The Adventure Game CLI (Built Using TypeScript & Node.js) is a command-line game where players can engage in battles with various opponents. Players can choose their character and fight against opponents like Skeletons, Assassins, and Zombies
# Install globally (recommended to avoid installation again & again).
npm i shahbaz-project07-adventure-game
#run directly with npx (installs CLI on every run)
npx shahbaz-project07-adventure-game
The Adventure Game CLI offers the following features:
- Choose your character and opponent
- Engage in battles with opponents
- Fight, drink health potions, or run for your life during battles
- Keep track of health points for both player and opponent
- Continue battling until victory or defeat
This CLI is deployed as Pacage on Node Pacage Manager
The application uses the following Dependencies:
- @types/inquirer ^9.0.7
- chalk ^5.3.0
- inquirer ^9.2.12