A small, opinionated, vanilla JS library for working with HTML canvas
This is a very early version. Expect to see panels askew and wires coming out of the walls.
import lib from 'path/to/sketchlib/main.js';
let sketch, ctx;
whenReady(() => {
sketch = prepareSketch({
title: 'My Sketch',
canvasId: 'mycanvas',
canvasWidth: 800,
canvasHeight: 600,
pal: [
ctx = sketch.ctx;
const { canvasWidth, canvasHeight, hw, hh, ctx, pal } = sketch;
function drawSketch() {
lib.background(ctx, pal[0]);
ctx.fillStyle = pal[1];
ctx.moveTo(hw, 0);
ctx.lineTo(canvasWidth, hh);
ctx.lineTo(hw, canvasHeight);
ctx.lineTo(0, hh);
yarn install
yarn build
- Reduce the overall size of the library by including less dependency code.
- Add a demo sketch.
- Update the sample code above.
- Make createSketch private, move contents of initSketch into prepareSketch.
- Add keywords to package.json