Helps in upgrading salesforce api version for selected metadata files. Specify a target api version and the plugin will take care of modifying all the meta xml files with the target api version!
#original source code reference:
Since this is a SFDX plugin, it is a pre-requisite to have salesforce CLI installed globally first. Once that is in place, you can use the below to install this plugin!
Install the plugin
$ sfdx plugins:install sfdx-apiversion-upgrade
$ sf plugins install sfdx-apiversion-upgrade
To check whether the plugin is installed
$ sfdx metadatautil:upgradeapiversion
$ sf metadatautil upgradeapiversion
To update the plugin to the latest version
$ sfdx plugins:update
$ sf plugins update
To check the installed plugins list and version
$ sfdx plugins
$ sf plugins
$ sfdx metadatautil:upgradeapiversion -m <array> -p <string> [-s <number>] [-t <number>] [-x <string>] [-d] [--json]
[--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
-d, --dryrun If present will only output the files changed without actually changing them
-m, --metadata (required) Select metadata type.pick one or several of them, e.g: classes or classes/triggers;
Possible values: classes/pages/components/triggers/aura/lwc/flows
-p, --path (required) The path to your src folder
-s, --sourceversion The API version threshold from which you wish to upgrade. e.g. if input 45, means the vesion <=45.0 would be upgraged to the target version. Minimum: 10, Maximum: 199, Default: 60(normally would use the latest version)
-t, --targetversion The API version you want to upgrade to. Minimum:51 Maximum:200 Default:61
-x, --fileprefix Metadata filename prefix. E.g. App for App_Utils.cls. Default: none(all files)
sfdx metadatautil:upgradeapiversion -m [classes|classes/pages/triggers] -s 40 -t 48 -p "{yourprojectsrc-path}\src"
sfdx metadatautil:upgradeapiversion -m classes/pages -s 40 -t 48 -p "{yourprojectsrc-path}\src" -x "App"
sf metadatautil upgradeapiversion -m [classes|classes/pages] -s 60 -t 61 -p "src"