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0.1.5 • Public • Published


APNG(animated PNG) encoder and decoder for sharp base on upng-js.


npm install sharp-apng


const sharp = require("sharp");
const apng = require("sharp-apng");

(async () => {
  // APNG to GIF
  const image = await apng.sharpFromApng("./animated.png");

  // APNG to frames
  const frames = apng.framesFromApng("./animated.png");
  frames.forEach((frame, index) => {
    frame.toFile(`./output/apng-${("000" + index).substr(-4)}.png`);

  // GIF to APNG
    sharp("./animated.gif", { animated: true }),

  // frames to APNG


apng.framesFromApng(input, resolveWithObject?)

Create instances of sharp from APNG frames.

  • input (String | Buffer) - A String containing the filesystem path to an APNG image file, or a Buffer containing APNG image data.
  • resolveWithObject Boolean (optional) - Return an ImageData containing frames (an array of instances of sharp) property and decoding info instead of only an array of instances of sharp. Default by false.

Returns Sharp[] | ImageData - Return an array of instance of sharp, or an ImageData containing frames (an array of instances of sharp) property and decoding info.

apng.sharpFromApng(input, options?, resolveWithObject?)

Create an instance of animated sharp from an APNG image.

  • input (String | Buffer) - A String containing the filesystem path to an APNG image file, or a Buffer containing APNG image data.
  • options DecoderOptions - Options for encode animated GIF and create sharp instance.
  • resolveWithObject Boolean (optional) - Return an ImageData containing image (an instance of sharp) property and decoding info instead of only an instance of sharp. Default by false.

Returns Promise<Sharp | ImageData> - Resolve with an instance of animated sharp, or an ImageData containing image (an instances of sharp) property and decoding info.


Options for encode animated GIF and create sharp instance.

  • sharpOptions Number (optional) - Sharp constructor options.
  • delay (Number | Number[]) (optional) - Delay(s) between animation frames (in milliseconds).
  • repeat Number (optional) - Number of animation iterations, use 0 for infinite animation. Default by 0.
  • transparent Boolean (optional) - Enable 1-bit transparency for the GIF. Default by false.
  • maxColors Number (optional) - Quantize the total number of colors down to a reduced palette no greater than maxColors. Default by 256.
  • format ("rgb565" | "rgb444" | "rgba4444") (optional) - Color format. Default by rgb565.
    • rgb565 means 5 bits red, 6 bits green, 5 bits blue (better quality, slower)
    • rgb444 is 4 bits per channel (lower quality, faster)
    • rgba4444 is the same as above but with alpha support
  • gifEncoderOptions Object (optional) - gifenc GIFEncoder() options.
  • gifEncoderQuantizeOptions Object (optional) - gifenc quantize() options.
  • gifEncoderFrameOptions Object (optional) - gifenc gif.writeFrame() options.


Contains the following decoding info:

  • width Number - The width of the image, in pixels.
  • height Number - The height of the image, in pixels.
  • depth Number - Number of bits per channel.
  • ctype Number - Color type of the file (Truecolor, Grayscale, Palette ...).
  • pages Number - Number of frames contained within the image.
  • delay Number[] - Delay in ms between each frame.
  • frames Sharp[] (apng.framesFromApng() only) - Instances of sharp from APNG frames.
  • image Sharp (apng.sharpFromApng() only) - Animated sharp instance.

apng.framesToApng(images, fileOut, options?)

Write an APNG file from sharps.

  • images Sharp[] - An array of instances of sharp.
  • fileOut String - The path to write the image data to.
  • options EncoderOptions (optional) - Options for resize frames and encoding APNG.

Returns Promise<Object> - Resolve with an Object containing size, width, height properties.

apng.sharpToApng(image, fileOut, options?)

Write an APNG file from an animated sharp.

  • image Sharp - An instance of animated sharp.
  • fileOut String - The path to write the image data to.
  • options EncoderOptions (optional) - Options for resize frames and encoding APNG.

Returns Promise<Object> - Resolve with an Object containing size, width, height properties.


Options for resize frames and encode APNG.

  • width Number (optional) - Width, in pixels, of the APNG to output. If omitted, will use resizeTo option.
  • height Number (optional) - Height, in pixels, of the APNG to output. If omitted, will use resizeTo option.
  • cnum Number (optional) - Number of colors in the result; 0: all colors (lossless PNG)
  • delay (Number | Number[]) (optional) - Delay(s) between animation frames (in milliseconds, only when 2 or more frames)
  • resizeTo ("largest" | "smallest") (optional) - Resize all frame to the largest frame or smallest frame size. Default by largest.
  • resizeType ("zoom" | "crop") (optional) - zoom use sharp.resize(), crop use sharp.extend() and sharp.extract().
  • resizeOptions sharp.ResizeOptions (optional) - Options for sharp.resize().
  • extendBackground sharp.Color (optional) - Background option for sharp.extend(). Default by { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, alpha: 0 }.

Change Log


  • Feature: Remove sharp-gif dependency, use gif-encoder to encode animated GIF buffer directly to improve performance.


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