TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

4.2.2 • Public • Published


Slack Bot API using TypeScript with rate limiting for NodeJS

For some examples on how to use this library see:

This API surface is incomplete! Feel free to expand the API by contributing.


npm install slacklib --save


// With command wrappers
import { setup } from 'slacklib'

const bot = setup({ name: 'Bot' })

bot.register('my-command', 'Description', async (bot, msg, cfg, params) => {
  const user = bot.users.find(user => === msg.user)
  await bot.postMessage({ channel:, text: `Msg recvd: ${params.join(' ')}`, ...cfg.defaultParams })
  console.log('Message received from ', user!.name)


// Without the Bot command wrapper
import { SlackClient } from 'slacklib'
const client = new SlackClient({ token: 'xoxc-abcdef-1234567890' })

Configuration API

Configuration Defaults

// This can be overridden at any time
interface DefaultConfig {
  token: 'slack-bot-token',
  name: 'SlacklibBot',
  emoji: ':robot_face:',
  channel: 'general',
  timezone: 8


This returns an object with the getter and setter functions used to control your configuration.

// Signature
interface Configuration {
  setConfig: SetConfig // Async function to update your configuration
  getConfig: GetConfig // Sync function to retrieve your configuration
  register: RegisterFunction

// privateKeys are keys that cannot be retrieved using @bot get [key]
// If you have passwords or tokens in your configuration, add those configuration keys to the privateKeys array when setting up
configure<YourConfig>(config: YourConfig & Partial<DefaultConfig>, privateKeys: string[]): Promise<Configuration>

/** ./config.ts */
import { setup } from 'slacklibbot'

// E.g.
const { getConfig, setConfig, register } = setup({
  token: 'xoxb-1234-abc',
  myKey: 42,
  name: 'My Bot Name'
  // plus any overrides of the DefaultConfig

export { getConfig, setConfig, register }


DefaultParams is intended as a helper objet for calling postMessage. It contains the message options for the bot's username and emoji.

// Included in this framework
// Signature
interface DefaultParams {
  defaultParams: {
    icon_emoji: string
    username: string
    as_user: boolean
function getConfig(): YourConfig & DefaultConfig & DefaultParams

/** ./my-module.ts (Sample module in your code) */
import { getConfig } from './config'
const myConfig = config.getConfig()


// Signature
async function setConfig(key: keyof YourConfig & DefaultConfig, value: any): Promise<YourConfig & DefaultConfig>

/** ./another-module.ts (Sample module in your code) */
import { setConfig } from './config'

async function doThing() {
  // Override a default
  await setConfig('emoji', ':thumbs_up:')

  // Set your own keys
  await setConfig('myKey', { foo: 'bar' })

Commands API

Commands that you register are automatically added to the help response.

To call commands, you must mention the bot with the command and your parameters. E.g. If the bot's username (configured via the Slack Bot customisation user interface) is @mybot:

> @mybot help
> @mybot set emoji :thumbs_up:
> @mybot set name Slackbot

Built-in commands

> help
> get
> set

Command Registration


type RegisterCallback = (bot: SlackClient, message: Chat.Message, config: Config, params: string[])


function register(command: string, description: string, callback: RegisterCallback)

// Example
import { register } from './config'

register('my-command', 'This will appear when help is caled', (bot, msg, cfg, params) => {
    text: `Message received!`,
    ...cfg.defaultParams // This is to apply the bot's username and emoji to its message
  }, )

Helper functions


This allows you to write synchronous looking code that waits for a message

import { register, readMessage } from 'slacklibbot'

export interface ReadOptions {
  // Will only "read" messages that are directly to the bot
  directOnly?: boolean

  // Timeout in seconds
  timeout: number

// Signature
function register(bot: SlackClient, user: Users.User, options: ReadOptions): Promise<string>

// Example
register('my-command', 'My command description', (bot, msg, cfg) => {
  const msgCfg = { channel:, ...cfg.defaultParams }
  await bot.postMessage({ ...msgCfg, text: 'Please respond:' })

  const response = await readMessage(bot, msg.user, { timeout: 10 })
  await bot.postMessage({ ...msgCfg, text: `Thanks for your response: ${response}` })


postMessage(msg: Message): Promise<Chat.Response>
directMessage(user: string, msg: Message): Promise<Chat.Response>

getUser(userNameOrId: string): Promise<Users.User>
getUsers(options?: ListOptions): Promise<Users.User[]>

getChannel(channelNameOrId: string): Promise<Channels.Channel>
getChannels(options?: ListOptions): Promise<Channels.Channel[]>

on(event: string, handler: (evt: Events.Event) => void)

// Equivalent to on('message', handler)
onMessage(handler: (msg: Events.Event) => void)

// Equivalent to on('message', evt => { if (evt.type === 'message') { ... } })
onChatMessage(handler: (evt: Events.Message) => void)

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