
1.0.2 • Public • Published


A semantic-ui implementation of react-form-validator-core

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


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First Lets look at the simple input field validation. Note: You can use the inline props to get the inline label.


import React, { Component } from 'react'
import 'semantic-ui-css/semantic.css'; //Import the css only once in your project
import {Form,Input} from 'semantic-ui-react-form-validator'
import {Button} from 'semantic-ui-react';
class App extends Component {
  render () {
    return (
          label="Test Input"
          errorMessages={['this field is required']} 
        <Button color="teal">Submit<Button>


Here is a list of all props you can use in the Input Component.
Props Required Type Default value Description
type true string text Basic html input type
placeholder false string Basic html placeholder
label false string label
inline false bool Set it true to get inline labels
validators false array Array of validators. See list of default validators above.Leave empty for no validations
errorMessages false array Array of error messages. Order of messages should be the same as validators prop.
onChange true func onChange function is required to set the value of the input filed
value true string empty String You need to set the value of the input field in onChange function and pass the value as a prop to the Input Component.The validator looks for this value.
width false int 12 width of the input field. 12 means it will match the parent width


Dropdown Component is pretty similar to the Input Component.


import React, { Component } from 'react'
import 'semantic-ui-css/semantic.css'; //Import the css only once in your project
import {Form,Dropdown} from 'semantic-ui-react-form-validator'
import {Button} from 'semantic-ui-react';
class App extends Component {
  render () {
  const options=[
        key: 'Jenny Hess',
        text: 'Jenny Hess',
        value: 'Jenny Hess',
        image: { avatar: true, src: '/images/avatar/small/jenny.jpg' },
        key: 'Elliot Fu',
        text: 'Elliot Fu',
        value: 'Elliot Fu',
        image: { avatar: true, src: '/images/avatar/small/elliot.jpg' },
        key: 'Stevie Feliciano',
        text: 'Stevie Feliciano',
        value: 'Stevie Feliciano',
        image: { avatar: true, src: '/images/avatar/small/stevie.jpg' },
        key: 'Christian',
        text: 'Christian',
        value: 'Christian',
        image: { avatar: true, src: '/images/avatar/small/christian.jpg' },
        key: 'Matt',
        text: 'Matt',
        value: 'Matt',
        image: { avatar: true, src: '/images/avatar/small/matt.jpg' },
        key: 'Justen Kitsune',
        text: 'Justen Kitsune',
        value: 'Justen Kitsune',
        image: { avatar: true, src: '/images/avatar/small/justen.jpg' },
    return (
          label="Test Dropdown"
          errorMessages={['this field is required']} 
          errorMessages={['You must select one option']}
        <Button color="teal">Submit<Button>


Here is a list of all props you can use in the Dropdown Component.
Props Required Type Default value Description
placeholder false string Basic html placeholder
label false string label
inline false bool Set it true to get inline labels
validators false array Array of validators. See list of default validators above.Leave empty for no validations
errorMessages false array Array of error messages. Order of messages should be the same as validators prop.
onChange true func onChange function is required to set the value of the input filed onChange=(e,{value})=>{ //handle value}
value true string You need to set the value of the input field in onChange function and pass the value as a prop to the Input Component.The validator looks for this value.
options true array A list of options as an array. eg:- [{key:1,text:"foo",value:1},{key:2,text:"bar",value:2}]
multiple false bool Set it true to select more than one options
selection false bool Set it true to make the dropdown look like select field
search false bool You'll be able to search from dropdown options when set to true
width false int 12 width of the input field. 12 means it will match the parent width



import React, { Component } from 'react'
import 'semantic-ui-css/semantic.css'; //Import the css only once in your project
import {Form,TextArea} from 'semantic-ui-react-form-validator'
import {Button} from 'semantic-ui-react';
class App extends Component {
  render () {
    return (
          label="TEXTAREA LABEL"
          errorMessages={['CAnnot Be empty']}
        <Button color="teal">Submit<Button>
Here is a list of all props you can use in the Dropdown Component.
Props Required Type Default value Description
placeholder false string Basic html placeholder
label false string label
validators false array Array of validators. See list of default validators above.Leave empty for no validations
errorMessages false array Array of error messages. Order of messages should be the same as validators prop.
onChange true func onChange function is required to set the value of the input filed
value true string empty String You need to set the value of the input field in onChange function and pass the value as a prop to the Input Component.The validator looks for this value.

Validation Rules

Simple form validation component for react forms inspired by formsy-react

Default validation rules:

  • matchRegexp
  • isEmail
  • isEmpty
  • required
  • trim
  • isNumber
  • isFloat
  • isPositive
  • minNumber
  • maxNumber
  • minFloat
  • maxFloat
  • minStringLength
  • maxStringLength
  • isString
  • maxFileSize
  • allowedExtensions

Some rules can accept extra parameter, example:

   validators={['minNumber:0', 'maxNumber:255', 'matchRegexp:^[0-9]$']}

Add Custom Validation

You can add your own rules

      var foo=/foo/;
      return foo.test(value)

check out app.js in example folder for more examples


  • Props
Prop Required Type Default value Description
onSubmit true function Callback for form that fires when all validations are passed
instantValidate false bool true If true, form will be validated after each field change. If false, form will be validated only after clicking submit button.
onError false function Callback for form that fires when some of validations are not passed. It will return array of elements which not valid.
debounceTime false number 0 Debounce time for validation i.e. your validation will run after debounceTime ms when you stop changing your input


MIT © Aman9804




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