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1.0.15 • Public • Published

Seed Service Orchestration Workflows

This module can be used with the seed-service-core in order to seed workflows in Orchestration Service when the v1/configData:seed endpoint is called. This service will look through a directory called out by the env variable SEED_FILE_DIR and find any JSON files whose objects have specified domain as OrchestrationWorkflows. It will use these files to seed workflows in Orchestration Service

OrchestrationWorkflows Seed Files

A seed file mean to seed a Workflow in Orchestration Service should have the following parameters.

  1. domain: The domain should be listed as "OrchestrationWorkflows".
  2. version: Identifies the version of the file. SeedServices will only seed files that match their expectedVersions.
  3. environments: A list of environments where the seed file should be seeded.
  4. organizationIds: A list of organizations where the seed file should be seeded.
  5. workflowMetadata: A WorkflowMetadataDto that will be used to create the workflow using the v1/workflow endpoint in Orchestration Service.
  6. overwrite: A boolean. If true, the workflow will be overwritten with the seed data everytime v1/configData:seed is called.

Config Service Lookups

Orchestration Workflows Seed Service looks for the following env variables using ConfigService

  1. ORCHESTRATION_SERVICE_URL: The url to use to access Orchestration Service.
  2. SERVICE_ACCOUNT_USER: Username for a service account. Will only use this if ORCHESTRATION_SEVICE_ACCOUNT_USER is undefined.
  3. SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASS: Password for a service account. Will only use this if ORCHESTRATION_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASS is undefined.
  4. ORCHESTRATION_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_USER: Username for a service account.
  5. ORCHESTRATION_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASS: Password for a service account.




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  • endpointengineering