simple-cdp is a JavaScript library to interact with the Chrome DevTools Protocol.
The implementation uses Proxy objects to expose APIs. This makes it very light (around 250 lines of code) and independent of protocol evolutions.
You can install the library:
- from JSR:
deno add @simple-cdp/simple-cdp
- from NPM:
npm install simple-cdp
Start a Chromium-based browser with the switch --remote-debugging-port=9222
and run the script below.
// import the module (replace with "simple-cdp" if using NPM)
import { createTarget, CDP } from "@simple-cdp/simple-cdp";
// navigate to
const url = "";
const targetInfo = await createTarget(url);
// create a CDP instance for the target
const cdp = new CDP(targetInfo);
// enable "Runtime" domain
await cdp.Runtime.enable();
// evaluate JavaScript expression
const expression = "41 + 1";
const { result } = await cdp.Runtime.evaluate({ expression });
// display result in the console (i.e. 42)
You can also manage the session ID with auto-attached targets.
// import the module (replace with "simple-cdp" if using NPM)
import { cdp } from "@simple-cdp/simple-cdp";
// enable auto-attach to new targets
await cdp.Target.setAutoAttach({
autoAttach: true,
flatten: true,
waitForDebuggerOnStart: false
// add event listener triggered when a session is attached to a target
cdp.Target.addEventListener("attachedToTarget", onAttachedToTarget);
// create a new target and navigate to
const url = "";
await cdp.Target.createTarget({ url });
async function onAttachedToTarget({ params }) {
// get session ID
const { sessionId, targetInfo } = params;
// check if the target is a page
if (targetInfo.type === "page") {
// enable "Runtime" domain
await cdp.Runtime.enable(null, sessionId);
// evaluate JavaScript expression
const expression = "41 + 1";
const { result } = await cdp.Runtime.evaluate(
{ expression }, sessionId);
// display result in the console (i.e. 42)