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0.1.9 • Public • Published


Tools for protecting your javascript code in browser.


$ npm i -P secan


import secan from 'secan';
   debuggerLoop: true 
window.addEventListener('devtoolsopen', () => {
    console.log('What are you doing now?');
    // when you open devtools, this event will be emitted and you will get a debugger and a debugger...


  • interval (number) By default, secan will perform a check every 3 seconds, this option can specify another value
  • debug (boolean or string) If true, secan will not perform check, it is useful in development environment. If a string, for example, debug: '__debug__' when the URL of current page has a query string such as ?__debug__=1, secan will not perform check, it's a backdoor in production environment...
  • breakIframe (boolean) If true, when current page in a <iframe>, secan will redirect to current page, default true. But you still need to set a header X-Frame-Options, see MDN, this is the right way
  • debuggerLoop (boolean) When secan detected the devtools open, secan will start a debugger loop to interfere debugging
  • hookFn (boolean) If true, secan will hook eval console alert, and when these method called, secan will emit window.addEventListener('eval'), window.addEventListener('console') and window.addEventListener('alert'), if someone perform a XSS test, this may be useful
  • baitURL (string) Must be a URL start with https, when sslstrip occurred, this URL will be http not https and secan can detect then emit a event window.addEventListener('sslstrip')
  • allowInlineScript (boolean) Default true, secan will check all <script>, if src of <script> not in scriptDomain, secan will emit a event window.addEventListener('invalidscript'), if allowInlineScript is true, secan will also emit this event
  • scriptDomain (string or string[]) A domain whitelist of <script> src, if a src of <script> not in scriptDomain, secan will emit a event window.addEventListener('invalidscript')
  • pageDomain (string) If current domain is not pageDomain, secan will emit a event window.addEventListener('invaliddomain')


  • window.addEventListener('eval') If hookFn is true, this event will be emitted when eval called, and the event.detail.args can get the arguments of this call
  • window.addEventListener('console') If hookFn is true, this event will be emitted when console[<method>] called, and the event.detail.args can get the arguments of this call
  • window.addEventListener('alert') If hookFn is true, this event will be emitted when alert called, and the event.detail.args can get the arguments of this call
  • window.addEventListener('invaliddomain') If pageDomain set, and domain of current page is not pageDomain, this event will be emitted, and the event.detail.url can get the URL of current page
  • window.addEventListener('sslbreak') If the URL of current page is not HTTPS, this event will be emitted
  • window.addEventListener('sslstrip') If secan detected sslstrip, this event will be emitted
  • window.addEventListener('iniframe') If secan detected that current page is in a <iframe>, this event will be emitted
  • window.addEventListener('headlessbrowser') If secan detected that current page is in a headless browser, such as puppeteer or phantomJS, this event will be emitted
  • window.addEventListener('invalidscript') Secan will check all <script>, if src of <script> not in scriptDomain, this event will be emitted
  • window.addEventListener('devtoolsopen') If secan detected that devtools is open, this event will be emitted

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  • ta7sudan