
0.6.2 • Public • Published


Presentation tool powered by Reveal.js

At its core, Slidee turns a folder of markdown files into Reveal.js presentations.

Getting started

  • Create a markdown file ending in, e.g.
  • Write your content inside that file, e.g.
    • Slide 1
      Slide 2 
      Slide 3
  • Run npx slidee inside the folder containing your markdown file to start the Slidee presentation server (running on port 3000 i.e. http://localhost:3000)


  • --- is special. When you write --- on it's own line, it indicates the end of one horizontal slide and the beginning of the next one.
  • ||| is special. When you write ||| on it's own line, it indicates the end of one vertical and the beginning of the next one.

Show me what's possible

You can do lots of cool things with reveal.js. Take a look at an example:

Note that with Slidee you won't have to write all the HTML boilerplate, you can just write the markdown and Slidee will take care of the rest.

Writing slides with presenter notes

Reveal.js has a built in presenter notes view - just hit s to show it.

Although Reveal.js allows you to customise which parts of your markdown should be interpreted as presenter notes, Slidee is more opinionated.

In Slidee, notes must appear after ### Notes:. For example:

Slide 1

### Notes:
A simple note for slide 1


Slide 2 

### Notes:
Some more structured notes
#### Point
The point of this slide 
#### Narrative
What I want to say on this slide 
#### Transition
How will I link to the next slide


Slide 3


  • - Notes: syntax was used for notes up to version 0.2.1. Slidee remains backwards compatible with this earlier syntax because it can be nice to use a bullet to nest your notes under. Nesting your notes under a - Notes: bullet can be a bit fiddly which is why we chose to provide the simpler option of ### Notes:

Customising Slidee


Slidee uses the reveal.js moon theme as its default.

To customise the look of your presentations, you can add your own css. Slidee will look for a file named slidee.css in the location that you run npx slidee and apply those styles on top of the default.

An example that allows you to customise the slide and font colours is:

body {
    background-color: #3c2157 !important;
    color: #fff !important;

p,h3,h4 {
    color: #fff !important;

h1,h2 {
    color: #ff7999 !important;

Running slidee

You can run slidee with arguments. To use the defaults for any argument use the . .

npx slidee {folder} {extension} {locale}

  • folder - which folder you want slidee to look for presentations in. Default is the folder you run npx slidee from.
  • extension - what extension do your presentations have? Default is
  • locale - slidee uses filenames to create human readable presentation titles. Some languages have have special characters and rules for capitalisation. If you use a non western Latin character set for your filenames then consider specifying a language/locale code (examples available at ISO Language Code Table). Default is en (English)

For example: npx slidee decks .md lt. Slidee would look for files with extension .md in folder decks having an awareness of the Lithuanian language when generating presentation names.

Alternatively can also specify options using environment variables in a .env file, e.g.



  • SLIDEE_REGEX allows you to specify a general regex pattern for your presentations instead of specifying just the file extension as with the command line argument.
  • Command line arguments override environment variables




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  • mklilley