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1.0.94 • Public • Published

SlateJS Rich Text Editor

Pre-built rich text editor for Slate in React. On it's own, Slate.JS has a longer set up time and requires manual configuration of different options, etc. There are not many open source libraries that implement a rich text editor in Slate, so this library is designed to do exactly that.

Note: This module has been tested with Create React App


Run npm install slate-rte or yarn add slate-rte to add the SlateJS Rich Text Editor into your project.

Additionally, this project requires the installation of react-bootstrap.


Here's an example of basic usage:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import SlateRTE from "slate-rte";

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <SlateRTE />

export default App;    


Run npm run build to build a local version of the package. Test using the demo CRA.

Available methods

Pass in the value (generated from SlateRTE) into the following helpers

  1. extractText(slateContent) returns a string representing all the text within your current slate editor

  2. getBackgroundColor(slateContent) takes slate content adn returns the background color of the content (if any)

Utility methods

Parameter Types

  • slateContent: SlateNode[]
    • Slate-rte generated content (renders rich text when passed as a value for slate-rte)
  • onFileLoad: (opts: { id: string }) => Promise<{ url: string }>
  • Function to load images / video files from a server based on a UUID
  • variables: { [variableName: string]: string }
    • Mapping of variables in rich text to their expected values

Available Utility Methods

  • parseAsHTML(SlateNode[], variables: { [variableName: string]: string }, onFileLoad: (opts: { id: string }) => Promise<{ url: string }>): string
    • parseAsHTML returns an HTML stringified version of the slate content w/ variables filled in
  • deserializeHTMLString(htmlString: string): SlateNode[]
    • converts html string (generated from parseAsHTML) into the slate-rte compatible format

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npm i slate-rte

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  • prithvin