Slidev Theme - NXYZ
A minimalistic theme.
The theme currently has a limited set of layouts:
Cover Layout
The cover layout is supposed to be used on the very first slide. Using the following settings:
theme: "nxyz"
layout: "cover"
colorSchema: "light"
sans: "Ubuntu"
serif: "Kreon"
mono: "Ubunto Monospace"
aspectRatio: "16/9"
highlighter: "prism"
presenter: true
slideTitle: "NXYZ Theme"
slideSubtitle: "Example Slides"
presentationID: "Lecture 1, Week X"
author: "Name N. Nameson"
university: "University of XYZ"
department: "Department of XYZ"
coverImagePath: "./node_modules/slidev-theme-nxyz/img/building.png"
barBottomText: ""
The settings produce the following cover slide:
Default Layout
The deafult layout is supposed to be used on all slides following the cover slide. For example, using the following settings and text for a slide:
layout: "default"
slideTitle: "One-Column Slide"
slideSubtitle: "With a List"
A simple one-column slide with a list:
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Item 4
- Item 5
- Item 6
- Item 7
Then we get the following:
Additional Examples
Some additional examples based on the
file in this repo can be seen in the following: