TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.79 • Public • Published

SandFox Generator



git clone
cd sandfox-gen-jpa

# Install dependent packages
npm i

# Compile

Configure Your GDrive access on ./credentials/gd-drive-access.json:

  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "gd-drive-access",
  "private_key_id": "a9...2a",
  "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nM...w=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
  "client_email": "",
  "client_id": "1...6",
  "auth_uri": "",
  "token_uri": "",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
  "client_x509_cert_url": ""

Save the Google Spreadsheet to JSON (save action):

node dist/index.js save     -s 1yUZ2cHkYdEC3twB6bNimEORO7ZJohJ3PgX4D74KC_lY -d ./out/simple -q ../sandfox-in/simple -k -p simple -k org.godzzo.simple

Generate to the FULL project to the ./out/simple folder (generate action):

node dist/index.js generate -s 1yUZ2cHkYdEC3twB6bNimEORO7ZJohJ3PgX4D74KC_lY -d ./out/simple -q ../sandfox-in/simple -k -p simple -k org.godzzo.simple

Copy the project! (./out/simple) to an another directory (for example: ../sandfox-in/simple), and you NOW can run it (do not forget to setup your database on src/main/resources/

./gradlew bootRun

After working / editing the project and make some configuration changes (like more column config...), you can override your project (need to save and generate and after that run the custom action)

The custom step only override your existing project (respecting Your /FOXB-???/ ...Your Code.. /FOXE-???/) blocks.

node dist/index.js custom   -s 1yUZ2cHkYdEC3twB6bNimEORO7ZJohJ3PgX4D74KC_lY -d ./out/simple -q ../sandfox-in/simple -k -p simple -k org.godzzo.simple

Output - Generated class files

Application level:

  • Application (for running application)
  • RepositoryRestCustomization
    • add projections
    • exposeIds
    • add validators (BeanValidation, GroupValidators)
  • SpelAwareProxyProjectionFactory (using expression in Projections)
  • AppController (with minimal Upload handling)

Group level (set of columns, for sharing between tables - like SystemGroup (id, creator, created...))

  • Group interface
  • GroupValidator (handling all tables who has this Group)

Every table has the afollowing classes:

  • Entity
  • Projection (+BaseProjection - without relations)
  • JpaRepository
  • FilterController
    • MVC RepositoryRestController - URL f.e.: /api/users/filterUsers
    • with dynamic filtering using Criteria API)
    • name convention to handle filters on properties of entity ( _equal , _like... )
    • isAnd=true to joining filter expression with AND
  • EntityListener
  • RepositoryEventHandler
  • TestFilterController - with MockMvc
  • TestRepository - with PageRequest and Specification

Table and Column configuration with GoogleSpreadsheet

You can skip this step if You create somewhere else the config JSON.

  • Using Google Spreadsheet like this ONE👀
  • 2 types of sheet (first - tables, second - columns)
  • important is the ID of GSheet - like this one 1yUZ2cHkYdEC3twB6bNimEORO7ZJohJ3PgX4D74KC_lY

Customization - Setup Ignore RegExp masks

SandFox creating a minimal config for ignores, like:

    "ignore": {
        "copyAsCustom": true,
        "masks": [

This means, only once will generate the, build.gradle.kts and the AppController.kt.

You can setup more ignore masks and the "copyAsCustom": true setting means to copy the ignored files with .custom extension, so You can examine what changed, for example AppController.kt.custom (the .custom in .gitignore already).

Template folder

SandFox can use multiple template folders, now using only this one👀.

Some templates (using EJS):

A bit messy without syntax coloring, I like to find a nice ONE, or changing extension 🧐

Customization - Custom blocks FOXB...FOXE

The template engine handle the FOXB...FOXE comment tags, so it can easily extendable in any template which the SandFox using, like this:

Setup column values of the SystemGroup (all Entities have SystemGroup this example):

class SystemGroupCreate(
    @Autowired val session: HttpSession,
    @Autowired val users: LpUserRepository
): Validator {
    init {
        println("SystemGroupCreate - INIT")

    override fun supports(clazz: Class<*>): Boolean {
        val support =

        println("SystemGroupCreate - Supports - ${support} - ${clazz}")

        return support

    override fun validate(target: Any, errors: Errors) {
        val entity = target as SystemGroup

        println("SystemGroupCreate - Supports - Session: ${session}")
        val userId: String = session.getAttribute("user_id") as String

        println("SystemGroupCreate - Supports - UserId: ${userId}")

        val user = users.findById(userId.toLong())

        entity.user = user.get()
        entity.lastModifier = user.get()

        entity.created =
        entity.lastModified =
        entity.logicRemove = 0


SandFox use hints to add optional features.

Generating auditing with Hibernate Envers - "envers"

Adding Hibernate and Spring Data Envers (Entity Versioning / Record Audit / Revisions).

  • build.gradle.kts
  • Application.kt
  • Modify: {Entity}.kt
  • Modify: {Entity} Repository.kt
  • Modify: {Entity} FilterController.kt

Authentication and Authorization - "auth"

Using Basic Authentication and creating privileges (Create-Read-Update-Delete +Filter) for generated JpaRepositories.

In AuthUserDetails handling to assign privileges to the User by the roles of the User. For example:


Generating :

  • Create: SecurityConfiguration.kt
  • Create: UserDetailsServiceImpl.kt
  • Create: AuthUserDetails.kt

Json Config

Sample config:

	"sheetId": "1vI...mKY",
	"directory": "./out/{project-name}",
	"customDir": "../WORK/{project-name}",
	"project": "{project-name}",
	"package": "org.godzzo.sakila",
	"credential": "credentials/gd-drive-access.json",
	"hint": "auth,envers",
	"showLogo": "yes",
	"showArgs": "yes"

Project generating and customizing sample bash script:




# tsc;

node dist/index.js --config $CFG save;

sleep 1;
node dist/index.js --config $CFG generate;

sleep 1;
node dist/index.js --config $CFG custom;

cd -;

Test with Jest


  • launch.json contains configuration
  • set breakpoint
  • run : open package.json file, hover on scripts "debug" will pop in

Package Sidebar


npm i sandfox-gen-jpa

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  • godzzo