SDS Design Tokens
SDS Design Tokens is an experimental project to generate design-tokens to create UI components with some base specific design system
Getting Started
npm i sds-design-token --save
yarn add sds-design-token
** Example with styled-components:**
import styled from 'styled-components';import Animations Borders Colors Spacings Typography from 'sds-design-token'; const Button = styledbutton` background: ; border: 0; border-radius: ; color: ; cursor: pointer; font-family: ; font-size: ; padding: ; transition: all ; &:hover { background: ; }`;
Take a look at this working example at
Attributes | Values |
colorWarning | rgb(228, 126, 26) |
colorBackgroundLight | rgb(245, 245, 245) |
colorWhiteSecondary | rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6) |
colorBlack | rgb(0, 0, 0) |
colorPrimary | rgb(0, 91, 149) |
colorBlackPrimary | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87) |
colorSuccess | rgb(90, 153, 48) |
colorBackgroundMedium | rgb(238, 238, 238) |
colorBackgroundDark | rgb(221, 221, 221) |
colorError | rgb(176, 0, 32) |
colorPrimaryMedium | rgb(8, 140, 202) |
colorSecondaryLight | rgb(241, 241, 241) |
colorWhitePrimary | rgb(255, 255, 255) |
colorSecondary | rgb(71, 71, 71) |
colorBlackSecondary | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6) |
colorSecondaryMedium | rgb(102, 102, 102) |
colorPrimaryLight | rgb(132, 214, 245) |
colorSuport | rgb(8, 140, 202) |
Attributes | Values |
fontFamilyPrimary | Open Sans, sans-serif |
fontFamilySecondary | Montserrat, sans-serif |
fontSizeBase | 1rem |
fontSizeSm | 0.875rem |
fontSizeXs | 0.75rem |
lineHeightBase | 1.5rem |
lineHeightSm | 1.25rem |
lineHeightXs | 1rem |
Attributes | Values |
spacingBase | 1rem |
spacingXl | 2rem |
spacingXxl | 2.5rem |
spacingMd | 0.75rem |
spacingNone | 0rem |
spacingSm | 0.5rem |
spacingXs | .25rem |
spacingLg | 1.5rem |
spacingXxs | .125rem |
Attributes | Values |
borderSizeMd | 2px |
colorBorderWhiteMedium | rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.38) |
borderRadius | 4px |
borderSizeSm | 1px |
borderSizeLg | 3px |
colorBorderWhiteLight | rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) |
colorBorderMedium | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24) |
colorBorderDark | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6) |
colorBorderLight | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) |
Attributes | Values |
opacityBackgroundLightHover | 0.04 |
opacityBackgroundLightSelected | 0.08 |
opacityBackgroundLightActive | 0.24 |
opacityBackgroundDarkHover | 0.12 |
opacityBackgroundDarkSelected | 0.16 |
opacityBackgroundDarkActive | 0.24 |
opacityDisabled | 0.4 |
Attributes | Values |
containerMaxWidth | 74.75rem |
containerMWidth | 49rem |
containerSWidth | 35rem |
containerXsWidth | 17.5rem |
containerMobileWidth | 20rem |
MediaQueries ( breakpoints)
Attributes | Values |
mediaQuerySmall | 36rem |
mediaQueryMedium | 48rem |
mediaQueryLarge | 62rem |
Attributes | Values |
durationXs | 100ms |
durationSm | 200ms |
durationBase | 250ms |
timingBase | ease-out |