npm install --save-dev scad # npm
bun add scad # bun
include<./node_modules/scad/round_bevel.scad>// Creates a vertical (Z) cylinder enclosing a round bevel in the +X znd +Y directions.// Use with difference() to create round bevels.
round_bevel_complement(height, radius, center_z =false, epsilon = _EPSILON);
// The cylinder used by `round_bevel_complement(…)`, for when a positive shape is needed instead of the negative.
round_bevel_cylinder(height, radius, center_z =false, epsilon = _EPSILON);
include<./node_modules/scad/round_bevel.scad>// Takes the Minkowski sum of child0 and child1, then takes the difference with child0 to leave a shell.
minkowski_shell() {
include<./node_modules/scad/small_hinge.scad>// A small hinge design. Rotates vertically (+Z) and is horizontally symmetric (±X).module small_hinge_30mm(
rotate_angle_each_side =0,
plug_clearance_scale =1,
main_clearance_scale =1,
round_far_side =false,
shave_middle =true