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1.0.0 • Public • Published


semantic-release-dotnet is a semantic-release plugin for setting the varions on .NET projects, in specific .csproj and Directory.Build.props. It has the ability to create property files if missing or updating existing versions in files that do exist. If an existing file does not have a version property, then one will be added to either the first <PropertyGroup/> or by creating a new property group if one is not needed.

This only implements the prepare function for semantic-release and does not have functionality for uploading NuGet packages to repositories. This follows the Single Responsibility Principle, see semantic-release-nuget for that.


Depending on your package manager, you'll need to run one of the commands.

npm install semantic-release-dotnet --only=dev
yarn add semantic-release-dotnet -D

Typically this is only used as a development dependency.


Add the plugin into the release.config.js file or in the appropriate section of package.json. An example release.config.js:

module.exports = {
    plugins: [

Options can be given also:

module.exports = {
    plugins: [
                paths: ["src/**.csproj"],


There are only a few options for the command.

paths?: string[]

  • Default: ["Directory.Build.props"]

This is an array of paths that are passed into glob to figure out what files need to be updated. If it is not provided, then a Directory.Build.props will be created and updated at the root level of the repository. If a path does not have magic values (so src/Project A/Project A.csproj instead of **/*.csproj), then the file will be created if missing.

indent?: string | number

  • Default: `" "``

This determines the indent of the files updated. If this is zero (0) or blank (""), then no indention will be done. All files that match the pattern will be rewritten and indented.

debug?: boolean

  • Default: false

Turns on debugging messages. This defaults to false to avoid information overload.

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  • dmoonfire