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2.0.1 • Public • Published

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BaseModel helps translate data to models

Check out this Medium article to get an overview - Protect Your JavaScript Applications from Api Data


With Node.js:

$ npm install sjs-base-model


const apiData = {
  make: 'Tesla',
  model: 'Model S',
  YeAr: 2014,
  feature: {
    abs: true,
    airbags: true,
  colors: [
    { id: 'red', name: 'Red' },
    { id: 'white', name: 'White' },
const carModel = new CarModel(apiData);

This is how you should extend sjs-base-model

import { BaseModel } from 'sjs-base-model';

export default class CarModel extends BaseModel {
  make = '';
  model = '';
  year = null;
  feature = FeatureModel;
  colors = [ColorModel];

  constructor(data) {


  update(data) {

    this.year = data.YeAr;

Model Explained

import { BaseModel } from 'sjs-base-model';

export default class CarModel extends BaseModel {
  // The class properties must match the data properties being passed in. Otherwise they will be ignored
  make = '';
  model = '';
  year = null;

  // If data passed in is an object then a FeatureModel will be created
  // else the property will be set to null
  feature = FeatureModel;

  // If the data passed is an array then it will create a ColorModel for each item
  // else the property will be set to an empty array
  colors = [ColorModel];

  constructor(data) {


  update(data) {

    // If the data doesn't match the property name
    // You can set the value(s) manually after the update super method has been called.
    this.year = data.YeAr;

    // Check out PropertyNormalizerUtility example below on how to normalize you data to
    // match the properties so you don't need to do it manually.

BaseModel Conversion Types

BaseModel has the ability to convert data when passed to the update method. For example if a string number was passed in "2" and you wanted to be an actual number 2 then you can give it the property name and associate it with the correct ConversionTypeEnum. Currently it only supports number, float, boolean, string and json. See below for an example:

const json = {
    "seed": "abc",
    "results": "3",    // We want this to be a boolean
    "page": "1",       // We want this to be a number
    "version": "1.1",  // We want this to be a float number
    "value": 4         // We want this to be a string
    "statuses": "{\"complete\":\"Complete\"}"  // We want this to be a JSON object

const model = new SomeModel(json);

JavaScript Version

import { BaseModel, ConversionTypeEnum } from 'sjs-base-model';

export default class SomeModel extends BaseModel {
  seed = '';
  results = false; // Previously string; converted to boolean by IConversionOption
  page = null; // Previously string; converted to number by IConversionOption
  version = null; // Previously string; converted to float by IConversionOption
  value = ''; // Previously number; converted to string by IConversionOption
  statuses = null; // Previously string; converted to JSON by IConversionOption

  constructor(data) {


  update(data) {
    const conversionOptions = {
      results: ConversionTypeEnum.Boolean,
      page: ConversionTypeEnum.Number,
      version: ConversionTypeEnum.Float,
      value: ConversionTypeEnum.String,
      statuses: ConversionTypeEnum.JSON,

    super.update(data, conversionOptions);

TypeScript Version

import {BaseModel, ConversionTypeEnum, IConversionOption} from 'sjs-base-model';

export default class SomeModel extends BaseModel {

    public readonly seed: string = '';
    public readonly results: boolean = false; // Previously string; converted to boolean by IConversionOption
    public readonly page: number = null; // Previously string; converted to number by IConversionOption
    public readonly version: number = null; // Previously string; converted to float by IConversionOption
    public readonly value: string = ''; // Previously number; converted to string by IConversionOption
    public readonly statuses: object = null; // Previously string; converted to JSON by IConversionOption

    constructor(data: Partial<SomeModel>) {


    public update(data: Partial<SomeModel>): void {
        const conversionOptions: IConversionOption = {
            results: ConversionTypeEnum.Boolean,
            page: ConversionTypeEnum.Number,
            version: ConversionTypeEnum.Float,
            value: ConversionTypeEnum.String,
            statuses: ConversionTypeEnum.JSON,

        super.update(data, conversionOptions);


BaseModel Properties

There are a couple of properties on the BaseModel. If you call the .toJSON(); method on the model it will remove all sjs-base-model specific properties.


