
1.0.4 • Public • Published

🚀 Scrapbook CLI

A cyberpunk-inspired, terminal-based interface for your digital scrapbook. Dive into your memories, search through your digital artifacts, and relive your online adventures - all from the comfort of your command line.

Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 10 32 56 PM

Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 10 32 44 PM

🌟 Features

  • 📚 Browse your entire scrapbook collection
  • 🔍 Full-text search across all entries
  • 🖥️ Slick, cyberpunk-themed UI
  • ⚡ Lightning-fast navigation
  • 🔗 Quick-copy links to clipboard
  • 🌐 Open entries directly in your browser
  • 📊 Visual type indicators for different entry sources
  • 🗺️ Mini-map view for entries with location data
  • 🌍 Full-screen map view of all geotagged entries
  • 📋 JSON export for individual scraps

🛠️ Installation

npm install -g scrapbook-cli

🚀 Usage

To launch the Scrapbook CLI in list mode:

scrapbook-cli list

To view the full-screen map of all geotagged entries:

scrapbook-cli --map

To get JSON data for a specific scrap:

scrapbook-cli json <scrap_id>

🕹️ Controls (List Mode)

  • ↑/↓ or j/k: Navigate entries
  • : Copy public URL to clipboard
  • : Copy entry URL to clipboard
  • Space: Open entry in browser
  • z: Toggle full-screen summary view
  • / or s: Search entries
  • r: Refresh entries
  • PageUp/PageDown: Move 24 entries at a time
  • Esc: Exit search or full-screen view
  • q: Quit

🕹️ Controls (Map Mode)

  • ↑/↓: Navigate through map markers
  • q: Quit

🗺️ Mini-Map Feature

The mini-map displays the location of the currently selected entry if it has latitude and longitude data. If an entry doesn't have location data, the mini-map will be hidden.

🌍 Full-Screen Map View

The full-screen map view shows all your geotagged entries on a world map. Navigate through the markers to see details about each entry.

📋 JSON Export

Use the json command followed by a scrap ID to get the full JSON data for that specific scrap. This is useful for debugging or data export purposes.

🔧 Configuration

Scrapbook CLI uses environment variables for configuration. Create a .env file in your home directory with the following:


🤝 Contributing

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

📜 License


🙏 Acknowledgements

Built with love, caffeine, and a dash of cyberpunk nostalgia. Special thanks to the creators of blessed, blessed-contrib, and Supabase for making this CLI possible.

Remember, in the neon-lit world of digital scrapbooking, you're the protagonist of your own cyberpunk story. Happy scrapping! 🌆💾

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  • ejfox