Simple bash script to sync/drop all models from sequelize to the database. Also can supply list of models to sync/drop.
To install sequelize-sync, simply do:
(sudo) npm install -g sequelize-sync
That's pretty much it. You need to point it to a node module that exports a connection to sequelize, with you models already attached. This may change in the future, I may add the ability to just point to a module and a directory for models. The options are as follows:
- --sequelize (-s) - Give the path to the sequelize module (i.e. ~/my-module/lib/common/sequelize.js
- --force (-f) - Force the schema change (drop and recreate)
- --dump-sql (-d) - Dump the sql to the screen (can be used in conjunction with other options)
- --models (-m) - Give a comma separate list of models to sync/drop
- --drop (-x) - Drop the schemas instead of creating
I noticed I had been creating a bash script to do this for every one of my sequelize related projects, so I decided to create this handy library.
Uses mocha and should. Installs sequelize and sqlite3 node modules, make sure you have
sqlite3 installed. Run npm test
MIT license, have at it.