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1.0.0 • Public • Published


Frame-by-frame reproduction of images in HTML Canvas


Package Manager

    npm install sequence-canvas

ES Module

    import SequenceCanvas from 'sequence-canvas';
    const canvas = new SequenceCanvas({
      // settings


    const SequenceCanvas = require('sequence-canvas');
    const canvas = new SequenceCanvas({
      // settings



    <script src="sequence-canvas.js"></script>
        const canvas = new SequenceCanvas({
            // settings



const canvas = new SequenceCanvas({
  // required object
  canvas: {
    // required property
    element: document.querySelector('canvas'),
    width: innerWidth,
    height: innerHeight,
  // required object
  images: {
    // required property
    paths: ['../img/01.webp', '../img/02.webp', '../img/03.webp'],
    options: {
      size: {
        width: 400,
        height: 400,
      position: {
        x: innerWidth / 2 - 200,
        y: innerHeight / 2 - 200
  init: true,
  direction: -1,
  loop: false,
  fps: 30,
  startIndex: 0,
  finishIndex: 2,
  currentIndex: 0,
  startImmediately: false,
  startAfterLoaded: true,
  logging: true,
  on: {
    init: function () {

canvas.on('stop', function() { console.log('stop')});



Option Type Description
canvas object An object that has an element and images property.
canvas.element HTMLCanvasElement Need to pass HTMLCanvasElement.
images object An object that has the paths and options properties.
images.paths string[] An array of strings with paths to images.


Option Type Default Description
canvas.width number canvas.element.width Width of the canvas.
canvas.height number canvas.element.height Height of the canvas
images.options object An object containing images settings.
images.options.position object It can be used without specifying the trim and size properties.
images.options.position.x number The X coordinate on the canvas where the image will be placed.
images.options.position.y number The Y coordinate on the canvas where the image will be placed.
images.options.trim object It cannot be used without specifying the position and size properties.
images.options.trim.x number The X coordinate of the starting point of the crop.
images.options.trim.y number The Y coordinate of the starting point of the crop.
images.options.trim.width number The width of the cropped image.
images.options.trim.height number The height of the cropped image.
images.options.size object It cannot be used without specifying the position property.
images.options.size.width number The applied width of the image (you can stretch or compress the image).
images.options.size.height number The applied height of the image (you can stretch or compress the image).
init boolean true Initializes the library in full. Starts loading images and sets the canvas dimensions.
direction number 1 Frame change direction. 1 is forward, -1 is back.
loop boolean true Looping rendering.
fps number 60 Number of frames per second. Range from 1 to 60.
startIndex number 0 The lower border of the render.
finishIndex number images.length - 1 The upper border of the render.
currentIndex number 0 Specifies which index in the image array is currently being rendered. During initialization, it will call the play method, not start if it differs from the startIndex property.
startImmediately boolean false Start immediately after loading the first image.
startAfterLoaded boolean true Starts rendering immediately after loading all images.
logging boolean false Output to the console information about the rendering of a certain image.


Method Description
start Starts rendering from the image index specified in startIndex.
play Plays rendering.
pause Pauses rendering.
stop Stops rendering and draws images with index startIndex.
on Adds an event listener.
off Removes an event listener.
setCurrentImage Sets the value for the currentImage properties. Make sure that the value does not exceed the length of the array.
getCurrentImage Gets the value of the currentImage property.
setSizesCanvas Sets the dimensions for the canvas { width, height }.
getSizesCanvas Gets canvas settings { width, height }.
setImageOptions Sets new settings for images { position?: { x, y }, trim?: { x, y, width, height }, size?: { width, height } }.
getImageOptions Gets image settings { position: { x, y }, trim: { x, y, width, height }, size: { width, height } }.
setFps Sets the value for the fps properties. Range from 1 to 60.
getFps Gets the value of the fps property.
setDirection Sets the value for the directions properties. The value can be 1 or -1.
getDirection Gets the value of the directions property.
setLoop Sets the value for the loop properties, boolean value only.
getLoop Gets the value of the directions property.
setStartIndex Sets the value for the startIndex properties. Make sure that the value does not exceed the length of the array.
getStartIndex Gets the value of the startIndex property.
setFinishIndex Sets the value for the finishIndex properties. Make sure that the value does not exceed the length of the array.
getFinishIndex Gets the value of the finishIndex property.
getLogging Gets the value of the logging property.
enableLogging Enable logging.
disableLogging Disable logging.

Usage of methods

const canvas = new SequenceCanvas({
  // ...


Event Description
init Initialization.
load Image loading has started.
loaded Finished loading the image.
render The picture is drawn on the canvas.
start The start method is called, the rendering of images has started from the index specified in startIndex.
play The play method is called, the rendering of images has started from the index specified in currentIndex.
pause The pause method is called, rendering is on pause.
stop The stop method is called, currentIndex borrows a value from startIndex.

Usage of events

const canvas = new SequenceCanvas({
  // ...
  on: {
    'init': function(event) {
      console.log('init', event);
// ...
function pauseHandler() {
canvas.on('pause', pauseHandler);'pause', pauseHandler);




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