grault)
// And then we can resolve those classes and get the instances
const corge = constainer.resolve('corge')
const grault = constainer.resolve('grault')
corge.print() // Output: Corge Grault
grault.print() // Output: Grault
Resolve parameters individually
We can override the default behavior to solve the parameters one by one sending it separately as a classical pattern used by the begin of the times.
const { Container, PARAMS_MODE } = require('samurai-inject')
const container = Container()
class Garply {
constructor (waldo) {
this.waldo = waldo
print () {
class Waldo {
print () {
// We can register classes or functions
// In this case we specify the dependencies in the third parameter
// In this case we specify that the parameter are gonna pass it individually
container.register('garply', Garply, ['waldo'], PARAMS_MODE.asIndividualParams)
container.register('waldo', Waldo)
// And then we can resolve those classes and get the instances
const garply = constainer.resolve('garply')
const waldo = constainer.resolve('waldo')
garply.print() // Output: Garply Waldo
waldo.print() // Output: Waldo
Static params
Sometimes we want to pass some fixed/static parameters to our objects like a connection strings or something like that.
const { Container } = require('samurai-inject')
const container = Container()
class Fred {
constructor ({
}) {
this.plugh = plugh
this.connectionString = connectionString
connect () {
console.log('Connection to ' + this.connectionString)
console.log('Limit of rows is ' + this.plugh.getLimitOfRows)
class Plugh {
constructor ({
this.limitOfRows = limitOfRows
getLimitOfRows () {
return this.limitsOfRows
// We can register classes or functions
// In this case we specify the dependencies in the third parameter
// In this case we can specify the static parameter using an object instead an string
container.register('fred', Fred, ['plugh',
{ connectionString: 'mongo:mylocalmongo:2727/testdb' }
container.register('plugh', Plugh, [
{ limitsOfRows: 100 }
// And then we can resolve those classes and get the instances
const fred = constainer.resolve('fred')
const plugh = constainer.resolve('plugh')
// Output: Connection to mongo:mylocalmongo:2727/testdb
// Output: Limit of rows is 100
plugh.getLimitOfRows() // Output: 100