A lightweight, flexible, fast jQuery autocomplete/typehead plugin which automatically suggests matching items while typing keywords(search items) in a text field. This plugin enables your users to quickly filter, find and select items from huge lists such as user list, country list, search results and you can find more details about autocomplete plugin here.
Add the class autocomplete
<input type="text" class="autocomplete" value="">
How do use autocomplete
const country = [{Id:1,Name:'India'},{Id:2,Name:'Japan'},{Id:3,Name:'US'}];
dataSource: country,
All default options to customize the autocomplete
// Text property of an array
textProperty: 'name',
// value propertu of an array
valueProperty: 'value',
// array
dataSource: [],
// default selected value
defaultValue: '',
// if text is not matched then default value
notMatchedValue: '',
// delay in mili seconds seach text while typing
keyboardDelay: 500,
// show no result text if result is not match
showNoResults: false,
// show matched charected in bold
markAsBold: true,
// close the dropdown on select
closeOnSelect: true,
// allow custom value
allowCustomValue: true,
// add class for selected item
selectedClass: '',
// autocomplete container class
wrapClass: ''