
0.0.1 • Public • Published


Turn any google sheet, excel file, or csv into a database or server


Running sheeeit setup will create a new project and interactively walk through setting up your Google API authentication if you want to use google sheets.

$ npx sheeeit setup

Running sheeeit new will create a new sheet and sheet module for working with the rows. If you haven't ran setup, it will prompt you to do so first.

$ npx sheeeit new


If you add the sheeeit module as a dependency in your package.json and npm install you will have the sheeeit cli available.

You can also install it globally.


You can use the CLI


Use this to export data from one of your sheets as JSON


Use this to import data from a JSON or an existing file into a new sheet


Use this to create a new sheet and sheet module


Serve one or more of your sheets as a JSON API


Setup your API access to google sheets.

API Usage

You can use sheeeit as an API.

Defining an Object Model for working with your data

You can subclass the RowEntity class to define an active record like class which represents a single row in one of the tabs or worksheets of your spreadsheet.

import { types, RowEntity } from "sheeeit";

export class Student extends RowEntity {
  static columns = {
    firstName: types.string.isRequired,
    lastName: types.string.isRequired,
    idNumber: types.string.isRequired

  enrolledInCourse(courseIdNumber) { => course.idNumber === courseIdNumber);

Student.hasMany("courses", {
  through: "enrollments",
  joinKey: "courseIdNumber"

export class Course extends RowEntity {
  static columnTypes = {
    idNumber: types.string.isRequired,
    name: types.string.isRequired,
    maxStudents: types.number

  isFull() {
    return this.students.length >= this.maxStudents;

Course.hasMany("students", {
  through: "enrollments",
  joinKey: "studentIdNumber"

export class Enrollment extends RowEntity {
  static columnTypes = {
    courseIdNumber: types.string.isRequired,
    studentIdNumber: types.string.isRequired

  static findAllStudentsInCourse(courseIdNumber) {
    return this.all.filter(
      enrollment => enrollment.courseIdNumber === courseIdNumber

Enrollment.hasOne("student", { joinKey: "studentIdNumber" });
Enrollment.hasOne("course", { joinKey: "courseIdNumber" });

You can subclass the Sheet class to define a datasource powered by a spreadsheet with multiple tabs or worksheets.

Since we have entities to model students, courses, and enrollments, we can define a School class which ties them all together.

This could be a google spreadsheet with three tabs students, courses and enrollments

import { Sheet } from "sheeeit";
import { Student, Enrollment, Course } from "./entities";

export class School extends Sheet {
  get numberOfCourses() {

  get numberOfStudents() {
    return this.students.size();

  async registerNewStudent({ firstName, lastName }) {
    await this.students.create({ firstName, lastName });

export default School.entity(Student)

Above we've defined a data model for powering a single school.

If you were a school district, you can define a collection of schools.

Creating a Collection of sheets gives you a registry like object from which you can access any of the sheets in your project.

import { Collection } from "sheeeit";
import School from "./sheets";

export const schoolDistrict = new Collection({
  serviceAccountPath: "/path/to/serviceAccount.json"

export default schoolDistrict.sheetType(School, {
  // any sheet in the collection whose title is School will be assigned the School class
  match: sheetObject => sheetObject.title.match("School")

Exposing a data model as an API

You can expose your entire collection of sheets as a rest API and get free CRUD functionality that lets you add or update any row in any sheet, and much more.

import express from "express";
import sheetApi from "sheeeit/express-middleware";

export const app = express();

export default app.use(sheetApi.collection(schoolDistrict), {
  basePath: "/district"

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