Each sjs-base-model has an object on it that keeps track of options you can set. You can set these options by passing an object to the super method of the class constructor. Currently there is only the option expand which accepts a boolean. See the BaseModel Expand Scaffolding section to learn more.

constructor(data) {
    super({expand: true});


BaseModel Methods


Example how to use the update method which will only change the property value(s) that were passed in.

carModel.update({ year: 2015, feature: { abs: true } });


Converts the BaseModel data into a JSON object.

const json = carModel.toJSON();


Converts a BaseModel to a JSON string,

const jsonStr = carModel.toJSONString();


Converts the string json data into an Object and calls the update method with the converted Object.

const str = '{"make":"Tesla","model":"Model S","year":2014}';
const carModel = new CarModel();


Creates a clone/copy of the BaseModel.

const clone = carModel.clone();

TypeScript Usage

You will need to use as any when assigning the function model to the type of model so the compiler doesn't complain. Notice FeatureModel as any; and [ColorModel as any];

import { BaseModel } from 'sjs-base-model';

export default class CarModel extends BaseModel {
  make: string = '';
  model: string = '';
  year: number = null;

  feature: FeatureModel = FeatureModel as any;

  colors: ColorModel[] = [ColorModel as any];

  constructor(data: Partial<CarModel>) {


  update(data: Partial<CarModel>): void {

    this.year = data.YeAr;

Real World

I like to keep my data consistent in my applications. So I like everything to be camelCase. It's hard when dealing with different data api's. Each one can return a different case type (kebab-case, snake_case, PascalCase, camelCase, UPPER_CASE and this one @propertyName).

What you can do is create a utility class that normalizes the data coming in. See the PropertyNormalizerUtility example for ideas.

BaseModel Expand Scaffolding

If you pass {expand: true} into the super method of the class constructor. It will create empty models for you but only if they extend BaseModel. If you look at the example below. Notice the feature property. If no data or null was passed in for feature it will instantiate the FeatureModel and you will end up with an empty model. Basically you always have a FeatureModel assigned to feature. This can be useful if needed.

import { BaseModel } from 'sjs-base-model';

export default class CarModel extends BaseModel {
  make = '';
  model = '';
  year = null;
  feature = FeatureModel; // This will be an empty FeatureModel if no data is passed in
  colors = [ColorModel]; // This will be an empty array

  constructor(data) {
    super({ expand: true }); // Notice sjsOptions


  update(data) {

    this.year = data.YeAr;

Release History

  • 2022-04-26 v2.0.1 Fix RecursivePartial Type.

  • 2022-04-20 v2.0.0 Remove sjsId, Move sjsOptions out of BaseModel, Add return type to .toJSON(), Change return type of .clone(), Change types exported paths.

  • 2020-07-29 v1.9.1 Fix deletePropertyFromObject bug; If null was inside an array would cause the code to break.

  • 2019-06-23 v1.9.0 IConvertOption now happens before data is assigned to properties. Now if you use ConversionTypeEnum.JSON and have a default model it will create that new model instead of having a plain object.

  • 2019-01-28 v1.8.2 ConversionTypeEnum.String now coverts objects with JSON.stringify.

  • 2019-01-28 v1.8.1 Returns the original data for ConversionTypeEnum.JSON if parse fails.

  • 2019-01-17 v1.8.0 Fix issue with webpack builds.

  • 2019-01-17 v1.7.0 Update rollup build processes.

  • 2018-12-07 v1.5.2 Add ConversionTypeEnum.JSON to IConvertOption.

  • 2018-10-24 v1.5.1 Throw error if conversion property name doesn't match any properties on the model. Add ConversionTypeEnum.String IConvertOption.

  • 2018-05-09 v1.5.0 Rename IConvertOption to IConversionOption to match with ConversionTypeEnum

  • 2018-04-20 v1.4.0 Add the ability to convert property values to ConversionTypeEnum.Float, ConversionTypeEnum.Number or ConversionTypeEnum.Boolean with IConvertOption.

  • 2018-04-15 v1.3.2 Make the clone method a Generic TypeScript type. model.clone<SomeModel>();

  • 2018-04-10 v1.3.1 Update to previous version (v1.3.0) to allow other types not just objects. Now will add number, string, etc.

  • 2018-03-29 v1.3.0 If the default property value is an array and a object is passed for that property. It will put that object into an array.

  • 2018-03-20 v1.2.0 Handle null being passed in and console.error message. Remove null check condition from constructor in code examples.

  • 2018-03-05 v1.1.0 Fixed issue: If an array of data passed in with no BaseModel assigned. It would set it as an empty array. Now it will assign the raw array data correctly.

  • 2018-02-24 v1.0.0

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