NodeJs wrapper for Stanford NLP Semgrex
What is Semgrex?
Semgrex is a utility for matching patterns in dependency trees, based on tree relationships and regular expression matches on nodes.
Semgrex is part of StafordNLP which is written in Java. So, this module uses Java Native Interface(JNI). You will need JRE to run this module.
This modules fully supports "Semgrex Matcher API".
How to convert sentence to Dependecy Tree?
You should use syntax parser for your language. You can start with for parsing sentences.
Syntax details
- Use 'idx' field to match node by 'id'.
- Use 'tag' field to match node by 'upostag'.
- Use 'word' field to match node by 'form'.
- Use 'lemma' field to match node by 'lemma'.
const matcher = nodes pattern: '{tag:NOUN} <<rcmod {lemma:do}';
Complex example
For more examples see "examples" foler
const SemgrexMatcher = ; // "Kiev, which is one of the largest cities in Europe, is the capital of Ukraine." as a dependency tree nodes const nodes = id: 1 form: 'Kiev' lemma: 'Kiev' upostag: 'NOUN' xpostag: '_' feat: '_' head: 13 deprel: 'nsubj' deps: '_' misc: '_' id: 2 form: ',' lemma: ',' upostag: 'PUNCT' xpostag: '_' feat: '_' head: 1 deprel: 'p' deps: '_' misc: '_' id: 3 form: 'which' lemma: 'which' upostag: 'DET' xpostag: '_' feat: '_' head: 4 deprel: 'nsubj' deps: '_' misc: '_' id: 4 form: 'is' lemma: 'be' upostag: 'VERB' xpostag: '_' feat: '_' head: 1 deprel: 'rcmod' deps: '_' misc: '_' id: 5 form: 'one' lemma: 'one' upostag: 'NUM' xpostag: '_' feat: '_' head: 4 deprel: 'attr' deps: '_' misc: '_' id: 6 form: 'of' lemma: 'of' upostag: 'ADP' xpostag: '_' feat: '_' head: 5 deprel: 'prep' deps: '_' misc: '_' id: 7 form: 'the' lemma: 'the' upostag: 'DET' xpostag: '_' feat: '_' head: 9 deprel: 'det' deps: '_' misc: '_' id: 8 form: 'largest' lemma: 'large' upostag: 'ADJ' xpostag: '_' feat: '_' head: 9 deprel: 'amod' deps: '_' misc: '_' id: 9 form: 'cities' lemma: 'city' upostag: 'NOUN' xpostag: '_' feat: '_' head: 6 deprel: 'pobj' deps: '_' misc: '_' id: 10 form: 'in' lemma: 'in' upostag: 'ADP' xpostag: '_' feat: '_' head: 9 deprel: 'prep' deps: '_' misc: '_' id: 11 form: 'Europe' lemma: 'Europe' upostag: 'NOUN' xpostag: '_' feat: '_' head: 10 deprel: 'pobj' deps: '_' misc: '_' id: 12 form: ',' lemma: ',' upostag: 'PUNCT' xpostag: '_' feat: '_' head: 1 deprel: 'p' deps: '_' misc: '_' id: 13 form: 'is' lemma: 'be' upostag: 'VERB' xpostag: '_' feat: '_' head: 0 deprel: 'root' deps: '_' misc: '_' id: 14 form: 'the' lemma: 'the' upostag: 'DET' xpostag: '_' feat: '_' head: 15 deprel: 'det' deps: '_' misc: '_' id: 15 form: 'capital' lemma: 'capital' upostag: 'NOUN' xpostag: '_' feat: '_' head: 13 deprel: 'attr' deps: '_' misc: '_' id: 16 form: 'of' lemma: 'of' upostag: 'ADP' xpostag: '_' feat: '_' head: 15 deprel: 'prep' deps: '_' misc: '_' id: 17 form: 'Ukraine' lemma: 'Ukraine' upostag: 'NOUN' xpostag: '_' feat: '_' head: 16 deprel: 'pobj' deps: '_' misc: '_' id: 18 form: '.' lemma: '.' upostag: 'PUNCT' xpostag: '_' feat: '_' head: 13 deprel: 'p' deps: '_' misc: '_' ; ; { const matcher = nodes pattern: '{}=A <rcmod=rel {}=B' ; while await matcher console; console; console; console; console; console; }