Redis Locks
Simple redis locks using promises and redis SETNX
npm install --save simple-redis-lock
Then require it
const simple_redis_lock = require('simple-redis-lock')
Simple Usage
// create a lock object with a lock name
const my_lock = simple_redis_lock('test_lock')
(async _ =>
try {
// acquire the lock
await my_lock.acquire()
console.log('Lock has been acquired. Doing stuff..')
// release the lock
await my_lock.release()
console.log('Lock has been released. Done stuff!')
} catch (e) {
// this exception is either from the lock acquisition or release
console.log('err', e)
// optionally hook into retries
my_lock.onRetry(() =>
console.log(`Retrying... (${(+new Date - my_lock.begin_time) /1000} seconds elapsed)`)
if ( +new Date - my_lock.begin_time > 2000 ) { // 2 seconds elapsed, abort
// aborting the lock directly
Available methods
Returns a promise that resolves when your lock has been acquired successfully, or rejects when the task is aborted.
Note: the acquire task will run forever by default, until aborted either with LockObject.abort()
method or via ABORT_AFTER_MS
option key.
Returns a promise that resolves when your lock key has been freed from redis. It would reject the promise if the key has not been deleted (see redis DEL
Allows you to abort the process directly and it will reject the LockObject.acquire()
upon next acquisition attempt.
Hook into the retry process.
You can pass the custom settings via the second argument passed to the object instantiation:
// create a lock object
let my_lock = simple_redis_lock('test_lock', {
// options
ABORT_AFTER_MS: 5000, // 5 seconds
Here are the default settings:
// default configuration
const config = {
REDIS_CONNECTION: null, // pass an array for the connection [ port, host ]
NX_EXPIRES: 60 *60, // a default expiration lock keys (don't persist them in memory) defaults to 1 hour
DELAY_MS: 200, // delay between retries
KEY_PREFIX: 'lock.', // a prefix for the redis key
ABORT_AFTER_MS: null, // optionally stop trying after X milliseconds elpased