A stupidly simple way of persisting values in nodejs. This will rewrite tagged literal values that are assigned to variables in your source code.
- No config files!
- No environment variables!
- No databases!
Persist hardcoded data in your source files like you've always wanted!
npm install simple-save
Call the package with the name of the variable you want to persist, and the new value. This will replace the assignments of all tagged occurrences of this variable with the new value.
var save = ; /*SS*/ var test = 3; test = 5 ;
If you want to set a custom tag instead of the default of "SS"
, pass in a
var save = "SAVE";
You can also set custom tag suffixes on a per-variable basis as follows. In the following example, only the value of the variable within the function is modified.
var save = ; /*SS*/ var test = 3; { /*SS:1*/ var test = 3; } test = 5 ;