is covering the typical UI tasks: populate html slots into template using Shadow DOM. Slots content and template could be local in the page or pointed via URL.
| Try in Sandbox
| Live Demo: shadow-dom-element
| tests project
<script type="module" src=""></script>
<shadow-dom-element tag="my-component" src=""></shadow-dom-element>
<h3 slot="slot1">heading 😌</h3>
Where to use
is simplest web component to render HTML template
and slot
It is meant for displaying the static content in the page or available during page load via URL.
You do not need a static site generator
as most of "components" could be expressed via template in own file.
There is a live sample
of shadow-dom-element
based templates for Ananke site generator.
While it is not a good example of shadow dom css styling,
it gives enough for templates embedding and use of such for building the static web site. You could play with this
responsive template in Sandbox.
File the issue if need a site sample based on html templates or have your own to be shared.
npm i -P shadow-dom-element
or use from CDN
<script type="module" scr=""></script>
The size of shadow-dom-element.js is 1.6Kb, compiled to 1Kb.
fetch implemented via fetch() api, can be overridden with any type.
resolved when template and slots loaded and rendered -
initiates template and slots reading and rendering, returnsPromise<this>
fetch( url )
override to load and process URL before returning a HTML string with data within slots. Handy to use the JSON or XML as data source. Note, there is no error handling, you have to cover that case by template and error slots. For that you could find slotted-element handy as it is designed for loading life cycle. -
applyTemplate( templateNode )
applies template to slots in sub-dom of this element as Shadow DOM. Internal method to be overridden by light-dom-element to render by Light DOM.
all attributes reflected as component properties
tag name of declarative custom element -
id of container with slots -
url for html with slots -
id for html template -
url for html template
From slot to attribute
<slot name=xxx attribute=abc for=id-in-shadow-dom>
is a special case of slot
use within template: it would set the abc
attribute of
parent node to value taken either from href
, src
, or innerText of passed element with given name.
It is needed to pass the attribute via slots. For example, link or image URL. It could be used to pass attribute to internal
as within
summary-with-image template
for image URL.
slot attribute=abc
defines attribute which would be populated from slothref
, orinnerText
slot for=in-shadow-id
for slot withattribute
defines the element where attribute would be applied. When omitted, the attribute of container element where slot is located in template would be set:
<img id="image-2" alt="source from slot" />
<slot name="image-src" attribute="src" for="image-2" hidden></slot>
<link slot="image-src" href="doc.png" />
test and demo
reside in separate repository to avoid unnecessary dependency in source repo and npm.
Minimal functionality local demo is available in demo/ which could be run by
npm start
import ShadowDomElement from 'shadow-dom-element'
code has typings along with JSDoc enabled.