A minimal package for interacting with the Sleeper Fantasy API
npm install sleeper-fantasy-wrapper
All available functions are in the functions folder. The endpoints there are organized to match the sleeper documentation.
import { user } from 'sleeper-fantasy-wrapper'
const data = await user('<username or user_id>')
sample output:
success: true,
data: {
avatar: '15d7cf259bc30eab8f6120f45f652fb6',
cookies: null,
created: null,
currencies: null,
data_updated: null,
deleted: null,
display_name: '<username>',
email: <email>,
is_bot: false,
metadata: null,
notifications: null,
pending: null,
phone: null,
real_name: null,
solicitable: null,
summoner_name: null,
summoner_region: null,
token: null,
user_id: '<user_id>',
username: '<username>',
verification: null
import { leagues } from 'sleeper-fantasy-wrapper'
const data = await leagues('<user_id>', '<sport>', 'year')
sample output:
success: true,
data: [
name: '<league name>',
status: 'complete',
metadata: [Object],
settings: [Object],
avatar: '8ab794bf08ddf103c5667360ee7a9225',
company_id: null,
shard: 628,
season: '2023',
season_type: 'regular',
sport: 'nfl',
scoring_settings: [Object],
last_message_id: '1048179496932417536',
display_order: 0,
last_author_avatar: null,
last_author_display_name: 'sys',
last_author_id: '166666666666666666',
last_author_is_bot: true,
last_message_attachment: null,
last_message_text_map: null,
last_message_time: 1704267975603,
last_pinned_message_id: '966752992613429248',
last_read_id: '1048179496932417536',
draft_id: '916925584188575745',
league_id: '<league_id>',
previous_league_id: '<prev_league_id>',
bracket_id: <bracket_id>,
group_id: null,
loser_bracket_id: <loser_bracket_id>,
roster_positions: [Array],
total_rosters: 8,
last_transaction_id: 1025765854992040000
Link to the sleeper documentation: https://docs.sleeper.com/