TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

2.2.0 • Public • Published

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Script Custom Module

A plugin written by Typescript to let developer compile ts,react,vue content in client side with native es module. No bundler, just with one CDN and 4 lines configuration, and you are ready to use your favorite ES javascript to prototype your new idea.


Template Setup

  • Install this package as a global or local npm dependency
  • create and serve a testing project with default setting
  • open browser with url http://localhost:1234
# as global
$ npm install -g script-custom-module
$ create-scm
$ serve-scm
# or as local
$ npm install script-custom-module
$ npx create-scm
$ npx serve-scm

Manual Setup

Since this plugin is mainly used in client browser, simply install with CDN.

<script src=""></script>

Quick Usage

Setup Custom Scripts

use the setup method to initialize from specific entrypoint file, then all dependency will got auto registered to the importmap, so that we can easily import our dependency by just calling native import method

<!-- index.html -->
  // initialize custom modules and create importmap
    entry: 'src/index.jsx',
    mode: 'all',

Notice: setup will parse dependency from specific entrypoint, and loop into its dependencies.

// entrypoint: index.js
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from 'src/App.vue';
import 'src/index.css';
import 'src/no.js';


Notice: since the path starts with /, ./ will be considered as native esm, please import dependency always from root with relative path liked src/xxxx.js or xxxx.css with file extension so that CustomScript can parse your file with correct process.

Run up a local server to serve your static content

you can install serve or any other http service to run up a dev server for your folder.


create-scm [-t|--template=TEMPLATE] [PROJECT_DIR]

create a new scm project with template

  • TEMPLATE: react, vue, default is react
  • PROJECT_DIR: project directory, default is scm-project

serve-scm {[-p|--port=PORT] [-h|--host=HOST]} [PROJECT_DIR]

serve a folder with native Nodejs server by host and port

  • PORT: port number, default is 1234
  • HOST: hostname, default is localhost
  • PROJECT_DIR: project directory, default is scm-project


In window.CustomScript, we can use following methods & states.


the core method to initialize this plugin.

  // required, or provide <script type="root-module">
  entry: 'src/index.jsx',
  // default: ts
  // available: ts, react(react18), react17, vue(vue3), all(ts + react + vue)
  // each mode will auto inject necessary imports & scopes in import map
  mode: 'ts',
  // optional, the path will be added before all your dependency import except vue compiler path, default: ''
  publicPath: '',
  // optional, if you want to serve your own vue compiler path
  vueCompilerPath: '',
  // optional, put anything you want to manually use in your project
  // this importmap will got merged with those dependency parsed by your entry file
  importmap: {
    imports: {
      // optional, if you need to use some library as native es module
      // eg. styled-components
    scopes: {}
  // optional, if you want to give the dependency module as object without fetching
  // reference to below part "Sourcemap Mode"
  sourceMap: {},

Compile feature

Typescript/React Compile

By default, all the dependency end with extension js, ts, jsx, tsx will got compiled by Babel

Scss/Css Compile

dependency end with extension css, scss will got compiled by Sass, and auto injected to <head>

Vue Compile

dependency end with extension vue will got compiled by @vue/compiler-sfc plugin by esm, and auto generated js, css into <head> to load content.

Sourcemap Mode

with sourcemap mode, all dependency are injected by a user provided map object, and CustomScript will only process those rawCode you provided in map to generate compiled content to serve on browser.

<!-- index.html -->
  // entry should also exists inside your sourceMap
  entry: 'src/index.js',
  sourceMap: {
    'src/index.js': 'import sum from "src/sum.js";\nconsole.log(sum(1, 2));',
    'src/sum.js': 'export default (a, b) => a + b;',

Not support html file in sourcemap

Root Module Entry

if the entry in options is not provided, CustomScript will search for <script type="root-module"> as following

  <!-- root-module -->
  <script type="root-module" src="src/index.js"></script>
  <div id="app"></div>

  <!-- or -->
  <script type="root-module">
    import { createApp } from 'vue';
    import App from 'src/App.vue';


Use Demos

For more use demos, please refer here


This plugin is mainly inspired by inline-module, just modified about the loader system.

Package Sidebar


npm i script-custom-module

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  • johnnywang