npm i -E serverless-cloudfront-stack
S3- Bucket for your app assets.- Bucket access control.- Bucket encryption support for AES256.- Bucket versioning for your assets.- Bucket for cdn access logs.- Bucket Cors.- Data rentention for access logs. Cloud Front Distribution- SSL support.- Access Logs.- Cors support.- Cname support. Acm - Https- Certificate Creation.- Certificate Validation. Dns Alias- Route53 - Record for your CDN.- ApiGateway - New Path for your CDN Extras- Invalidate CloudFront cache on new deploys.- Sync your local assets folder with s3 on new deploys.- Extends resources configuration.
# serverless.yml plugins: - serverless-cloudfront-stack custom: cdnStack: disabled: false # optional, disabled this plugin beforeSpawn: '' # optional, run another hook plugin cname: '' # optional, cname for cdn. createInRoute53: false # optional, default false, create cname record certificate: '' # required, if use cname apigateway: '' # optional, use apigateway as http_proxy to cloudfront bucketName: '' # required, app bucket name enableCors: false # optional, enable cors default false blockPublicAccess: true # optional, block public acccess to s3 bucketEncryption: false # optional, bucket encryption for AES256 bucketVersioning: false # optional, assets object versioning (backup) indexPage: '' # optional, default index.html errorPage: '' # optional, default index.html bucketWebHosting: true # optional, default true syncLocalFolder: '' # optional, folder path to sync with s3 priceClass: '' # optional, default 'PriceClass_100' forwardHeaders: # optional, forward http headers - Origin - Accept-Encoding - Your-Custom-Header logging: # optional tag bucketName: '' # required, logs bucket name preffix: '' # optional, default 'Access/' retentionDays: 7 # optional, default 21 days
Simple Example For Static Web App with Route53
# serverless.yml custom: cdnStack: cname: '' createInRoute53: true # assumptions: exist hosted zone "" certificate: '*' # assumptions: exist acm cert "*" bucketName: 'static-html-web-app' blockPublicAccess: true bucketWebHosting: true syncLocalFolder: './dist'
Simple Example For Static Web App with ApiGateway (multiple front approach)
# serverless.yml # Your front-app will be accessed through api gateway # Assumptions: should be exists the apigateway and stage custom: cdnStack: apigateway: apigateway-name:stage-dev/new-front-app bucketName: 'static-html-web-app' blockPublicAccess: true bucketWebHosting: true syncLocalFolder: './dist'
Simple Example for Front Resources (webfonts, images, ...)
# serverless.yml custom: cdnStack: cname: '' createInRoute53: true # assumptions: exist hosted zone "" certificate: '*' # assumptions: exist acm cert "*" bucketName: 'assets-front-resources' enableCors: true blockPublicAccess: true bucketWebHosting: false syncLocalFolder: './dist' # psss. check full example in serverless.example.yml file.
# serverless.yml resources: Resources: StaticWebSiteBucket: Properties: BucketName: override bucket name ... DnsRecord: Properties: Comment: override comment ... CloudFrontDistribution: ... AccessLogsBucket: ...