
1.0.4 • Public • Published

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.


A React component for playing mp4 and m3U8 format videos using hls.js , with advertisements at diffrent intervals of time. This component is customisable per user requirements.


npm install simple-react-video-player --save
# or 
yarn add simple-react-video-player


For demo :

The most basic react-video-player can be described with:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import VideoPlayer from 'containers/VideoPlayer';
class VideoContainer extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
                <VideoPlayer src='' />
export default VideoContainer;

The basic react-video-player with advertisement can be implemented with :

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import VideoPlayer from 'containers/VideoPlayer';
class VideoContainer extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
                        url: [ '' ]
export default VideoContainer;


Props Type Default Value Description
src Url '' Url of the video to be played of mp4 or m3u8 format only
adSrc Object - Object containing advertisement details-with url(mandatory),skippable,showSkipAdAfter,firstAdOccurence as keys
->(key) url Array '' Array of URLs of the Advertisement videoes to be played of mp4 or m3u8 format only(preferably duration less than 1 minute)
->(key) skippable Boolean true Whether the Ad can be skippede or not
->(key)showSkipAdAfter Number 5 If it is a skippable Ad,then the skip can be enabled after this time
->(key)firstAdOccurence Number 0 First Ad can be played at this instance of time of the main video
title String '' Title of the video to be displayed in pause state
description String '' description of the video to be displayed in pause state
poster Url '' poster of the video to be displayed in pause state
isAutoPlay Boolean false Whether autoplay should be enabled or not
isControls Boolean true Whether the control panel should be visible or not
forward_rewind_time Number 10 changes the forward and rewing time interval of the player
onPlay Function function=()=>{console.log('Video is playing')} Called when media starts or resumes playing after pausing or buffering
onEnded Function function=()=>{console.log('Video ended')} Callback funtion at the end of the video
onPause Function function=()=>{console.log('Video paused')} Callback funtion while the video is paused
onDoubleClickCapture Function function=()=>{console.log('Double click captured')} Callback funtion on double click capture
configurations Object {width: '600px',left: '0px',right: '0px',top: '0px',bottom: '0px',iconColor: 'white',controlBarBgColor: 'black',seekBarColor: 'red',fontSize: '20px',minHeight: '100px',maxHeight: '600px'} Configurations to change the width and positioning of the video player and to change the colour of the seek bar, control panel and the icons
->(key) width Number(px)/String(px,%) 600 changes the width of the video player
->(key) left Number(px)/String(px,%) 0
->(key) right Number(px)/String(px,%) 0
->(key) top Number(px)/String(px,%) 0
->(key) bottom Number(px)/String(px,%) 0
->(key) iconColor String 'white' changes the icon colour of the control panel
->(key) controlBarBgColor String 'black' changes the control bar colour of the control panel
->(key) seekBarColor String 'red' changes the seek bar colour
->(key) fontSize Number(px)/String(px,%) 20 changes the font of the icon
->(key) minHeight Number(px)/String(px,%) 100 sets the minimum height to the video player
->(key) maxHeight Number(px)/String(px,%) 600 sets the maximum height to the video player
Key Options
adSrc url:Array of URLs of the Advertisement videoes to be played of mp4 or m3u8 format only(preferably duration less than 1 minute)
skippable:Whether the Ad can be skippede or not
showSkipAdAfter:If it is a skippable Ad,then the skip can be enabled after this timefirstAdOccurence:First Ad can be played at this instance of time of the main video
configurations width:changes the width of the video player
left:overrides default player left positioning
right:overrides default player right positioning
top:overrides default player top positioning
bottom:overrides default player bottom positioning
iconColor:overrides default player iconColor positioning
controlBarBgColor:overrides default player controlBarBgColor positioning
seekBarColor:overrides default player seekBarColor positioning
fontSize:overrides default player fontSize positioning
minHeight:overrides default player minHeight positioning
maxHeight:overrides default player maxHeight positioning

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npm i simple-react-video-player

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  • hitharai